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all fall down

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Posts posted by all fall down

  1. 7 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    She’s been gone an entire 4 days.  Can you imagine how much her heart would hurt if one of her offspring joined the military and was deployed for months on end? Or actually went overseas on a religious mission? She can’t go a few weeks without Nurie now. 

    When David and Nurie went to Africa for 2 weeks on a mission trip, Jill compared herself to a military spouse saying now she understood what they went through. Her husband was gone once, for 2weeks. Sure Jill, you definitely understand what military spouses go through. /sarcasm

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  2. 2 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

    Wouldn't Jill be part of Betsy's team rather than vice versa? Are they all Sparkling Jewels of Faith or just Jill and her downline?

    Maybe Plexus really is one big, happy family of pink drinkers, all trying to claw their way to the top of the pay pyramid.

    I think she'll wait until she runs out of ideas to make herself feel superior by shaming other people. She probably kept notes about what she saw in Vegas. 

    Yes technically Jill is a part of Betsy's team, not the other way around, but we know Jill thinks she is the sun and everyone orbits her, lol. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

    Is the "small portion of [Jill's] Plexus team" who came to Vegas one woman? She doesn't look familiar from Jill's Zoom meetings, but I suppose not everyone sits through those. 

    Most conferences I've attended give attendees tote bags and a t-shirts among other swag. Is Jill implying she bought a t-shirt "blouse" for the woman? The earrings look like Renee's stuff. 

    That's Jill's upline, Betsy Foster, who she calls her sister-in-law. She's really the sister-in-law of Jill's sister Amy. 

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  4. The convention isn't at Caesars Palace, it's at the Caesars Forum which is a conference center (amont other things). It is not a hotel itself though. The preferred hotels for the convention were Harrah's or Linq which are both close to the Forum. They were only 125 ot 129 per night through the Plexus reservation system. So that was either too much for Jill, or she didn't book soon enough to get that rate, or she didn't know about the deal. Who knows. 


    Excalibur is not close to Caesars Forum either, so she would have to cab or use public transport, assuming they didn't rent a car. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, emma675 said:

    I wonder which hotel this Plexus event is occurring? I was in Vegas in February and saw a Dita Von Teese burlesque show (which was just incredible) and Jill's head would have exploded. Heck, you can't even walk anywhere on the strip without running into girls with pasties and g strings on, trying to get tourists to pay them to take a picture with them. There are very few options for Jill to avoid seeing anything that would offend her delicate senses in Vegas. We're probably about to get some epic meltdowns.

    Looks like the event is at the Caesars Forum convention center

    The hotels are either Harrah's or The Linq. I stayed at the Linq in March. 


    If she thinks she's going to be able to avoid any gambling, alcohol, and scantily dressed people, she is sorely mistaken. It was probably easy to avoid the party with alcohol in Punta Cana, but Vegas is a whole different story since you can walk around with it pretty much anywhere, including outside on the strip. There's slot machines the second you get off the plane at the airport. And as someone mentioned above you have to walk through the casino in the hotel just to get inside to check in or get to your room. And there's smoking is all the casinos still (except I think there is one that is smoke free, but I can't remember which one).

    This is going to be a whole new level of Jill insanity and I'm here for it!

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  6. 13 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I think Josh will return to the warehouse, not the Big House. But do we know what qualifies as supervision? During the court case he was allowed to be around his own children as long as Anna was there. 

    Anyway, IMO, once Josh gains access to a phone or computer it'll just be a matter of time before he gets caught and ends up violating the terms of his release.

    Per the release order (bolding mine).


    The defendant shall have no unsupervised contact with minors, which shall include his own children. Contact with his
    children must be supervised by his wife, his parents, or another individual approved by the U.S. Probation Office.
    there is a concern about the potential for inadvertent contact with a minor at a particular place, function, or event, then
    the defendant shall get approval from the U.S. Probation Office before attending any such place, function, or event.

    This is less restrictive than when he was on trial as then the only minors he could be around supervisoed were his own children. This does not limit supervised contact to only his children. I wouldn't want him anywhere near my (imaginary) kids, even supervised, but I'm also not related to him. Theoretically, he could be a family celebration around his nieces & nephews so long as he's always supervised. All his siblings will be adults by the time he is out. 

    Assuming he gets released on his current release date (Oct 2032), he will still have 4 minor children. 


    Also, wherever he chooses to live has to be approved by the probation officer. So he'll only be permitted to go to the warehouse if that's approved. 


    You must live at a place approved by the probation officer. If you plan to change where you live or anything about your living
    arrangements (such as the people you live with), you must notify the probation officer at least IO days before the change. If
    notifying the probation officer in advance is not possible due to unanticipated circumstances, you must notify the probation officer
    within 72 hours of becoming aware ofa change or expected change.


