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  1. How? If the team was comprised of two gay guys I assume they would be gay by definition. Did they refer to them as "the deviant gays" or the "going to hell cause they are gays" team? I don't think so. It was just a handle like "the jocks" or "the frats" or any other shortcut handle. Plenty of Amazing Race teams have referred to teams of gays as gays starting with the lawyers talking about Team Guido in season 1. The twins got referred to as "the twins" too. Race teams over the years called other race teams by these handles as often as by their names.. That wasn't bigoted by them either. If there is no hatred involved then it can't be bigoted in my book. I don't see a bigoted bone in "the twins" (either one) and certainly no hatred to any group of people other than bigots. Now if the Beekmans were ashamed of being gay or were still in the closet then that could be a problem. But they obviously weren't. Both TAR and Survivor cast a certain quota of "types" on their shows. One type since day one has been gays. Which is to both shows credit. The Rich/Rudy storyline from the original Survivor probably had more effect on straight American attitudes then most news stories and protests back in the day. And from day one on both shows gays (and gay teams on TAR) were referred to as same. No bigotry in that.
  2. Don't know what you are talking about. They were/are not bigots. And they were funny on TAR. They got cast cause of their entertainment value. Not for being full of hate toward their fellow man. They don't write articles attacking various groups on web sites. They seem like nice enough peeps to me.
  3. I thought Natalie did great for standing up and calling John out. I still remember when it all went down. Rocker was totally unapologetic about it. Basically called everyone not straight and white in America non-Americans. Used NYC as his punching bag. Atlanta was the team to beat back then and he was the young, stud closer on the team. Team did the right thing and got rid of him. That should have been the last any of us ever saw of that guy. But then Survivor rewards his crap by casting him on the show. There should be consequences for what he did. Not rewards like being cast on a popular reality show because of his notoriety. Good for Natalie for speaking up for Americans who are tired of these guys being given rewards for acting horribly. This was a feel-good episode, yes. But one that should never have existed to start with. What next, Survivor? Which bigot will be cast next? Just. Do. Not. Stop it. Now. If this is the only thing you can do to make your show "interesting" then maybe it has outlived it's time.
  4. Actually not all of these men mentioned above knew each other personally. I don't think Paul Revere ever met any of the other named men then Sam Adams. He was turned down for a commission in the continental army and served instead in a Massachusetts militia unit in the New England area only and was never in any of the "big name" battles of the revolutionary war. Never went to Philadelphia either. Von Stuben knew Ben Franklin (who wrote him his letter of introduction while they were both in France) and Washington but none of the others. Arnold wasn't a delegate in Philadelphia. He was off leading his own small command early in the war. He and his men (including Ethan Allen's Green Mountain Boys) captured Fort Ticonderoga, invaded Canada etc. Later he served under General Gates at Saratoga. He and Washington both had egos though. Two A Types for sure. Arnold was the better battlefield general and Washington the better strategic leader. They were both considered the equal twin heroes of the war right up until Arnold's decision to turn. Arnold was screwed at the battle of Saratoga by the military politics when he helped save the American side from a complete disaster and turned it into America's biggest victory to date which lead directly to the French alliance. Yet Gates, who almost caused a major defeat in that battle, got the credit and Arnold wasn't even mentioned in the dispatches. He had been continually passed over for promotions as well. He was badly wounded in that battle and when at home recovering and stewing in his own jealous juices he met a loyalist woman he would later marry and ended up contacting British Major John Andre and the rest is history as they say. And when I refer to their military abilities I tend to think of Arnold as the George Patton of the day. Aggressive, daring and tactically brilliant. But always sticking his foot in his mouth and ruffling feathers. Washington, also personally brave, was more the Eisenhower type "working well with others" and taking the long view strategic approach while holding together the armies under him. Arnold melted down from the wrongs done him but Washington held on to the final goal. Otherwise American history books would have been talking about both men as pretty much equal heroes of the Revolution. Good choice of Arnold for the Judas coin storyline since it was a weakness already within him that lead to his fall from grace.
