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Everything posted by tinaw

  1. I hope she gets some help for herself. Maybe she shouldn' be in front of the camara for a while. Focus on herself. We'll see what happens
  2. Please tell me that this is gearing up to the EPIC takedown of Ashley the Shrew. Please! Dear God. I need Ashely off my screen and feeling like shit. Please let this happen
  3. I can't feel bad for Luann and I cant blame the other women for digging Luann either. Luann looks down her nose at people. She does everything right and no one else is good like her. I wouldn' want Luann critiquing me either No sympathy Lu. Your not perfect
  4. I cant believe that Tinsley is letting Sonja stay with her. Talk about glutton for punishment
  5. I am not liking sandy this season so far. She's hovering too much and micromanaging too much. She asked for toast and then she asks again like 2 min later. Sandy chill out already Hannah needs sleep and can' get any. Joao has a drinking problem that i think were going to see more of this season. Not sure about Jaime Yet. I get a feeling she is gonna be trouble this season too.
  6. Doesn't scheana realize how pathetic she looks, and sounds when she rambles on and on about rob? Schaena he donesnt walk on water
  7. JWoww definitely. Snooks I think is more so the new teeth that mess her up. Angelina did a whole bunch and I barely recognized her. My opinion take as you will
  8. What the hell did Angelina do to her face? Bad, bad, bad
  9. Iwas thinking of that episode of "Seinfeld" when Elaine room mate is dating Kramer. "Hheeeyyy who stole my ccaaakkee" Looks and sounds just like her to me
  10. When Bethany said this to Dorinda my first thought was "was that nice, Bethanny? It was good to have a talk though.
  11. Dorinda needs to stop drinking FOREVER. The woman staring at Dorinda is Everything right now Unbelievable
  12. This is very true. What I ment is Pauly would still be a DJ without Jersey Shore. Maybe not as popular, but still a dj
  13. Pauly D is the only one with a legit job that he was starting before Jersey Shore took off.
  14. What the heck is going on with these guys? Ron is an asshole. An abusive roid raging asshole Now we add vinnie being irrational over a fade Then lets add Deenas drunk bullshit. These guys need to lighten up. Big time!
  15. I dont understand how Dorit can be upset with LVP over this photoshoot. She said she didn' like the photos. The worst things she had seen. A terrible job. Dorit has only herself to blame for getting her head chopped off (photogenically that is) I hope Dorit is done with rhobh. I' so done with her
  16. Dorits is a shit stirer plain and simple. Give her hell Teddi
  17. OMG! Ronni #STFU!!! You want Sammi, you hate Sammi. Then you want sammi again. Sammi walked away that' why you want sammi
  18. I am living for all the Sonia bashing the girls are doing tonight. The woman needs to stop busting balls if Sonia doesn't want to have hers busted.
  19. Kyle winds things up for sure, but Dorits is two faced not Teddi. imo Dorits says stuff then sits and watches. I haven' seen Teddi do that at all.
  20. I wanna know how Dorit can say Teddi is two faced with a straight face. To say that Teddi is one way to her face and then another way with the other girls is hysterical. Pot meet kettle
  21. Hey Jax! News flash Your 100% at fault for the breakup of your Relationship
  22. Not sure how I missed this the first time. Loved Luann's shade of Sonya's toaster oven Fiasco Did she ever get that toaster oven to stores or did that whole thing just fall through? Does anybody know?
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