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  1. Supreme Court judges? No way. But American Idol or The Voice? Most def. And Keir Simmons would be an acceptable flub. He's an NBC UK reporter. That name would come to him.
  2. Yep. I had heard he was running and saw a story about his background. Considering the little most Americans know about the US gov't and political system, economy, foreign policy, etc. , I am sure very few people outside those who follow British politics know anything about him. But he has been around for years. And he comes from very middle class roots. His wife is a nurse in the NHS. At this point, anyone with a pulse in the Labour Party would have done better than the Tories.
  3. Or her soul. I never could figure out what the blood stuff was all about. Were they killing younger people and taking their blood? Because in the beginning of that story line, Sheryl was going to bars hitting on young and older men. TBH I never understood Sheryl's deal. I realize dating Leland was a plot device to keep Leland around the family, but after what he did to her, why would a smart woman like her go back to him and engage in all that terrible stuff. And it was Leland endangering Laura that was the final straw? After everything he did to that family? He was grooming Lexi to be the head of a sigil family, threatening Kristen constantly, kidnapping Andy. Speaking of, what happened to Edward? Hopefully they'll explain what all this was about. TBS, I really did enjoy this episode, even for the simple fact they closed up the hole.
  4. This was a great episode. Finally the voice of reason. Close up the hole for God's sake. I don't know if anyone else watched Manhattan, but the actor playing the train engineer played an Army private at Los Alamos, where Katja's character worked on building the atomic bomb. Love that the train tracks right above the house are haunted. That is some great writing. And makes sense. Please Ben. Don't become the guy who makes videos and begs a woman he hooked up with once before she slaughtered a goat with her cult to come back, considering he didn't really ask her to move in in the first place. Nice to see Karima back. If the blood or whatever is making Sheryl young, why does she look exactly the same as she did before the transfusions?
  5. What you're saying is exactly what Mika has said all along. I know our existing biases toward Mika's cry talking and outbursts can color how we feel about most everything she says, but I need more than the debate to believe Joe Biden is unfit to run. What if his behavior is the result of exhaustion and taking cold medication? Being hoarse from constant debate practice? And I believe I said earlier, the shit Trump was saying, the lies, I know at times my mouth was agape at the utter insanity of his statements. I'm ten years younger than Biden and there are times esp at work when I'm tired and my body and brain just shut down for a few minutes. And I see it happen to people half my age. Of course the media and other DC insiders are circling like a bunch of vultures. Has anyone noticed how the media has basically given Trump a pass on everything he does? Pull up a video of Trump at a recent rally and tell me honestly it's not the sign of a complete mental breakdown. And physically? Give me a break. He stumbles, he looks like he has no idea where he is, he can't complete a sentence without veering off on some completely unrelated subject. Where is the utter outrage at what the Supreme Court is doing? Other than on MSNBC, I don't see a lot of hair on fire opinions on Trump claiming he didn't sleep with Stormy Daniels, or the Courts making up laws, but by God Joe Biden didn't act like a 40 year old triathlete and the world is ending. As far as Joe, it's 4th of July week. I don't think Mika or the network banished him. Everyone is used to his bullshit. He's on vacation. He probably took the kids to Boston for some Red Sox games or whatever. Sometimes a coincidence is just that.
  6. did you mean 1972? Carter won in 1976. Lyndon Johnson decided not to run in 1968, due to his unpopularity from the Vietnam War. Guess who got elected. The guy who said "if the President does it, it's not illegal". I'm wondering when Congress is going to step in and do something about SCOTUS making up laws. I believe we learn in 1L that according to the Constitution, Congress makes the laws, the courts interpret them. They can decide an EXISTING law is unconstitutional, but they can't just make up shit to suit their own needs. Unless they're saying the quiet part out loud, ie "President Biden, throw him in jail". Official act of the Presidency and all. I mean, it's not having Seal Team 6 take him out, it's just a little ride up to Danbury. We have to hope this SCOTUS bullshit scares enough people into realizing we cannot afford to have Trump back in the WH. Whoever the Dems end up running, I think Kamala and Pete Buttigieg may be our best hope if Biden does step down. We'll see how Biden does in his interview with ABC News Friday night. Newsome is a bit of a risk, both members of a ticket from CA? And do we want to deal with the fact Don Jr's girlfriend is his ex wife? Because talk about mental lapses.
  7. I think she may have meant that Biden did consider running in 2016, and it was reported that he and Obama did talk about it, but Biden decided not to, based on his conversations and that Beau had just died in May 2015 and the family was still grieving. Sometimes Mika's word soup gets a little confusing.
  8. I noticed MSNBC edited out Joe & Mika's spat for the 8 am re broadcast. No use beating a dead horse when you're wrong, huh Joe? Maybe all the know it alls who are calling for Biden to step down and throw the Democratic Party, the convention and the election into utter chaos, basically handing the election to Trump, SHOULD calm down. BIden's campaign people should have never agreed to that shit show. Tapper and Bash let Trump say whatever he wanted, CNN only fact checked him an hour later. Polls are showing that it's 50/50 as far as who won, and a Univision poll gave Biden the win. Obviously, the more the media harps on this Biden should step down bullshit, the more Democrats panic and MAGA Republicans are overjoyed. More clicks, more tuning in to the news outlets to see if anything has changed. Just what they want. It's the political version of those idiot ads "Former star of Who's The Boss is 70 looks 40!", and you click on it and it's an ad for some shitty face cream or something completely unrelated. Made you look! Funny how the lies Trump told every time he opened his mouth are no big deal. Or that he brought up his golf game instead of answering a question. So we won't use the Obama/Romney debate as the comparison. How about Reagan-Mondale. Talk about being called out as old and frail. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/29/g-s1-7260/biden-debate-reagan So maybe for once, Mika is right.