  5. Well you can watch it for free online to catch up on some episodes if needed. Also last night -- Friday -- I noticed they had repeats on SyFy at maybe 11 PM? (or was it 10 PM?). It wasn't the current episodes and was a single episode so it lags the original SyFy shows some. Last night they had on the Gods of the Arena one where Gaia is killed by Tullius at the end -- Beneath the Mask. I haven't looked up SyFy's schedule online so don't know if this is the only time they repeat episodes but I think this one was like 4 episodes behind the main double episode night right now. Two more Gods of the Arena ones then on to the Vengeance season. Of course they would fall further and further behind with just one episode at this time but it certainly is on later at night.
  6. Yep I saw the Charlie Chaplin waddle and mustaches too. Inspired by the bowlers and using the umbrellas like Chaplin's cane. These NYC ladies bring the funny. Like them a lot.
  7. I am sure they would have loved not to be making them constantly too. But remember Season 4"s "NFL Wives"? Every single comment began with "As wives of NFL players" as in "As wives of NFL players we found windmills interesting" and junk like that. And people started hating them for it. Turns out the production assistant taking their voiceovers at the pit stop made them start every single sentence that way. (Source: One of the women in an interview after their time on the Race). She went on to say that production had told them to bring replica jerseys of their husbands to wear at the start line. They didn't want to do that and "forgot" to pack same. Production was not pleased and made them FedEx next day delivery said jerseys to their pre-Race sequester hotel. Thus the Atlanta Falcons jerseys they wore at the start line. I love TAR and the producers do a great job but they aren't saints and they do this constantly with "themed" teams. So I'd never blame the Boston firefighters for these comments since I know it is production that is behind this and every other "themed" team's endless self-referencing comments. So I reserve my annoyance for production ever since Season 4. And thanks, ottoDbusdriver for getting the quotes down above. I caught some of what he said but far from all of it. "My worldly, Yoda-like advice" is one I'll have to pull out in the future. That dude was awesome.
  8. No. The dentists did the palace guard detour, not the pancake flip. Maybe the Michigan team or the Survivor couple. The editing had the mother/daughter eliminated but half way through when they kept pushing it I said whoa this is too over the top. You don;t set up your audience to feel devastated at the end of an episode. And I don't care how heavy handed they were in the end. As a viewing fan from TAR1, Episode 1 too I was overjoyed they get to continue on the Race. All those hours. All those years. Cheering on the Frats and Oswald & Danny and Charla & Mirna and booing Boston Rob and Broken Ox Colin. When Blake & Paige had the bright white teeth instead of Dentists the Menance. And enduring the silly family version (except for awesome Mama Paolo), suffering through Jonathan and the fake "hippie" team and the insult of Eric & Fake GF non-team in TAR11. And the blur seasons of endless mactor teams. Yes anyone who has gone through that I'm 100% for. Needless to say they don't look to last much longer especially with two sharp, athletic teams with a Save and an Express Pass. But mom/daughter remember the times too like me when we didn't have these crappy things on the show. Just the FF every leg and all the awesome strategy that implied. When there was far more a sense of adventure and wonder and far less "reality" TV. When the very first mom ever on TAR (the late and great sweet Nancy) uttered words something like "This is the most exciting thing I've ever done in my life" at the end of the very first episode ever with a grin on her face from ear to ear. Yeah, fellow fans of the original A-M-A-Z-I-N-G race. So yeah savor every minute, mom/daugher of season 25. Nancy would be proud of you for this leg alone.
  9. Ashur killed the guy about to kill the Doctore by throwing some knives maybe (missed the details myself) into his back or back of the neck. The Roman girl's name is Seppia. Her brother's name is Seppius. Fun factoid. All Roman names had a male and female ending so no such thing as a male only or female only name since the root of the name is the same. Like Julius/Julia and Antonius/Antonia and Lucius/Lucia etc.
  10. They always have been allowed. Blake from Blake & Paige used one several times way back on my favorite season -- TAR2.
