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Posts posted by Charlesman

  1. On 2/18/2018 at 8:15 PM, Goldmoon said:

    I watched A-G, I, J, and K on Acorn and Hulu from the USA.  Just last year.  I loved Stephen's QI.  Even a bad episode was good.  Last night I watched a Sandy ep for the first time on You Tube, Occult, because Noel Fielding and Russell Brand are two of my favorite comedians.  I was very disappointed.  The boys looked bored to death and Sandi seemed determined to spit out as much "knowledge" as she could as fast as she could because she had learned it and didn't want her efforts to go to waste.  Stephen took it as slowly as he needed to, leaving room for the guests to make contributions and as stuck up as he could sometimes appear, I never got the impression that he really looked down on his guests.  He made it seem like great fun to explore trivia with his panel.  I am not sure what Sandi was trying to convey other than she was smarter than everyone else in the room.


    Occult was not a good episode, for sure. My least favorite of the recents. Sadly, though I enjoy Noel and Russell, I put some of it on them for that one. Not all, for sure, but they share in making it a weaker installment.

    • Love 1
  2. Deadline says TAR is "a safe bet for renewal"


    One thing to factor in: CBS does not have Thursday Night Football next year. Nor the next five years, as FOX gobbled up the rights. So that's three more hours of primetime in the fall they'll have to fill. They'll keep Thursday a comedy night, but that means they'll have to fill where Big Bang used to be on Mondays in the fall, and have something to run in between Survivor seasons. 

    • Love 1
  3. After sleeping on it, I've come to agree that the sign task was completely impossible and the show really screwed it up and should have fixed it before it happened.


    The Bull and the Fez were at least in TAR-colors. The arch was not. That put every sign in that area in play. Plus, the Bull and the Fez at least looked like they could have been hastily slapped into place for the task. "Spot the things we added to this street scene". They stood out for not really fitting in with anything... they weren't advertising anything, pointing to anything, didn't have any information on them, so, superfluous. The arch had the happy hour times listed on it... it could have really been a sign for that bar. So it's just as in play as the bread sign, the compass, and every other sign on that street. 


    Plus, at this stage of the game, asking a team to notice and remember the difference between the World Famous Landmark Arc d' Triumphe, from France, where they spent one full leg and parts of two others, over the nowhere near-as-famous arch in Washington Square Park, where they spent all of ten minutes, is a tough ask. 


    Further proof is only one team actually "got it", and mostly by luck. Two more didn't and solved it by brute force. 


    Really, show, that task was poorly designed.

    • Love 17
  4. No comments yet, quite telling.

    We got the best tattoos of the season, ruined by the worst manufactured drama and stupid challenge construction of the season.


    I swear this would be a good show if the producers would just get out of their own way sometimes and let the good artists make good art. 

    • Love 11
  5. 9 hours ago, GaT said:

    I would like to smack whoever thought that a two hour episode against the Olympics was a good idea.


    Unfortunately, the person's reasoning was "Let's not start Survivor until after the Olympics", and TAR is the sacrificial lamb. 


    But I'm grateful for it. I don't watch the Olympics, so I'm happy at least one channel has new shows on this week. 

    • Love 6
  6. 12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    I wish Yale had not been speared.  Oh well...

    I love it when Henry questioned their math and Evan gave him a look as if to say, "How dear you question my math!", and Henry was right it was because the math was screwed up.  

    Out of the final four I think I want either Indy or Team Extreme to take the win, I am leaning more Kristi and Jen because they have kicked ass all throughout the race and it would be cool to see them win.

    I'm really sick of Yale, in a race with indy car drivers and x games athletes, continuing to bring up "debate team" as the highest level of competition. Get over it. 

    • Love 8
  7. 12 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    That scene made me wonder : was Culber  the only casualty on the Discovery?
    (The only other that I can recall is the security chief (replaced by Ash) who tried to shoot the Spore Creature and got trampled. And of course Lorca, but he became an evil villain, so ..)

    If that is correct, then Discovery got through the MU 3-part adventure and the Klingon war with barely a scratch ... which is almost unprecedented. 
    ... Every adventure of the Abrams nuTrek  involves scores of crew members being sucked into space and the ship being destroyed. So, yay for minimum collateral damage ..? 


    Well, 3 dead out of, what?... like twelve total people we ever see on the ship? That's a 25% casualty rate!