  9. So apparently there was a time jump and Timothy is now several months older than last week, and looks like an adorable baby boy. Thank God because that fake baby they were using was pretty bad. What are those little packets? Some kind of mystical herbs or something? I don't recall them being around when Andy was in Leland's hypno closet.
  10. Go back and watch clips of the 2012 debate between Obama and Romney. Obama was, I believe 51 years old that year, so 30 years younger than Biden, and he blew it. Dems were losing their minds. Guess who got re elected. What I don't understand is why Biden campaign agreed to the format. You can't answer questions in 2 minutes, let alone rebut, or refut as Trump calls it, in one minute.. And wtf was Tapper doing telling Trump "you don't have to answer, just do whatever you want". And why no push back from the moderators on Trump's lies. "I didn't have sex with a porn star. I never said American troops are losers. I fixed Covid. My economy was stronger." JFC. After the debate, Alex Wagner interviewed Gavin Newsome. He said for everyone to calm down. And did anyone see Biden at the watch party after the debate? That Joe looked like he did down a couple cans of Red Bull, or get a B 12 shot. Rachel said "where was this guy during the debate??" Biden was trying to stick to his talking points which was a mistake. He got flustered when he saw he couldn't get thru it in 2 minutes. And as far as the look on his face during Trump's lies, I'm pretty sure most people had the same look on their face. They just didn't have cameras pointed at them. Does anyone really think Democrats are thinking, well I guess all the independents will vote for the fascist asshole now, the convicted felon. Because the man who actually has helped America, and done a lot of really good things for us, stumbled during a debate. Is this really the bar we judge candidates by? Or do we judge them by their records? Their actions?
  11. I get the feeling every media outlet was trying this "two old guys nobody likes" bullshit, even Jon Stewart got into the act. Until people started pointing out they're just enabling Trump by saying shit like this. Take the fact that Biden's 81 out of the equation, if that's what bothering a voter. Then explain how, with everything he has done in 3 1/2 years, he and Trump are alike, or it's the lesser of two evils, or whatever the fuck these asshats are saying. Ever since Marty Baron retired and left WaPo, the reporting has gone downhill terribly. I've never understood the appeal of some of these reporters like Ashley Parker, it's like, if you want to write hit pieces, and get clicks, get a job at People magazine and tell us WTF is going on with JLo and Ben. This is too important a time in our democracy for reporters to be fucking around with shit like this. And any decent editor would have killed that article and threatened to take her off national politics.
  12. Either on Colbert or Smartless podcast, he explained that they had to postpone the Road House MMA (?) fight scenes because he had Covid, and it was re-scheduled in the middle of the PI shoot. So yes, he was still Road House buff while playing Rusty. As far as him telling Barbara to take responsibility, I'm wondering if they were not having sex or at least having issues, and it may have led to him becoming involved with Carolyn. Did anyone else wonder why Barbara was scrubbing Kyle's bike? Like at 3 am? The police already know Kyle was at Carolyn's house. Either Kelley is throwing a red herring in to the mix, or it's a clue we're meant to overlook...for now. Just my opinion and imagination running wild. I listen to too many podcasts about film making and how a throw a way scene comes back later. I'm also wondering about the DNA under Carolyn's nails. Can that happen if you just drag your nails across another person's bare skin, without breaking the skin? And again, no blood or anything in the car or on Rusty. IIRC, they found blood traces on OJ's clothes in the drain pipes of the washer at his home after he killed Nicole and Ron Goldman. I know the book came out before the murders, but why wouldn't they check the pipes, the carpet fibers in his home, etc. They had search warrants. Unless they did and as Horgan stated, came up with nothing. Or maybe the ME is falsifying the autopsy reports?
  13. Oh, I agree with you that they call ALL THE TIME. The home my father was in wanted me to come sit up with him all night because he kept getting up in the middle of the night. Like the nurse and attendants standing around at the desk right outside his room couldn't get him back in bed. We finally had a consultant talk to them. I can understand Jasmine having to leave but why ask her in the first place. It's never been established that she and Kristen are that close.
  14. That is a rather odd choice of words, "first 2 husbands". Mika you are aware we know you had an affair which led to the break up of your first marriage. Maybe don't keep bringing it up. No one is taking dating/marriage advice from you. Or career advice.
  15. I thought that song sounded familiar... Funny that Kristen would have it memorized. I think there was just too much going on in this episode that we couldn't focus on the A plot, the case and the fake cross wood. We have bats in the house, ghost pilot, evil flying across the ocean, flight attendant attacked by Evil, bad exorcism, and why is everyone from the Vatican such an asshole? What is up with Kristen's attorney babysitting the girls? And then leaving to take care of a mother who is in a nursing home, where there are attendants and doctors and nurses. Those girls are by themselves ALL THE TIME. They can't make it one night alone? FFS Kristen goes out to bars in the middle of the night and leaves Lynn in charge. Also, and not to get too realistic, but I have had experience with being exposed to rabies and having to get the shots, and nurses told me the number one carriers are bats. Their teeth are so small you don't even know you were bit. It's much scarier to have to worry about rabies killing you then getting locked out of your house in a storm and calling your batshit (pardon the pun) crazy evil Grandmother. I trust the Kings that they'll follow up with this story line and explain some stuff later.
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