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Everything posted by ZoloftBlob

  1. Being adopted at 19 months is part of why I kinda wonder if maybe she was just tiny and a bit weirdly shaped. I admit, I will be amused if three years from now she is the tall one.
  2. Eh, my niece could do that until she was about 3. She's not a dwarf but she was kind of a squat kid. Mind you, I agree that Zoey is probably a dwarf of some sort and we probably aren't seeing all sorts of medical tests etc because perhaps... there's nothing wrong with her. Will clearly had some hearing impairment and the sleep apnea. Maybe Zoey... not so much. Despite being at the crappier orphanarium.
  3. Yes - I just don't see the issue. 4leafclover was suggesting that giving medical advise to a pediatrician is silly. I might not agree with that, but whether she is a neonatologist or a pediatric surgeon, she's still a pediatrician and to get that designation, you do have to have some of the basic training. Your followup was that, and correct me if I am wrong, Jen doesn't have experience with toddlers due to her speciality. My point? Neither do any first time parents - but Jen still has more specialized training considering children and their medical needs than say, a cocktail waitress so its still a fair point. Not a huge point, I agree, but still valid. 4leaf clover - I am going to disagree with you a bit in that Will is getting speech therepy so there's obviously a problem there. The toileting is hopefully addressed because it could become a problem.
  4. I'm not sure the relevance then since millions of people who aren't pediatricians, let alone neonatologists, manage to take care of, treat, and relate to children who are older and can communicate.
  5. I think its two different situations they are referring to. Bill was remarking on Zoey being shy (around Santa amongst others). Jen was talking about both Will and Jen, and was likely referring to the idea that since the orphanages probably had staff turnover, the kids in orphanages are trained to respond to adults and to not fuss when an adult gives them an order or tells them what to do. Well, I don't need to see toilet training - it grossed me out with the Jon and Kate show, but its a fair point that kindergarten in public school will insist on no diapers. I had a family member go through that with their kid - they were just doing the "she'll know when she wants to be toilet trained, its important she has something she can control" method so the kid was almost five and not reliably toilet trained. The school officials were pretty blunt with the family member - its understood that there will always be accidents, but if the kid was wearing diapers, even pull ups, she was going to be placed in special ed, not regular kindergarten, because not being able to reliably use the toilet at five meant she was special needs. (needless to say, tiny family member was trained within days)So hopefully Jen and Bill won't let it go. Because frankly, you're right. He might be cute as a button but he will be smaller than all the other kids and that will never change, and he doesn't speak well, and that will put other kids off. He's already a target for teasing, adding diapers is not going to help.
  6. I don't remember this but I wouldn't be shocked. My thought on seeing her was that she looked like a kid that hadn't gotten enough to eat and wasn't growing.
  7. I have to admit, I kinda wondered if she was just a tiny little kid. She looks very proportionate
  8. A) TLC was booking it. B) The show tends to overplay the prejudice issue. Yes, it can happen, but its more with the Roma types who still have Romanian/Hungarian names and who look more like what a stereotypical "gypsy" looks like. The US just doesn't have the same issues that the British show has. Unless one of these people walks into a venue discussion with "I'm a gypsy!", their names and their appearance isn't going to immediately give it away. Most of the "Rumney" gypsies that the show features from West Virginia look well, Italian, with English names and fit it with the whole Appalachian crowd they live with. Even on the British show, the narrator neglects to mention that some of the dislike for the Irish Travelers is in part because the British just aren't all that keen on the Irish.
  9. Prediction, based on utterly no spoilers. Clair is kidnapped by the twins and the final moments, we get the reveal that the twins are or had a creepy dinner with her where she is of course dead. Joe and Ryan and possibly Mike discover this and next season? We find out that Ryan and Joe are now a team hunting the twins for revenge and Mike and Max are tracking them. OR same scenario except that Ryan lets Joe out of custody so that Joe can get revenge, noting he can always kill him later.
  10. And I can't believe Season three is so conveniently set up with Ryan and Joe working together to save the woman they both love from the horrible twins! :D
  11. I think part of the problem is that Matt likes to brag about how much he does and how he is always working and he needs his projects to keep himself alive and no one else in his family does anything that he doesn't dismiss in comparison to his wants and needs. If Matt doesn't like it or want to do it, he whines and moans like a little bitch until he gets his way. When he gets called on his televised shit, he snots off about how the audience is too stupid to understand the magic of editing and are wrong. If I listened to Matt, the marital collapse that we all now know for certain actually happened appeared out of the blue because we silly people were blinded by the editing and he and Amy were happily married up until the very moment he walked out on the wife. Because Matt can't be wrong. Matt also likes to paint himself as the selfless family martyr, too in love with Amy to dare cross her so he spends his marriage "never comfortable in my own house" because he's too cowed by the bitch harridan to dare pick up on his own. But when she does insist on cleaning, he's bitching to the skies how her work is completely irrelevant and pointless and a waste of everyone's time, and when Matt wants to do what Matt wants, he's proud to grin and tell the cameras how he has no intention of listening to Amy, he's the man and he's gonna do what he wants. He's a narcissist. It is always about him and what he wants. If he wants to head to Maui for one of his bi-monthly trips to Hawaii, he will and fuck what the family is doing, he wants fun in the sun and justifies it to the cameras as needing to get away. He openly stated in the Ireland episodes that spending time with his family wasn't a good use of his time. He misses the beginning of his sons graduation because he didn't feel like showing up early and having to wait,and proudly notes he has no regrets about it. But when Amy misses his birthday due to work, he's just about running to the camera to tell us all how its a tough nut to swallow, and any time Amy isn't at his beck and call due to a speaking engagement, he's very quick to note how Amy is just neglecting the precious family. When the kids are sick, Matt's right there to let them know how completely miserable his own childhood was and how they will never bear the pain and torture he went thru. If Matt can't be the center of attention, he's pissed off. While on his facebook, he brags incessantly about how super duper the kids are, on the show, all he does is complain about them and run them down. Frankly, to listen to Matt, no one in his family is competent at anything. I have never heard him be complimentary of Amy except in a passive aggressive way - "I never thought she could do it!" for example. He and Amy both used their recent episodes to imply to the world that Zach was a loser moving back home when they damn well knew he was closing on a house. Molly and Jeremy are the only ones he says nice things about. Sure he's a dreamer and a hard worker, but he is also a demanding asshole who pouts and plays the pity me card when he doesn't get his way, and knows that he won't be called out on being a nasty piece of work because he's a little person.
  12. The more I watch, the more I am convinced that this show ends with Ryan and Joe reenacting the "Let's Dance" sequence from Footloose as everyone, from both seasons, including the dead characters, all jump in to bop along. Because why not?
  13. Jeremy does not have a job. He is still in school. For photography. It sounds like they are timing the wedding to coincide with his graduation (his school is on an odd schedule, I think he graduates in August as well.) It's kind of fun, the things that aren't being said - his employment status for example. He and the new school buddy Tye are apparently running some sort of destination wedding photography business but weddings are a fairly seasonal business. Audrey the pending wife has no job to speak of - I think she is in school or went to school to become a teacher but I might be mistaking her for Tory, the other Roloff whore. Where are these two marrieds gonna live? How are they going to support themselves? I know the Roloffs like to cry "privacy" but big boy Jer can no longer be a child once he gets married. As it is, his childhood has extended all the way to 24. When will the Golden Boy actually be an adult without Mom and Dad supporting him? Who wants to bet Jeremy "starts helping Matt on the farm" and never leaves?
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