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396 Excellent-
S07.E05: A Frankenstein’s Monster And A Crazy Church Guy
Tattooeddancer replied to DanaK's topic in Young Sheldon
I went to my first kegger at 14. My (sociopath) older brother dropped me off with half a gallon of vodka. I drank all of it, cleared the bong twice, and puked. -
S07.E04: Ants On A Log And A Cheating Winker
Tattooeddancer replied to DanaK's topic in Young Sheldon
People are bringing up ways to excuse away the bottle blonde bartender buying his affection with action figures, but he also mentioned his father living with a girlfriend at some point. So while YS George may not have cheated, BBT George did. I'll go with that during the black hole episode they ended up in a different universe. -
S07.E04: Ants On A Log And A Cheating Winker
Tattooeddancer replied to DanaK's topic in Young Sheldon
I'm not a fan of the retcon, but I saw it coming. Considering all the other references Sheldon made to his father's girlfriends, it just doesn't satisfy. But I know it made a lot of others happy. I know a lot of people hate Mary, but I loved seeing her wake up to breakfast made and chores done. I know it made her feel displaced, and I find that understandable, but I feel it really highlighted how much she did for her family and how little help and appreciation she got before. Did not care for Mandy snapping "NO!" at Sheldon when he wanted his room back. It's not your house lady. I'm generally neutral leaning toward sympathetic to Mandy (she didn't make awesome choices, but Georgie lied to get the ball rolling). But that was just out of line. I did enjoy seeing Sheldon bonding (in as much as he can bond) with the kid in his dorm. George should let Mary be Team Mom. -
S02.E10: The Last Supper Part One: Appetizer
Tattooeddancer replied to T Summer's topic in And Just Like That
I'm a little late. I don't get the point of making Lisa pregnant for one episode then miscarrying. And her reaction to it reminded me of Arlene's reaction to almost miscarrying in True Blood-she wasn't almost grinning like Arlene was, but she seemed pretty chill about it. As a stand up comedy fan, comics do mine their personal lives for their act. And as far as Che knew, no one there except Carrie would know who they were talking about. So while I didn't find it funny, I didn't find it cruel like others did (Chris Titus' stand up about his ex is BRUTAL). I also think it's interesting how many people cheered for Steve laying into Miranda intentionally but boo Che who didn't intend for Miranda to hear those things. I have no idea what is going on with the Carrie/Aiden/Wyatt plot. When I watched the second movie I had no idea why the heck Aiden would kiss Carrie after the way she treated him. Now he's apologizing to her for how their relationship ended? Eh. Drunk Charlotte with Richard Burton has been me a few times. Seema keeps getting retreads of Samantha storylines. I actually didn't mind the tribute to Stanny. They were always mean to him anyway so I'm glad he found peace away from them. We got hints that Stanford was a top also, so I don't get the Anthony bottoming storyline. I agree that he shouldn't do anything he's not comfortable with but I always tell my friends to keep an open mind when it comes to sex. Sometimes you may be surprised what feels good. I even know straight guys who enjoy things in their butt from time to time. -
S03.E08: ...hooked up with my boyfriend
Tattooeddancer replied to dubbel zout's topic in Never Have I Ever
I'm just catching up and this episode sucker punched me. I just lost my 16 year old cat, Hobbes, in March, and it destroyed me. Laugh if you want, but that cat was my rock my entire adult life. He slept on my pillow and tucked a paw into my hand. He loved me more than my parents (they yelled at me for getting a B in my freshman semester of college...when I was 15. My brother flunked out and they threw him a "YOU TRIED!" party). I love him more than my own life. But some days, I feel ok, and that's the worst. -
It was lightly touched on. Other members mentioned sex stuff and that they were afraid to come forward because Silas told them there were tapes and threatened to send them to the parents.