  11. "A Place in This World" I noticed and appreciated the title this time around since the theme of the episode seems to be how people enslaved most of their lives can have a hard time coming to grip with sudden liberation. A very good theme to explore since it is usually overlooked. Freedom can be a scary thing. And having found your identity through your owner for years makes it hard to find it on your own that easily. Because it means you have to accept that you basically spent most of your life to date not really living. Great to see the twin storylines address this. The good Doctore isn't doing too well so far. But at least the younger Nasir is a quicker learner and happy to leave his "Tiberius" incarnation behind sooner than later. Welcome aboard, Nasir. Also the former blonde-haired slave woman shows how freedom is pretty complicated if you are female. It wasn't an age where a woman alone had much chance to survive on their own so "freedom" doesn't make everything peachy keen necessarily. Agron got a few funny lines in this one including one about finding himself agreeing with the f***ing Gaul, Crixus, at one point. Also another guy who volunteers to join Spartacus, Agron and others having Crixus' back at the house of ill repute. "You had me with whores." Yes Ilithyia. Not only is Lucretia back but she gets to go around and bless people as they pretty much worship her. Jealous much? And old home week wouldn't be complete without the re-appearance of our favorite slime ball in the form of Ashur. Well he did save the Doctore's life ... but probably not out of altruism. Still miss John Hannah's Batiatus on the show. Glaber can never be the schemer Batiatus was. And again. Why is Spartacus starting at 7 PM next week? Will it be at 7 PM the rest of the way? It's just more late night fare than 7 PM fare.
  12. I think the reason I liked Gods of the Arena so much is that it gave me a much needed break from Spartacus always acting like he is the only one that has ever suffered greatly at the hands of a Roman. Good for Mira for telling him off and letting him know there are more people in the world then him. And for Aurelia giving him a very serious reality check with her last breath. When even Crixus, though personally motivated himself, is more reasonable it is time to pay attention, dude. I mean at least Crixus' personal motivation involves trying to save a life then destroy a single someone when it is really the system itself that is to blame. There, had to get that out of my system. A leader should look after his peeps, not be all I me my all the time. Everyone in your rag tag group has suffered a lot in life under the Romans too. Yeah I'm sure he will grow but the writers' choice of making him so self-obsessed which always puts others at risk does annoy me. I prefer the leader of a revolt to be a little more rational and visionary than this. So get it together, Spartacus. Meanwhile, in this corner, returning for Team Roman after her near death experience -- Lucretia the Prophetess (or whatever she is). Can't get rid of her that easy can you, Ilithyia. Loved when Ilithyia first saw her and screamed and Glaber's second-in-command asked what was that and Glaber answered something about with Ilithyia who ever knew. So true. And they are so made for each other. In other news, the gladiator games have apparently become a bore without House Batiatus' elite "arena gods." Too bad Batiatus isn't still around to gloat at that. (I miss John Hannah already). Speaking of missing. Nice for the show to give Andy Whitfield a full card/picture and words of tribute instead of the usual American way of a brief flash of white letters on black that are gone before you notice. So next week the two episodes start at 7 PM they said on the previews? Really? Wow, good thing I caught the previews or I would never know. SyFy is such a pain with it's schedule changes.
  13. Regards the accents: Loved the mention of the old PBS mini-series on the English language too. "The Story of English" island visit mentioned above was on an island in Chesapeake Bay. The accent was originally from Cornwall which they explained was the "soup base" of the various English accents of the day and so became the default one over the years. The reason was most of the early settler ships sailed from Cornwall and thus contained Cornwall crew members. A lot of the Cornwall sailors coming over on all these early ships as crew began to see the possibilities of America too and either chose to stay themselves (many a ship returned short-handed) or go back first and get their families and return to the New World. They also showed modern day speakers from Cornwall on the show and they do sound closer to American accents then what we consider English accents to this day. The show (and many a college linguist class over the years) mentioned that the "closest to George III" English isn't Appalachian but from the nearby Piedmont region of NC at slightly less elevation. Appalachian does contain some elements of it but Billy Graham has an accent that does not sound like some stereotype Hillbilly one. And he is the one linguists constantly use as their example of an American one closest too George III. Still not the exact same but the "closest" we have in the modern world.
  14. He is always there live with the stand-ups. And sometimes he reaches the pitstop just a few minutes before the first team arrives. Seconds once in I think it was in a TAR9 leg.
