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  1. Full panel of Caity at the FanExpo Dallas. Video quality is bad, but the audio is good. Looks like the movie she's going to shoot in Thailand is called "Bangkok Lockdown".
  2. Interview: Caity Lotz Discusses Directing Tonight’s Flash Sounds like Caity has a few projects lined up.
  3. The full panel on Megacon is actually on someone's IG (Tere Clarkson), and Caity got to answer more questions than what was tweeted. She repeated a few things she said in the past - her favorite scenes/episodes are from Arrow (S2E5, because it was about Sara and also her father), she loves working on dramatic scenes (like on Arrow, where Sara was darker), Sara in Legends was completely different from Sara in Arrow. She was also asked by the moderator if she thought the creative team got who Sara was when she joined Legends. Caity said no (but not in a mean way because they were too busy figuring what to do with the many characters and the show). But she loved the Sara on Arrow, and the fans loved Arrow's Sara, so she didn't understand why they wanted to change to a different version of Sara. I also find it interesting that she would always pick Arrow scenes as her favorites, but very little about Legends. To be fair, she didn't have as much juicy scenes to do after S2. She was either part of the background, or used to prop up Ava, so what could she have chosen? I don't think they thought Sara would grow to be that important to Legends. Didn't Caity say she was at the bottom of the call sheet, when she thought she would be higher? I think they underestimated her popularity (like when they killed her off).
  4. Mad About The CW Cancellations? Blame Streaming, But Also Its Unusual Corporate Structure
  5. I would prefer not to see Sara's wife or kid if Sara ever goes to visit Barry. Basically, I want to forget about the whole pregnancy storyline. It would be good to see Sara on Flash though, since the Flash writers actually know how to write Sara. And she did bond with Barry on the last crossover. Caity also directed an episode of Flash, so she should be on pretty good terms with the Flash crew?
  6. Sara's perpetually afraid of doing something wrong and disappointing Ava (she's said as much right before her proposal/abduction), and always apologizing to Ava whether it's her fault or not (usually not). As much as the writers like to say Sara/Ava are equals in their relationship, they're not. Yes, they've taken everything that used to be Sara's (her captaincy, her status as the best fighter on the team (by having Ava fight her to a draw, the way their fights were choreographed, and nerfing Sara to the extent where she can't even fight off a bunch of villagers), her humanity (by killing and replacing her with a clone)), and gave them to Ava, but how can they be truly equals when Sara is always emotionally inferior to Ava and feels she's in the wrong all the time?
  7. Someone on another forum mentioned that because Bishop was going to populate the world with Sara clones, he must have added this specific alien's DNA to her DNA so they can reproduce easily. I have to say, that is completely plausible, and it just made the whole pregnancy thing even more problematic than I first thought. Bishop basically took away Sara's consent and agency by adding the alien DNA and resulting in her getting pregnant unknowingly. At least when humans get accidentally pregnant because of unprotected sex (or even protected sex but faced equipment failure), they still knew the risks. The possibility of getting pregnant this way is so ridiculous to Sara (and every other human) that there's no way she could have known. Why didn't Gary warn her beforehand? Yet, the writers must think it's cute that Ava got her pregnant, and failed to see how Sara's agency and right was once again taken away from her (the first time was when Bishop killed her and transferred her memories to a clone body without her consent). It's sad that things are just happening to Sara and her body without her consent, and yet such serious things are played for laughs.
  8. I get the sense from one of Keto's interviews that they're interested in playing out the pregnancy storyline. And Klemmer seems impressed by Caity's comedic ability and Sara will probably be the freaked out pregnant lady and her pregnancy will be played for laughs.
  9. They must have hired a fanfic writer when writing about Sara's pregnancy. This is some level of jumping the shark. They've jumped so far that they can't even see the shark anymore. If I hadn't seen the little human-looking girl last week, I would have thought this kid would look fully like the alien, since it was the alien genes that activated (it's impossible for a human to get pregnant this way) and it's also taking the alien's invulnerability power. I'm sad that this is what ends up being Sara's story. On a brighter note, Caity acted the heck out of the multiple freak out scenes. This should be her audition piece for a comedy show. If Nick is still in the show and there is a S8, he'll probably be back to save the Legends. I like Booster Gold, mostly because I like Donald. Not looking forward to a S8, because I don't want a pregnant Sara and the now increased chances of Sara missing in the episodes because of it, and Ava playing Captain in her place.