S05.E07: Turkey for Me, Turkey for You
Tattooeddancer replied to BreezieBitch's topic in Good Trouble
Brandon and his wife moved to Amsterdam. Didn't they accidentally eat edibles one time before at the coterie? Maybe that was a better experience for her lol. Either way, I'm so glad they didn't turn it into a dramatic, after school special esque, "Oh noes Jude has returned to his pothead ways, we must save him!" -
S06.E15: Teen Angst and a Smart-Boy Walk of Shame
Tattooeddancer replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
George taught her one night. He wanted to take her to Red Lobster but she was afraid her friends would see her with him, so he took her out and let her drive the truck. Can't remember the episode though. I was wondering the same thing about Paige. She knew to take care of Paige the night of the party, but being with Paige while Missy herself is feeling so down could lead them both into trouble. -
S06.E15: Teen Angst and a Smart-Boy Walk of Shame
Tattooeddancer replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
Poor Missy. I still don't think Mary's crush is comparable to what was going on between George and Brenda. She had a dream (unfortunately you can't control who you have sex dreams about, I have a few myself I wish I could bleach from my brain) and a public lunch. George and Brenda actually discussed going home together and had secret meetings. Infidelity breeds in shadow though, and now everything is out there, so who knows. Sturgis was the only part of Sheldon's storyline that really interested me. I wondered for a second if they were setting Mandy up to have PPD. It may be dark for a sitcom, but Paige's storyline is pretty dark. and Missy's seems to be heading in that direction as well. -
S06.E14: A Launch Party and a Whole Human Being
Tattooeddancer replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
I'm curious how the reveal will effect everything.Infidelity usually breeds in the dark, but who knows...with Mary out of the house Brenda and George might finally go for it. And while you're right that technically Brenda and George haven't done anything, I think they've gotten closer than Mary and Rob. They were actually talking about leaving together when George had his heart attack. Mary and Rob haven't even acknowledged their attraction to each other (I don't think Mary is even admitting it to herself). -
S06.E13: A Frat Party, a Sleepover and the Mother of All Blisters
Tattooeddancer replied to Bort's topic in Young Sheldon
I feel like this whole season has been kind of disjointed. Plots are brought up, dropped, and then reintroduced several episodes later. It lacks cohesion for me. And I thought that the last episode with Paige indicated that her parents were realizing her struggles and were going to get her help. Apparently not (though I was about her age when I started drinking/partying, so part of me views it as normal adolescence). It seemed odd to me, as others mentioned, that Heather's parents didn't at least call George and Mary to let them know that the wayward girls had returned home safely. I didn't get caught as a kid, but I know some kids who were, and it was a "return kids home to parents in the middle of the night for punishment" situation. -
S06.E10: Pancake Sunday and Textbook Flirting
Tattooeddancer replied to paulvdb's topic in Young Sheldon
I absolutely believe that George is Brenda's "secret boyfriend". She looked devastated when Mary shared that she and George are being intimate more lately. Plus the word "boyfriend" doesn't necessarily mean anything concrete happened. When my friends and I were single, any guy any of the others were into got called their "boyfriend". I actually get where Mandy is coming from feeling wise. She can know that she and Georgie don't make sense. She can truly and sincerely want him to move on and live his life. And she can still feel sad when he does. If she starts punishing him for dating the other girl when it was her idea, then there's a problem. I like the new girl. I'm not here for Mandy and Georgie as a couple, and while we know no one he's with now is endgame, she seems like a fun pairing for him. Like others have said, I'm curious how old she is and if she's aware of Georgie's minor status. Missy was unnecessarily bratty when Mary showed up at her school. Other than that it was nice to see Mary get out and have fun in a relatively healthy way. -
S06.E09: College Dropouts and the Medford Miracle
Tattooeddancer replied to DanaK's topic in Young Sheldon
I can empathize with George being upset that he wasn't getting the credit he was due (not to mention general annoyance with Pastor Rob in general), but him hoping they would lose so Rob would take the blame isn't a good look for a coach, especially one that got fired recently for losing too much and only recently rehired. Take the win. Be happy. I didn't mind the Meemaw/Missy storyline. Meemaw laying down the laws for the date was fun, as was her confusion and annoyance to being included. I was glad to get a break from the pregnancy and gambling hall story lines. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but they built up temptation/alcoholism/unemployed storylines for awhile. and it was annoying to see them abandon them. -
I've been steadily losing interest the last few episodes, but as a Christian I needed to come in and say that Pastor Jeff's smug "God created clothes" statement just shows he needs to read his Bible a little more closely. That's not how the first appearance of clothing went down at all.
I have a double major in Psych and Communication and I bartend for a living because it pays for my luxury uptown apartment *shrug* (not to mention I use both majors daily lol) I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I'm not here for Georgie and Mandy as a couple. Good friends and coparents? For sure. But if they end up as a couple when Mandy clearly has not been interested in him for a while, it will be too much "he's a good guy, he's so charming, and he does nice things for you so if you don't hook with him you're a bitch" for me.