  15. According to posts in the past on several forums past Racers have explained that the teams ask twice in a row. Once for 2 tickets for the camera. Then immediately for 4 tickets. And yeah if a team says they are one ticket short for a flight it actually means there were three tickets free, not just one free cause the crew has to remain with them at all times. The audio guy -- boom mic for other people talking and ambient sounds, Racers have their own mikes of course -- anyway that guy actually carries the production company's credit card used for the tickets too the posts said. Can't trust those Racers with the good CC, haha. They do the production so well must people forget there are even two man camera/audio crews following every race team let alone four tickets bought each time. Thanks for the info about Phil being filled in about the proper emotional responses. Interesting stuff. Cause we also forget he doesn't know what just went down on the leg himself at the time. The audio guy also calls in some of that stuff on the company cell phone that the Racers aren't allowed to touch I believe Racer forum posts in the past have explained. Cause the producers themselves are clueless as well and have to depend on their two man crew to provide the intel. Those camera crews do all sorts of things. They even are the ones that carry the releases people that give directions or cabbies etc have to sign to appear on TV as well. A toast to the tech crews!
  16. And wearing Harlem Globetrotters uniform tops over their tee shirts or whatever. That's the giveaway, hah. Thanks for explaining about the surfer person. I have never seen any of these shows you mentioned so didn't know. Except once years ago I watched the Today show when a friend was on for a short filler segment about an unknown, lost book manuscript by some famous author he had discovered at some used book store. Turned out he was on at the very end and I sat through 2 hours of hell on earth filled with endless empty chatter about crap and 50 million commercials waiting for his 30 seconds of fame. Gag. So these types of shows don't interest me as a result. But they must have audiences since they keep running and running on TV so now I understand why other people other than surfers might know her. Thanks. About penalties. TPTB aren't going to slap on penalties for the small stuff. There are the set rules for skipping detours and roadblocks and the other stuff is basically avoid penalties whenever possible. Unless it is a specific violation of a rule on a clue that either impedes others or helps that team. Example. During TAR2 we learned in the next episode several teams had a later departure due to a penalty accessed because they had broken an instruction on the clue itself saying they had to drive below the speed limit a certain number of km/hour at night because of lots of animals on the roads where they were in Namibia (jackass). But it is not a penalty if they break regular speed limits that aren't mentioned on the clue itself. Any penalty there would come if a local cop caught them like on TAR Asia's Season 1 with Andy, the English ex-pat from Thailand. Nobody wants to see The Unamazing Endless Penalties show complete with team lawyers and endless debates. So like in basketball say, common sense prevails. Cause in that sport they could call a penalty pretty much every other second technically. But you use common sense and just call the ones that need calling and let the players play. No harm, no foul. I only have a vague memory of the Sri Lanka Twins and the money. I thought one of the other Racers lost or dropped it and it wasn't in a wallet or anything. Am I remembering that right? If so then it wasn't theft but finders keepers, losers weepers. They didn't rob the person or pick their pockets in other words. Good and noble if they had returned the money but perfectly legal if not ethical at a personal level to pocket it if someone was careless enough to lose it.
  17. Glad it is Friday. People I know couch potato on Friday cause it's the end of the work week and everyone is tired. So I don't buy the Friday nights are death stuff. They aren't after 16 year olds going off to the movies like in the 1950's types anymore. People live more "virtually" these days at home I think. And Sunday nights was always depressing cause TAR was associated with having to get up soon and go back to work. (Also the football and golf stuff too during the spring seasons). What was their original night? Anyone remember? I remember I was pissed when they moved it to Sunday night. Was it Wednesday maybe? I know it wasn't Friday, Saturday or Sunday so I still have three guesses left, hah.
