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Everything posted by ZoloftBlob

  1. Oh, I don't think she's having an alarming reaction and truth be told, I think all new parents have those moments where the love doesn't blind them to how miserable the kid is making them. I am surprised she thinks it's wise to post such thoughts but then.... I think Audrey, for all that she's clearly image conscious, really has no idea how badly she can come across. Poor baby is tired cause the baby needs a feeding? Boo fucking hoo, bitch! You don't work, your husband doesn't work, and you basically get a paycheck for next to nothing oh, excuse me " being on a reality show". You don't have to worry about how you'll manage paying for daycare because you've got to get back to work in three months. All you have to worry about is feeding your child and keeping it clean. Whenever she whines, I really hope people remind her how proud she was to spread her legs for a good old Jeremy Roloff fuck and how proud she was to let us all know how she's fucking for Jesus. Hey Auj, you weren't raped, and you sure insisted you wanted a baby, so stop bitching.
  2. I'm not surprised they're quiet. They're actually working now. At a task they can't quit or dump off on anyone else.
  3. I'm just gonna say, this was one of the subplots of The Following - the cult followers encouraging the young kidnapped boy to do things that would warp the child to their point of view so that he could be his crazy father's true heir. I think Ally *is* pretty liberal, but I also think she understands that while she may not really give a shit what the damn fluffy rat is named, she knows what she is *supposed* to say about a gender normative pet name and says it because she knows whats required to belong. (Which does mean she's the sort to alter her behavior for the group think) I don't think she's doing this for Ivy - frankly Ivy doesn't strike me as more liberal - I think Ally found her tribe, a group that accepts her, and is terrified of being cast out so she very carefully makes sure to adhere to all of their rules. I mean, at the end of the day, she's not all that upset that she shot and killed Pedro, she's upset that her identity as a super cool liberal is being torn away and her group is casting her out. I'm not saying progressive liberals are a cult btw - just that the way Ally has attached herself to their beliefs is less about Ally genuinely believing in their principles, and more about Ally wanting to belong to a group where she feels safe and wanted. Which goes to the hive mind concept.... Which makes this a rather interesting look at how cults evolve and gain members and get members to embrace increasingly alternate views of the world. Of course next week we may find out the clowns are supernatural manifestations of the crab people overlords who are bent on conquering the earth. I mean, this is AHS.
  4. The dead birds were also direct physical evidence. And why does no one have a cell phone with a camera to take pictures of the killer clowns masturbating in the produce aisle or the deadly black trucks spraying eerie green poison. One of the problems of setting the story in modern times is that the tech really has to be accounted for. If someone can set up a secret camera to film Winter fondling Ally in the tub, then there could easily be security cameras all around the outside of the house to film the approach of Red John's painting clown minions. Roanoke handwaved the cell phone call for help with "we disabled the phones and not one of our wildly independent and unpredictable participants dared violate the no cell phone rule" but I am starting to question why Ivy, and Ally and Oz don't have their cell phones at the ready.
  5. So, I am just going to state up front - I genuinely find most new moms whiny and annoying. I don't like it when new moms and dads whine how hard it is because... abortion is legal, so I have to assume you wanted the baby you're bitching about. That said, I think all new parents get a little bit overwhelmed and shocked at how difficult it is, so I have to allow some whining from these two out of simple fairness. Yes, Celia, Audrey is posting her little sad faces of woe and her messages of "my boobs hurt and the kid doesn't sleep thru the night!" for fan attention. She wants, and is getting, bunches of responses that amount too "you're a good mommy Audrey! Poor Audrey is the best!". Its attention seeking. My hope is that at some point soon, Audrey will stop and reflect on just how lucky she is - she didn't HAVE TO work up until two days before her due date. She is in a position where she doesn't have to return to work in six weeks or three months. She will have a husband who won't be working either and they have no money concerns (aka they can both afford to do nothing but parent). The kid apparently is healthy. They have a huge support network of family who are willing to help them. They are so much luckier than so many people out there.. I hope she learns to focus on THAT and not on how she's tired and her titties hurt. Because really, she chose to have a child. No one made them get pregnant, and abortion IS legal.
  6. Not only that. its not the sort of incident that attracts media attention. Ally isn't a cop and she was home alone, in a blackout with a child and there had been a murder recently in her neighborhood. Pedro wasn't expected. She's not "right" to shoot him... but this is a tragic accident and not likely to get people worked up. She's not a cop, and she shot someone she thought was breaking into her home. Its hard to believe this would attract protestsd.
