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Everything posted by tatterd

  1. From appearance Dorothy could fit for being a younger Regina (which might explain why Zelena is looking so sour in the picture with Glinda and Dorothy). I don't see under what circumstances there would be a younger Regina but on the other hand I'm puzzled as to how Dorothy fits in generally unless she's going to be like Rapunzel and the other fairy tale characters who appear in one episode but are then never seen or even mentioned ever again.
  2. Yeah there's no reason really why Hook can't carrying on flirting wildly and inappropriately with other women while being in love with Emma. It doesn't mean he's interested. It's more of an act, a strategy to annoy the other person or put them off balance or get something from them, and apart from certain exceptions he would probably run a mile if they did respond to it. It would be fun to watch Emma roll her eyes while he was doing it or have her snarking about it. It isn't too bad at the moment but unless Emma starts giving some more encouragement or he walks away or moves on, I could see it all going a bit friends with detriments https://xkcd.com/513/
  3. She might need the whole town's brains as they don't seem to be the brightest. Rumple is probably as good as it gets, followed by Hook. On the other hand, given Zelena wants Regina's dark and blackened heart, if she wants a really stupid brain Belle and Snow need to watch out. It really could be anyone.
  4. Are Belle and Rumple officially true love? I mean I can see it might be her side (and it's the only way I can cope with her level of delusion even if I still don't think it excuses it) but I'm not totally convinced about him. Young Cora seemed a much better match, and outside of his love for Bae when he was a child I'm not sure Rumple is necessarily even capable of it. I don't really see where they can go with Belle as a character, as other posters have said Neal had a lot more potential both as Rumple's conscience and with his interactions with other characters. She could maybe become best friends with Mary Margaret as they seem to share certain annoying characteristics but that is not a pairing I would want to watch. Sadly it doesn't sound like she's going anywhere anytime soon though
  5. I'd say a kiss (or even a hug!) would be a big deal given that currently Emma seems to have Hook firmly in the friend box with little sign of any romantic interest (I could write a lot more on that but it really should be on the relationships thread). I'm almost wondering if Hook is the death given how much they have cooled things off compared to season 3a. Even the writers might have thought that letting her get close to him and then having him die would be a little bit too much to add to the list of love interests who a) left her in jail, and pregnant as it turned out b) had their heart ripped out by the evil queen who didn't like sharing c) turned into a flying monkey and was probably more of a guard than somebody actually interested anyway. Although on second thoughts quite possibly they would go there. It wouldn't even be that out of character for him to do some stupid grand gesture to save someone. It's only the fact JMo has said good things start happening to Emma that is reassuring me as I think Emma would mind a bit if Hook died.
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