  18. I guess if you are into surfer movies she is then. But I have zero interest in surfing. Ans I don't really know anyone who has any interest in the sport either. It's a pretty niche sport. I'd never think to Google "surfer" let alone the other stuff honestly. But a Globetrotter is a Globetrotter -- doesn't matter their individual name or team nicknames. They are more famous because of their team identity. And as such they would be wildly popular anywhere in the world because they are Globetrotters period. A family entertainment franchise over a century old who plays one of the most popular sports in the world -- second after soccer. And said team through the decades have played in almost every country in the world with tons of PR and TV news reports and specials about them everywhere they show up. So we will have to agree to disagree. Or maybe it is a define the terms thing cause I define Globetrotter and it seems you are defining individuals who happen to be Globetrotters. But since those guys were running around in Globetrotter gear I think that was all that mattered to people around the world who saw them. Oranges and apples.
  19. The start was filmed at 3 AM for that reason. They annouced the start time on their web site to assure some fans would come out at that hour to form a crowd for the cameras. Also the producers know every start time at every location gets out and is posted online anyway they decided not to fight it this time and use it I guess. The spoiler detectives at the other forum whose name escapes me (sorry) pretty much have every location ferreted out and the whole season pretty much spoiled before episode 1 ever broadcasts. I used to read some of this stuff when it wasn't so well done cause it was fun to see the theories and mistaken sightings mixed in with the real ones. But they got too good at what they do and it wasn't fun anymore for me. And I found I didn't enjoy the shows as much spoiled anyway. So only did it 2 or 3 seasons. Never again. Haven't gotten into a spoiler thread for years now. As far as this Bethany person being famous? Never heard of her. I don't have names associated to the Racers yet. Is she the Survivor person or the surfer or one of the eliminated real estate agents who some said have a TV show? And a 7 foot tall guy running around in Globetrotter gear is going to be way more famous most places i would assume since the Globetrotters do indeed trot the globe and have played in tons of countries and have been around for over half a century. As for the cross-casting, CBS started it. The TAR producers were none too happy when it started (Allison from Big Brother, no way they wanted her on the show back then) but there was nothing they could do since Les Mooves had the final decisions on his "big three" reality show casts. Over the years they got used to it no doubt. But I can't believe CBS cared about these two Survivors no one knows though. The casting agency is the same for both shows so maybe they pushed them (lot of casting people know some of those cast in real life too) or maybe they were an alternate team on standby and got the call at the last minute. They do have several alt teams as back-ups for each season so that could be it. "Hey these pre-vented Survivor guys aren't too interesting but available for stand-by and we won't be using them anyway." Than a "Oh, whoops." Not that I think that happened but it would be funny if it did.
  20. Ask and you will receive. The Episode 2 previews already showed one. A shout-out to a famous detour choice from TAR3.
  21. Thanks. Now just one question. Who is Shelley? Long gone are the days I would have every Racer's name memorized. Stopped doing that after the first all stars (TAR11). Think I ran out of memory ram for TAR at that point, heh. Anyway I take it I was wrong and it wasn't the mother.
  22. Well I wasn't going to post in the TV section again here but had to come back and stick it to FOX. Two reality shows on Friday. (Well maybe more but the two I know of). One reply in this episode's thread other than me right now. Meanwhile almost 80 on The Amazing Race thread. Heh heh. Take the hint, FOX, and kill this slop.
  23. I think someone asked who had the title quote. Can't find that post again to give credit, sorry. But anyway I think the title quote was from the mother on the mother/daughter team at the beach of endless diggings. I could be completely wrong of course but I think it was her. Or at least at that beach. Guess this wasn't too much of a helpful answer, d'oh.