  7. AZChristian - having done some similar aged activities (not dance but karate) its not that the kids will act up because their parents are there, its because the parents can be a distraction to the children in the class. A young kid with a parent in the room will gravitate to the parent, a child with no parent to hide behind will be forced to interact and participate. Plus, it stops over coaching :)
  8. Well, I love that the scares are more psychological (and therefore scarier) than seasons past where the murders and subsequent ghosts, and ghost murderers got silly. I will say though... I do need to start seeing some "why" on this. The clowns for example - that's not a for Ally only thing - the clown motif happened in the murder of the councilman and the couple in the coffins.
  9. I'm of two minds on the distillery trip. It's not my idea of fun at all but ok. It also doesn't sound kid friendly but... I'm not of the "once you have a child, the child is all, all activities must revolve around the child" school of child rearing. Children never really learn how to act in adult space if they are never taken to adult spaces. That's why, when I am eating out at a nice place, I don't wig out at crying kid if the parents are parenting or disciplining because this is how children learn that they are not the center of the world and that they have to conform to certain behavior. I can't tell you how many not so kid friendly venues I was dragged to as a kid and told to shut up and be quiet... and this wasn't a bad thing. Zoey and Will don't need to have every event geared to their tastes, they're old enough to start learning that part of life is not getting your way. On the other hand, while castles are more kid friendly than say Arlington, they're usually historical and they aren't playgrounds and Bill and Jen need to not let them run across ropes and barriers because it's rude to the other guests, it can damage things, and frankly someone could get hurt.
  10. God knows I hate being fair but... If they are holding off on showing pictures of the baby so they can get paid for a magazine article or whatever - I can't really fault them for doing something Zach and Tori did as well. That said, I really don't see them making a mint. Lets be honest, they're the also rans now in this tale. The show isn't going to go on unless Zach and Tori sign on because the show is about little people.
  11. I rarely defend Matt - and this isn't much of a defense because yes, just dedicate your damn vanity children's book to all your grandchildren rather than separating them out - but here goes. The book is about a dog much smaller than the rest of the dogs, a dwarf dog as it were, doing it's very best to not just keep up but to win a race against the average height dogs. This is obviously an allegory for Matt's dwarfism and Jackson is a dwarf so... Voila! Never mind how utterly tone deaf it is to dedicate the book to the first grandchild as the second grandchild is being born.
  12. Absolom, unfortunately these two live in a bubble where they probably genuinely believe they are being totally adorable in their "hee hee hee we can't show you the baby but.... heeheehee ain't we adorbs??" cluelessness. I mean, anyone who chides them is deemed "a hater" so essentially anyone who comments that it's rude is actually the rude one.
  13. Absolom - I just feel bad for the kid, in that I have a feeling that no matter how adorable the baby is, she's always going to be girl and not a son, and the parents are always going to push looks over anything else. As for the lack of photos... to a point I tend to be "who cares" because they are OBVIOUSLY being told by TLC production/whatever to not post pictures of the child. The reason its OBVIOUS? Because these two constantly post pictures of themselves all of the time. And katydid, I absolutely agree. If the terms of their show employment are bothering them so, then these grown ups need to actually get real jobs... where they will be free to post however many pictures of their child they want. Boo hoo, they don't work and have a a half a million dollar house and we should all be crying that they are restricted from posting pictures of the baby. Good lord, first world problems...
  14. Well sure. Who doesn't stage elaborate photo shoots of their child with flower crowns and petals? You'll forgive me if I am not especially sympathetic to Audrey and Jer's tiredness. Its not like they have to go to work after getting just a few hours of sleep and they clearly do have the time and money for an elaborate photo shoot of their child...
  15. Jeremy is still whining about his first world problems. His espresso maker is not making espresso right. Its a Breville Barista Express model - they sell on Amazon for 529.00 or so. How awful!
  16. This is just me supposing but with the title being Cult and all... Maybe Paulson IS playing the villain. Ally is likely to end up joining the cult and finds it soothing her phobias and allowing herself to become a stronger, calmer person.... Then she starts climbing the ranks, and months later, who is calling the shots and calmly ordering followers to drink the purple Kool-Aid? Ally.
  17. Jellybeans - I think its driven a bit by both. I think production is ever present and probably had some rules etc because they're likely filming. I also think Jer and Auj are holding back for a variety of reasons - better offers/branding/displaying Ember in their new product line. When and if they don't get much attention, they will declare that they intentionally kept the baby from media attention because they're such awesome parents, they didn't want to encourage the public with photos. Personally, I also suspect that it really is second grandchild syndrome (no one cares, its not the first) and little bit of possible family pique as well = Auj clearly doesn't like Jeremy's family being around so now that she's got a screaming baby and mastitis, she's getting her wish - she and Jer can rely on the Bottis since the Roloffs are just "former family" to Jer and Auj.