    • Love 8
  8. 18 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    How does her threat even work? "I have this button that can blow up our home planet. But there is no way to demonstrate how it works  ... or prove that it will work. You just have to believe that the bomb exists and this button will trigger it.  Also, I can never sleep again  and must always guard against being separated from this device. "


    Man, it was just all so dumb. Never once all season did the writers attempt to put some logic into their character's heads. 


    I really hope that season two is a massive improvement on this dog turd of a show, and that in the future, we can just say to people "Skip season 1, you don't need it".

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

    He got passed on the next attempt so I guess he was right though.  He felt he had the pronunciation and the singing pace.


    I felt the editors added a lot of drama to Big Brothers singing task, considering they got it in only 3 tries, and passed a team ahead of them in the process. 




    I do like this season, there are a lot of strong teams. They're not suffering from Killer Fatigue as much as some past teams by this point. 

    • Love 2
  10. I have to agree that part of the hand in Team Anthony's flash challenge was messed up. The little finger and one or two next to it weren't correct. The proportion was wrong and they didn't connect to the hand the right way. It was wrong enough that I wouldn't have given them the win either, given the strength of the other designs. But the chessboard floor was stellar. 

  11. 1 hour ago, backformore said:

    I enjoyed the moment when you could sort of tell that the three finalists KNEW there was no "awards ceremony"  but had to play along and pretend.  I mean, we've all seen the show before, we know how this goes.   

    Yeah, that was completely obvious. Same thing every year. No way anyone can fall for it. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

    I am impressed on the intelligence of the Violinists, there's nothing wrong of BB using the U-Turn, I wished there was no cooperation on the telephone or Brittany was not included in that and Violinist catched up to her and Ocean Rescue would be eliminated.


    I was impressed the violinists did so well on the first pass through the Copernicus test. They did great retaining a lot of info despite fatigue. I wish they'd pulled it out, they were great racers.

    • Love 6
  13. 9 hours ago, mwell345 said:

    (This is the first TAR season that Phil has been getting on my nerves.  Big Time.)


    Although this episode we got a Phil two-fer... he had to say the word Prague ("Praag") and the beer drinkers in the spa ("spaah") 

    • Love 9
  14. Yeah, can't say they made the wrong choice this week. Only question was if Matt's demonstrated skills from other challenges and potential would push him past a lil' D that is clearly overmatched by the rest of the competition. 

    Fine with the choice. No winner of this show could possibly have that on his resume. 

    • Love 2
  15. On 1/27/2018 at 5:19 PM, TVbitch said:

    Per usual, I agreed with Dave on the judging. Was Sparks an Ink Master Angels winner? I've lost track again who's left. Surely they will let one of them get far just to validate a season 2 of IMA.  

    He was probably the best Angels winner. Now the only remaining two from Angels are just Deanna (kept for her looks most likely), and Smug Daniel:


    ...and it seems if they're going to drag one Angel winner to the end to justify the series, it'll be him.

    • Love 1
  16. On 1/27/2018 at 10:44 AM, illdoc said:
    On 1/27/2018 at 3:27 AM, riprock said:

    And I loved Christina's talkback when Milly admonished her for making the wrong greens. "Thank you for the feedback, chef."

    Wasn't that Nick (who said he liked the "wrong greens", but wanted the "correct ones" (I think he said something like "I like the wrong greens (don't remember what they were), but maybe some other time. I need the correct greens" and that's why Christina said "thanks for the feedback")?


    It was Nick (Milly had previously correctly spotted the difference between lobster and prawns). Nick was the one who spotted Creamed Leeks instead of Creamed Spinach, and gave the kind-of brown-nosing reprimand to Christina: "I love your idea, but let's get creamed spinach up there", like, sure, she was just being creative and thought to improvise a garnish in the middle of service.

    • Love 4
  17. 11 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

      I thought Joe Sasto was going to come out of his stache, he was wriggling so much, particularly when we had the Chris / Claudette back and forth. 


    There were a couple of shots of him in the stew room, after hearing from the judges, where he just looked shell shocked. He had his eyes wide open but not focused on anything. The thousand yard stare. 

    • Love 1
  18. 50 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

    Right??  When they were in the kitchen between the second and third courses, talking about how well it was going and patting themselves on the back, I was yelling at the teevee, "THEY HAVE HATED EVERYTHING YOU'VE PUT OUT!!"

    Seriously. Was Fatima so absent that she didn't relay what was going on out front at all? 


    Meanwhile, literally the only complaint about Conifer was that one plate was too hot. That was it. What a total dominating win. 

    • Love 12
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