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  7. 36 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Why is one girl holding a stuffed chicken? (I guess it looks better than a dirty rag.) Why do they just stand there while playing other people's music?  Surely no one thinks that music is coming from them.  This is most strange.  Does Jill expect "love gifts" from people who just look at them standing in front of the church?  Does she somehow think just being in her family's presence is enough to make folks want to give them money and gifts?  I don't get it.  But then, I don't "get" Jill's mind, either.

    They weren't playing other people's music in the church. They were playing their usual stuff. When Jill posted the video on her facebook, instead of the sound from the actual video, she overlaid other music over it. A few people in the comments were confused, but I don't think they are the most tech savvy people. I think it's a new skill she learned as she did that with a bunch of her Punta Cana videos. 

    I'm guessing the chicken was a prop for their song about heterosexual farm animals. 

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  8. Frontier flies direct from Punta Cana to Orlando, but it appears that it's not every day, and no more than one direct flight per day (each way). On the days they don't fly that direct route, their standard other option is from Punta Cana - Philadelphia - Orlando.

    That route doesn't make a lot of logistical sense, but I think Philadelphia must be one of their hubs. So that's the reason Jill and Dave were flying that way. It was the option on the days they flew, since they chose to fly with Frontier, so that's what they booked. (I did some reasrch because the route made no sense to me!) 

    Clearly they missed their connection from Philly to Orlando, but we don't know if that was an airline delay or something Jill and David messed up, or just not knowing to leave enough time between flights. Unless Jill tells us, it's speculation why/how they missed that flight and had to wait until the next morning. 


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  9. 9 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

    So I’m kind of confused, though I probably already know the answer to my question. Did anyone see what the cost was for this trip, not including airfare?  Their resort website says that a junior suite (lowest rank room) is around $300/night.  I’m imagining Plexus didn’t pay the whole stay (if at all) so this was an absolutely helluva expensive thing to do. Add in airfare for both of them and new outfits for both, I’m imagining this little sojourn cost the Rods around $2,000 or $3,000.  While the Stinkbus is about to wheeze its last and the kids are underfed, hollow-eyed and raggedy. Even if Plexus paid for room and board, it’s still a huge expense with airfare, new makeup/jewelry etc. and it’s one they should have passed on. 
    oh—I also found the list of excursions and costs. Nothing under $100/person.  

    The room and most meals (at the hotel buffets) are included. 

    The list of what was included is on this page - https://www.plexusevents.com/faqs

    Jill and David had to pay for airfare, but they did save by flying from Florida rather than Ohio (although, they did have to pay for the gas to drive to Florida, so who knows how much they really saved). They will also have to pay for some of the excursions if they choose to do them, and any sweatblouses they buy for themselves. 

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  10. When Jill and Dave went on their Maine trip last year, they left the kids and the RV with church members in New Hampshire or Vermont, so it's not out of question to leave them with Nurie & Nathan for 4 days. At least the Nurthans are family and know the kids. 

    I wonder if Jill applied for a passport a while back as she set a goal of moving up in Plexus, knowing that resort trips were a possibility. That would have required forethought, but Plexus and grifting (unlike the kids education and clothing) are things Jill is interested in and she does put in effort when she is interested in something. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Jill made 2 pans of food and 2 garlic breads. For her huge family and 25 guests. 

    Maybe there was snacks or something but knowing Jill there was not enough food for everyone.

    I don't think the manicotti was for the party. I think it was just for a family meal. She just happened to post them on the same day.

    As far as Jill's cooking goes, this is the most appetizing meal she's shared. I do think cheddar cheese on manicotti is weird, but in comparison to what we've seen her cook before, it's the best she's done. the bar with Jill is practically below ground at this point, so it doesn't take much! 

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  12. She definitely posted in September that she and David were in Maryland, she just didn't give the reason why, and posted a few days later per her usual blurring of the timeline. Ironically, she stopped to take pictures at another monument. Not a federal one, but still. Hope they didn't deface that one. 

    This was her post from Sep 25 near Frederick, MD. He appeared in court Sep 12 and the final payment was received on Sep 20.




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  13. 1 hour ago, Iguessnot said:

    I don't understand what you mean. The back wall has a window and door, of which said door is all the way to the edge where it looks like the right side of the jamb is missing. How could the hutch be on the back wall without blocking the door?

    There's at least 8-9 tiles on the floor that go from the cabinets on the left to the side wall next to the right of door. The hutch only takes up 5 of them. See photos. The hutch isn't as wide as it appears. 







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  14. The hutch definitely blocks the window and possibly the light switch and electrical outlet opening (depending on if it's flush against the wall), but I don't think it blocks the door. Zooming in to the after picture, the hutch sits on 5 floor tiles, and the 5th tile would butt up against the door jam, but not in front of it. 

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