  18. Yeah, I've assumed that the lock down on pictures etc is production driven and that we're going to see a blitz soon.
  19. Jer's been instastorying his first world problems - poor lil baby's expresso machine isn't getting enough pressure for espresso. Also Auj's mom is over "to help" and somehow their cat got on someone else's roof.
  20. Naw, Auj was on instastory yesterday complaining that she's had 7 hours of sleep in 6 days...
  21. @leighroda I totally agree, we all make bad decisions. Our bad decisions just aren't dismissed as the actions of innocent babies. This. Jeremy, for example, as a 26 year old adult man, has publically stated he believes its not awkward or difficult to tell your opposite sex boss that you must be chaperoned in all meetings. He was rudely dismissive over any suggestion that he was not correct. Since Jeremy is a man, and actively portraying himself as a marital counselor/member of a ministry - they do call the marital website a ministry - he's not a peepants baby boy sucking his thumb saying "I's a marital counselor! Pay 'ttention! Gimme money!" - he needs to handle the reality that while some people find his philosophy of "never trust your spouse alone" (which is what it amounts to) delightful, some people find it to be sexist and assholeish. Auj needs to learn this as well. Because they aren't children anymore. They're openly judging others. If they're old enough to smarm on camera how people should stay married because they should "fix it!" then they are old enough to hear that their advice is hurtful. And they are way too old to get the "young and dumb" excuse. Lots of people are judged for the dumb shit that they say and do as mid twenties adults. I have yet to see any valid reason as to why Jer and Auj are still considered too young to own their stupid shit. And I find the social media set up for Ember odd because Jer and Auj have expressly gotten on their high horses about how social media is very bad (even though their entire non show income apparently relies on social media) and how people should be out living their lives. But we have them using social media to "dispense their message", we have Jeremy using social media to shame people for using social media, we have Audrey charging people for her weekly texted religious devotionals... and we have them registering their newborn child for the hated social media almost as soon as the baby is born. I mean, is there any doubt in anyone's mind that Ember Jean Roloff is going to be Mommy Auj's and Daddy Jeremy's shining little star on the internetz? And who wants to bet they'll continue to insist how they HATE social media?
  22. So here's my problem. For Ivy to be in the cult/gaslighting Ally since 9/11 or at a bare minimum at least eleven years, since Ozy is ten, then whatever the cult really is, it can't be whatever Kai and Winter are developing because they both would have been relatively young children then. Which means there could be more than one cult plot but... I'm beginning to have concerns. We have a woman with a child with past issues, and creepy neighbors who seem overly friendly and are in a relationship that isn't what it appears. The woman may be getting gaslit by significant others for a lengthy amount. There's a nanny who has an agenda, who the woman trusts... I'm not describing the current American Horror Story, I am describing the tv show The Following. The mom and son had a nanny who they loved and trusted who was really a member of the cult the woman's serial killer husband set up. There was a married couple - supposedly gay but actually members of the cult pretending to be a pleasant gay couple to gain the woman's trust. I mean sure, Kevin Bacon, graphically violent deaths, and cult members killing themselves on order hasn't happened yet but... I have a good feeling at least two of these will happen.
  23. I thought so - the woman was wearing a poncho and shawl, I thought.
  24. I'm a little yes and no on that. I do see your point - we definitely do look down on spouses who leave partners who are physically ill and I do agree that mental illness can be as serious. On the other hand, mental illness can be much more dangerous to the non sick members of the family. I mean, I'm not unsympathetic to how Ally is probably being pushed... but she did kill a man and she has been going to the door with a knife and she does appear to be hallucinating. While I am not surprised Ivy hasn't left Ally yet... Ivy has more than just herself to consider when she decides what to do. She is currently living with someone who is mentally ill and hasn't been compliant with taking medication for the mental illness, and there's a child living in the house with the mentally ill person who hallucinates and who shot someone in a paranoid break. If Ally isn't arrested (and she kinda should be, and probably should be considered a danger to others but I totally bet she's barely looked at by police) Ivy really needs to consider how safe the ten year old is with Ally. And that consideration makes me have no issue if Ivy makes the call to leave Ally and take Ozy with her. With a child in the mix, the big issue is the child's safety.
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