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  1. Kinda nice to see them cover actual important events. Watching House hearing now. This will give them more material for tomorrow. More bs, obfuscation, and someone bringing up the shooting at the baseball game years ago when Scalise was shot. Have NO clue what that has to do with this. It's nauseating.
  2. Gotta say this morning is off the hook. They got Goldberg back on as he published the texts. Lemire was reading them as they describe in real time the attack on the Houthi camp. It is insane. It has what planes are being used, if they hit targets, etc. Here's the kicker: Signal can't be downloaded on most gov't phones. Witkoff WAS IN MOSCOW during this text. US gov't officials aren't supposed to use any communication devices while in Moscow. Period. Even encripted gov't devices can be compromised. I don't know why Chris Matthews and Tina Brown are necessary to the convo, but they're on set. They had Sen Warner on, and now Hakeem Jeffries is on. He's called for Hegseth to be fired. The other interesting piece is the coverage of the SSA head confirmation hearing. Warren and other Dems are hammering him on getting the staffing back up at SSA as the web site is crashing, and the phone lines are jammed. Warren said the promise to the American workers is that the gov't get them their benefits, and that can't happen if the staff isn't there. They're going to, for lack of a better term, FAFO. They think the town halls are bad now? Wait til this SSA stuff really starts affecting people.
  3. Goldberg was on in the 7 am hour. Joe, Willie and Lemire interviewed him. I had seen him on Jen Psaki's show on Monday night, and then Rachel and Jonathan Capehart kept the story going with various guests. The hearings today were lit, as Jonathan predicted. No one would admit the texts had classified information, so Sen Warner kept asking to see them. I've heard Goldberg is going to release them, since he's being called a liar by the Administration. If they aren't classified, then show them.
  4. Mika turning into Joe by claiming "I'm hearing from people who have family in the military who are FREAKED OUT!!!!!". Sure Mika. Whatever. Why would people call you about this? I will say watching the coverage on MSNBC, including MJ, has been a hoot as they tear apart Trump's NSC doing group chats about war plans. IDK, maybe call all parties in to a SCIF on site? Don't they all live in DC? Why are we doing this on phones, encripted or otherwise? Let alone a public messaging app. What if you miss one reply that says "POTUS calling off attack! Stand down!!" And Hegseth using emogees. Nothing says military genius like not realizing who you're texting AND using emogees like a 12 year old girl excited she got Taylor Swift tix. He thought he sounded so cool saying "OpSec". Yeah, except there wasn't much Operational Security was there? I wish they'd get Pete Buttigieg on. He's been on fire on IG.
  5. I think she got it re highlighted or whatever for the Kiss Mika's Ass party in Abu Dhabi. (I've decided KYV is really KMA, because that's all it's good for, get a bunch of women together to kiss Mika's ass.) On her IG page you can tell she had it done. It was definitely much lighter.
  6. Everything about her is so phony. And then she yells at him at the Planet Hollywood opening because he made the unforgiveable mistake of speaking while she was speaking. Right there shows what she's about. She wants to be the center of attention and he was her Golden Ticket to fame and fortune. Everyone thinks he has such a terrible temper but how he keeps it in check in that insanity is beyond me.
  7. Her voice is SO annoying. When Alec says she's so strong and she could have walked away. Alec, you think she's gonna leave all this money and the homes, etc. just because of your trial? She's not going anywhere. Girlfriend knows a good thing when she sees it.
  8. If this was just Alec sitting around with his friends telling stories and complaining about trying to keep a house organized with all those kids, it would be much better. I have seen more of Hilaria Baldwin's breasts than I ever wanted. Why does she think having them hanging out of a tank top or shoved up under her chin is attractive? She actually admitted she was from Boston. I thought the story was she was "from Spain" and didn't understand English, etc. Til she had to admit that was bs. I distinctly remember Alec telling David Letterman she was from Spain.
  9. I haven't been this stressed out watching a tv show since Breaking Bad. I mean that as a compliment.
  10. She triggers all of us because we've watched her for years and know what a phony she is. "I wrote a book 15 years ago and it's turned into a movement. She actually said women are lying about their age so they can get into the 50 over 50 thing. Name me ONE woman who lies about her age to seem older, unless she's under 21 and trying to buy alcohol. If you can read that without wanting to vomit, you're a stronger person than I am.
  11. He wasn't caught "red handed". That term is used when you are caught in the act. Did Santos see him take pills from the patient? He'd have to be acting erratically or get tested for drugs in his system to prove he was high. Had he done anything wrong during the shift? Robbie found a baggie with some pills in it. No one saw him take anything. IIRC Not saying he didn't do anything wrong. But a good attorney will tear that argument apart. Lots of medications looks very similar. My dog takes Apoquel for allergies. I take a blood pressure medication. The two pills are identical to the blind eye. I'd have to look closely to see if there are identifying marks on either of them.
  12. Was just on Mika's IG page, perusing the Kiss Mika's Ass party in Abu Dhabi. She's telling everyone how brilliant she was for coming up with KYV, and for partnering with Forbes. Just goes to show you, Mika knows a good con when she starts one. Guess she's not as dumb as we thought she was. Tone deaf, yes. But she's really good at spotting easy marks and playing them.
  13. But do we know he was high while on duty, or just that he'd taken meds? And do we know he took them for himself? He seemed pretty capable of doing his job. Is the security officer going to go find Chad? She gave him five minutes and now he's in the breakroom watching a movie with Harrison. I really think that before this happened, someone should have taken Santos aside and told her "knock off the nicknames and teasing, and you are not to do anything without checking in with your supervising Resident or Robby.
  14. A lot of public schools have instituted a type of uniform, one or two colors of shirts and khakis, etc. This is to stop kids wearing items that could be stolen because of their value, or to be picked on because they can't afford nicer things. Locally there are programs that collect donations so that low income families can afford the necessities. As far as the show overall, I liked it at first but it just became ridiculous. At one point during Mickey's roaming around looking for Kacey or whoever, I said to the tv "isn't she supposed to be at work?? " Ahearn hates her, but lets her get rid of her partner. AND he's covering up Lafferty's shenanigans. AND Mickey's too stupid to drop a dime on him and tell IA of his involvement in the drug schemes. And she's too stupid to realize she had another partner who would have been on duty recently and using a badge to coerce the women. Seeing as how Truman had been on medical leave. I recognized the actor playing Simon from when he was on The West Wing. And what is with them going around in street clothes interrogating people? She broke so many rules it's a wonder she wasn't fired sooner. I read the series played out differently from the book. . I was rather glad to see that, because President Obama had this book on his list of favorites and it made me question his taste. Amanda Seyfried is a good actress, she proved that in the Elixabeth Holmes show. She's better than this nonsense.
  15. Esra and Derek Thompson are promoting their book "Abundance". I saw them on Daily Show. It's about how the gov't has to do big things that people see is really helping them. Even tho it was started by Trump, the Operation Warp Speed was one thing they brought up. It was to get the vaccine for Covid tested and to the public as quickly as possible. The Infrastructure Bill could fall under this, it takes longer to see it to fruition, but it is getting money to states and cities for infrastructure, etc. They also said getting affordable housing is something that has been forgotten. It's an interesting book and they're right about government having the ability of doing big things, Social security, the TVA during the Great Depression.
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