  10. Caity might be directing an episode of Flash. LEGENDS OF TOMORROW’s Caity Lotz on Deck To Direct Season 8 Episode of THE FLASH Full picture of that notice: Reddit
  11. After the last few episodes where Sara got to be her own person, she's once again stuck by Ava's side. NGL, I'm jealous everyone got to see their own future, but Sara's future has to tie in with Ava's. Having a kid feels very fanfic-like. And it irks me when they call each other Captain, when others call them Captains, and when Ava was standing side-by-side with Sara as Captains. I still fail to see what Ava has done to deserve the Captain title other than being the Captain's girlfriend-then-wife. And Ava wanting to save Alun and possibly breaking time in the process, isn't this the thing that she has scolded Sara for and made her feel guilty about, and have to apologize for? Making rash decisions without consulting each other? Out of everyone's future, I think I like Astra's the most. Feels most like her, and I think the most impactful. But Spooner going back to her mother also is great, because of what she has gone through as a child. I like the idea of Gideon taking over as Captain when the Legends retire. But not Evil!Gideon as her AI. Sometimes, I think Evil!Gideon loves killing people too much, and is just using "saving the timeline" as an excuse.
  12. Why did Evil!Gideon want to kill Thawne? Don't their objectives align? The Zari vs Zari fight was epic, lol. Nick must have had a blast playing Robo!Nate. His Arnold accent was hilarious, and pretty good! Hee, Gideon called Astra "Mom". Astra is an over-protective Mom (as she should be, cos' Gideon is precious and should be protected at all costs). The writers love their irony. Astra created Human!Gideon, so Robo!Astra stabbed Human!Gideon. Bishop killed Sara, so Robo!Sara killed Bishop. It was so nice to see Sara be the one and only Captain these past few episodes, and be able to interact with the team by herself. It was good while it lasted. Love that the team still stands behind Sara no matter what, be it the team mate that was with her the longest (Nate), or the 2 newest team members (Spooner and Gwyn). Nice scene between Sara and Gwyn too, and that Sara trusted Gwyn's experience enough to let him lead. I love that Sara has no ego about being a leader. It's always about the mission, and whoever is most suited to lead the team for that mission. It's sad that that's the end of Robo!Sara. I was hoping she would get a redemption storyline. It was kinda chilling to see her this episode. Just kept quiet the entire time and killed whoever Gideon told her to kill, with that cold look in her eyes. I'm confused as to what Evil!Gideon can see/hear/monitor on the Waverider. Did she not sense that Behrad (and later Zari and Astra) was human and not a robot the moment he stepped onto the Waverider? Just like I thought she must have heard everything Sara and Zari were planning 2 episodes ago. But it seemed like she wasn't aware of these things.
  13. Maybe the reason Thawne is helping the Legends is so he can sneak away on or steal the waverider and go somewhere the Time Writhes can't find him. Maybe one of the robots will replace him.
  14. This was another great episode, especially for Sara. I didn't think I would get to see the Sara I know again after Robo!Sara, but I was wrong. This is the Captain Lance we deserve. Capable, driven, and would do anything for her team/family. And occasionally needs her team to pull her out of her self-doubt. Nate is no doubt her right-hand man here. I miss these two together. Nate is doing for Sara what Jax used to do. And they really work well together. It was sweet to see the whole team rallying behind Sara to give her the confidence boost she needed, and that helped her get the job done. And she did it the Legends way, by failing and learning from them. And she earned the respect of the whole bar in the process. I definitely wouldn't mind if we just keep this group in the bar as the Legends team. Did this episode double Sara's death count, lol? Nice that it was Sara who meets Thawne, since she (and Nate) are the only ones who know him and have a history with him. Why do I have the feeling that someone from the Legends team will be leaving the team and replacing him at the fixed point? Love how gleeful Gideon was when she found out it was a man who was killing people, not time itself. I was wondering where the fight scene that Caity posted last week went to. Turns out she posted a week early. The aerial cartwheels/handless flips she did in the episode and during rehearsals are just as amazing. Maisie did a good job directing the episode.
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