  24. I think I saw him too. So with two of us saying that we think he was there since Phil said some Racers were there and he is from Queens and he is certainly that tall then good chance it was him maybe. When Phil said some were there I think I spotted Brennen too since (1) Brennen usually shows up anytime he can regards TAR and (2) it was kind of a celebration of TAR1 with the start line stand-up and the clue box visit to the finish line. Too quick of shots and I can't record shows so can't go back now. My money is on either or both of Kevin and Drew being there too if free since they are TAR1 and NYC area guys. Also Margarita and Lenny and Karen are all from that area and TAR1. (Damn now I want to go off and do a TAR1 marathon this weekend). The TAR25 Racers? Dentist the Menace ... wow. At first I thought Popeye cause of the bulging eyeballs. Then I thought The Hulk cause of bulging in general. Then I thought the teeth of Blake & Paige (TAR2) on high beams combined with TAR5's "my ox is broken" Colin who once declared he would be the most intense racer ever. Move over, Colin. Dislike at first with the bragging intro and the wife telling us how smart he is. Then he removed the cardboard cut-out persona and stopped to help two other teams BEFORE going on to find his own treasure box and putting the SAVE in jeopardy. Then he backed up his bragging by actually doing. This guy is complicated and certainly a lightning rod character for the viewers. I'm unspoiled so just a guess that even without the SAVE they will go deep into the Race barring a bad taxi driver. Miami Clueless. Rarely has a team I wanted out gone out in the first leg. Maybe never. But then Season 25 rewarded me with my patience. It wasn't that exciting a race to the pit stop because their pit stop interview contained what I've come to call "the face of elimination." No matter how much a production assistant coaches these eliminated teams up to not give anything away in those interviews it is rare a team can hide that elimination look from their face no matter what they are actually saying. But that's okay since I didn't stress too much about the firefighters surviving. Loved they gave us the east setting sun info before they left. That's good to learn. And had a little karmic storyline that fit nicely with that elimination as well. And some more TAR1 celebration in the storyline as well since Kim & Leslie got some instant karma when they attempted the very first ever TAR taxi-nabbing which was of Paul and Aimee's taxi in Paris. Teams I'd like out sooner: The dating couples especially the mactors -- I think they all were or was it just two of them? No matter, I just find dating couples boring to start with and mactor ones worse. That includes the Survivor couple cause move over and give someone else their 15 minutes of fame. (Credit where due time: Mactor = model and/or actor and expanded since to mean any Z-Lister type (like Survivor couple) of any ilk since. Term was originally coined by Hera from Gus & Hera on Season 6 in a post on Survivor Sucks back in the day. She and her beer-loving dad Gus who was a former CIA guy and open cockpit pilot who flew over the North Pole, were surrounded by those types on Season 6. Sorry for off-topic bit but always thought Hera should get her just credit). Teams I would like to stay around: In no particular order. Surfers, Flight Attendants, Scientist Nerds, Bicycle Women, Gay Guys (yes, mom, he is gay), Firefighters. Don't mind the Wrestlers as much as the other mactors so far. Prefer the young mactors leave first then they can go. And the Dentists because they have the season villain edit so no sense wanting them out cause they aren't going anywhere for a long time based on that edit. And I liked he helped the two teams so I'm all for Colin 2.0, the Hulk version, staying around to break a few oxen before hopefully losing. From the previews looks like a shout-out to Season 3 coming up next episode. Man I missed Ken & Gerard when I saw those boats.
  25. They did this on the original season of Big Brother when it too was promoted as a social experiment. America promptly voted out (or nominated 2 for the others to choose one to vote out -- forget the exact mechanics) all the trouble makers, worst of the drama queens and crappy people. I enjoyed that season but apparently the producers didn't. They changed the format immediately afterwards not allowing the viewers to vote people out starting with Season 2 so they could keep the crappy people in cause it made for "good TV" and higher ratings. Not mine. I saw a little of seasons 2 and 3 and maybe one episode of season 4 when I just questioned my sanity as to why I tuned in at all. Haven't been back since. Liked season 1 with the Iowa farmer guy and Eddie the One Legged and hated the rest of it starting Season 2 onwards. Guess it is time to question why I bother with this show. The Amazing Race is starting tonight so I'm out from TV viewing this totally and don't know if I will even check back on the live feeds anymore. Maybe just to see if it got cancelled I hope. Or if there is big news like the lyrics to the song Cows With Guns come true. (Google the lyrics, it is awesome). So just want to thank all the recappers here for all their hard work and cool humor just in case I don't get back again. (And please don't anyone let yourselves fall under reality TV's version of Stockholm Syndrome with these horrible people. Not one of them is worth it messing with your emotions or sleep or whatever. There are no heroes in Craptopia. Only someone who may be less worse on any particular day compared to the other idiots in that compound). Good luck to you all who stay for the long haul. I admit I'm hoping it will be a very very short haul to cancellationville.
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