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59 Excellent-
He did mention it very briefly. He said something to the effect of using it up until 3 months before a competition and that everyone did this at the time. I agree with the rest of your thoughts on the show, although I haven't watched the third episode yet. I found him to be extremely likable and enjoyed the show way more than I thought I would. He has a great work ethic.
I also just finished ep 5 and this episode about the Fayeds is the only one I haven't fallen asleep in! LOL! I keep having to go back and watch the ends of all the episodes to make sure I caught everything but this one kept me awake through the whole thing. Like someone else mentioned, all I really knew of the family was that they owned Harrod's so it was nice getting the back story.
I am slowly getting over the Umbridge thing but the thing I can't get over is how tiny Imelda Staunton is! She is a full 4 inches shorter than the Queen was that time and it's driving me even crazier than the super-tall Diana in the show. The interwebs say QEII was 5'4 at the time (apparently 5'1 at the time of her passing) and Staunton is purported to be 5'0 though I find it very hard to believe she is even that tall. She looks ridiculously tiny compared to all the other actors.
Nah, like others have mentioned it was pretty well known about even then. Actually, not long after this there was a whole bulimia storyline with the character Sami on Days of Our Lives. Regarding the bird imagery in this ep, it's interesting to see so many different interpretations! I saw it as a bird of prey constantly circling Philip/The Royal Family as an ominous sign that it was going to attack at any moment and everything will go to hell in a handbasket.
I just cringe every time it's used on the show. At best it's a stupid, cringy insult, and at worst it's all the things you have mentioned. They just need to get rid of it. On another note, I really wanted to like this season and I did love that it focused more on the adults than I think any other season has. I'm really not interested in the teeny bopper soap opera stuff and love that in this season we saw less of that. But what had been the show's strength, which was fleshing out past one-dimensional characters like Johnny and even Kreese, was thrown out the window with Silver. Instead we get this cartoony one-dimensional super villain and his henchmen/henchwoman. It was so hard to get through all the over the top Silver/Dr. Evil scenes. And the biggest problem for me was the show never giving him any good motivation for his plan to take over the world through kid karate. They may have hinted at it when they ran into him in the hospital and with his lines about seizing the day in that he may have some sort of terminal illness, but it wasn't made apparent enough to give him any real depth. Maybe they can correct this next season. Also, more badass Chozen, please and thank you.
Actually this reminds me that the CG ball during pitches when it was coming towards or going away from camera really did stand out to me as fake and took me out of the action. It was too perfectly still and smooth and had that CGI look. If they do a second season I hope they can go another route with those particular types of shots.
I also got pretty invested by the end and will tune in if they do a season 2. However, I never got over the anachronistic dialogue. Carson and Clance were by far the worst offenders and it even had to end with that awful "Read the room" line. BUT overall, I did enjoy the ensemble cast and want to see how they deal with the cliffhanger.
Was this the episode or was it ep 7 where Esti is crying because they went to see The Wizard of Oz without her and then says through broken English that she wanted to go see the movie? Because that absolutely broke my heart. 😥
I really wanted to love this show and I do think it looks beautiful. The sets, costumes and cinematography are great. But the anachronistic dialogue takes me right out of any period they are trying to create. Abbi's dialogue sounds just like Bean's dialogue from Disenchantment and in a cartoon the anachronistic tendencies are fine. But in what's supposed to be a period piece, it is too jarring and just does not work. It looks like 1943 but sounds like 2022 and that's really disappointing. I'll continue watching but am so bummed they wrote the dialogue with modern tendencies and idioms.
I also figured Eddie was done for and was bummed when it happened. And I also wondered how Dustin and the others got out of the UD afterwards. I had actually also thought they were going to kill off Robin because I felt they had done some major foreshadowing of her death in a conversation scene with Steve earlier so was surprised she made it out alive. Regarding the Russia storyline, I fast-forwarded through everything single one of the scenes until the last two episodes. Made the whole thing much easier to get through as I thought the episodes were way too long and the Russia stuff didn't interest me at all. I stuck it out for the last two eps but thought the last episode in particular was ridiculously long and dragged on. It could have easily been split up into multiple eps. Longer shows do not necessarily make better shows. I was wondering what Argyle was doing at the end. I wish they would have revisited that. He along with Eddie and Murray were probably my favorite characters this season.
S04.E07: Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
CrowTRobot replied to paulvdb's topic in Stranger Things
Enjoyed the season but the episodes were way...too...long. I fast-forwarded through basically all the Russia stuff because it just made everything drag so bad even though I love watching scenes with Murray. Longer eps do not equal better eps. I'm afraid maybe the Duffers have gotten to the George Lucas prequels stage of success where they are surrounded by yes people and no can tell them things like "Don't make the episodes so long." Ah well. -
100% agree. I am hoping against hope that next season is about Benedict. I have no interest whatsoever in watching any sexy time with Colin. He's too young and about as interesting as a wet sock. Switching gears, one thing I never expected this show to do to me was bring me to tears but when Edwina spoke to the King, it really got to me. Before he passed, my dad was in a similar mental and physical state as the King, only worse. So to see someone express such kindness to someone like that was deeply moving. Also, the King's performance was so touching, as well. Just a beautiful and well done scene.