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Posts posted by Charlesman

  1. 54 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

    I, too, am surprised they didn't consider that the heat came from underground. Until the hatch opened, I was thinking there was some geothermal stuff going on.



    It was pretty dumb for Mike, the scientist/astronaut, to travel all the way to the Hot Blob, and then not even bother to try and figure out why it was there. Not even some curiosity, at all, to even check to see if there was a column of air 98.6 degrees there for some reason. 

    Pretty unbelievable, and it wasn't possible to stretch my suspension of disbelief close to that far. 

    • Love 5
  2. I know that no one, least of all ABC, has the sheer balls to do it, but, this show would be amazing if they killed off the lead character seven episodes into the first season and replaced him with Jonathan. 

    Tell the D.O.C. that the criminal brother died, have everyone start calling Jonathan "Cameron", and move right along with the plot. It would be stunningly crazy.

    • Love 2
  3. Is it LIVE again? That's always a well-coordinated, slickly produced, and entertaining hour of television with lots of interesting anecdotes and plenty of great content. I especially enjoy being able to hear everyone, never dealing with interruptions, never having to have Dave repeat himself because the person he's talking to just three feet away can't hear him, and Dave never having to ask the audience to shut the hell up already because no one else can hear anything that's going on and they're wasting time. 

    Top notch broadcasting all around. Huzzah!

    • Love 13
  4. I wouldn't worry, it was pulled last Sunday for that James Comey thing, then it gets the Tuesday follow up slot after Roseanne, the biggest hit ABC has had since Lost. If they don't blow it, they should be safe.

    • Love 2
  5. I spent the entire reward challenge trying to figure out how the schoolyard pick went. Seemed like all the strong players were on the same team! Then Wendell's team of non-jocks won it, it shocked me!

    • Love 5
  6. Rigged.


    If that's your pinup, you don't belong in the final. Period. The thigh. The arm, the shoulder. The head, the face. 

    All of it was puke. 


    Fuck this

    • Love 8
  7. Per his EW interview, Chris's strategy with the idols wasn't completely stupid: If Dom and Wendell both played idols, he would have played his. If neither Dom or Wendell played idols, he also would have played his, because that would mean something was up. If only one did, he was going to gamble that the other was going home.

    • Love 5
  8. Yeah, first thing I noticed was one HII you could carry out in the open and not even bother to hide, and no one would care. Then the other one is the size of a steering wheel and can't be concealed at all.


    Did anyone else notice Wendell posing after every shot on the sixth ring? Then he kept missing. Then he pranced around like a hotshot when he finally made it. Just a funny sequence. Almost as funny as Donathan not being able to uncap the pen.

    • Love 4
  9. On 3/13/2018 at 5:33 PM, Tachi Rocinante said:

    It was a variation on a do-it-yourself online trick that made the rounds on the internet a few years ago.  It was in a cave or something like that.


    It's an old trick, I think even David Copperfield used it in an old special--it's basically the only card trick you ever see on TV because it's the only "pick a card" variant that works on television

  10. On 3/14/2018 at 1:37 PM, jbrecken said:

    On the other hand, "Johnathan Creek" lasted more than one season.

    Big fan of Johnathan Creek, at least, while he lived in the windmill. The later seasons, not so much :)


    I thought it was pretty decent, though as a magic fan, once he name-dropped that the big illusion at the end would need a "Pepper's Ghost", I waited and waited for it, but, I don't think I saw it. Disappointing... Pepper's Ghost is one of my favorite illusions (don't Google it unless you want to be spoiled on how Disney's Haunted Mansion works!)

    • Love 1
  11. So, like, three times in explaining the challenge, they say the tattoo must be on the sternum. 

    They were not allowed to talk the canvas out of moving it.

    Nunez even said "the bulk of the tattoo" must be over the bone in the chest.


    And yet several people went with "upper belly" tattoos and not "sternum" tattoos. The sternum does not extend more than an inch below the nipple line. Everyone who put the bulk of their tattoo below the chest level should have been called out for it. Or, if not, why waste so much show time on rules you're going to ignore?

    • Love 5
  12. On 3/12/2018 at 7:35 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    LMAO at Klaus flipping off the censors after getting bleeped.



    As someone who works in the TV business, and knows how the network censors work, this cracked me up.  I get countless memos from Standards & Practices about what they will and won't bleep, and often there is a numerical limit. On the family-friendly ABC, for example, a show is only allowed 3 'hell' or 'damn's per episode. On the cable networks, we're allowed the stronger words, but also within limits. So seeing the bleeps happen after "shit" gets dropped a fourth time got me laughing good.

    • Love 1
  13. 15 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Make a fake immunity idol and a bullshit excuse for not having the note to go with it.


    Just holy hell some awful game play. 


    Yeah, I didn't get this play at all. It would have been much smarter for Jacob to claim he got nothing at Ghost Island, that he came back empty handed, then "accidentally" flash his fake idol to the tribe's most talkative over-thinker. Let the word spread through the rumor mill that he really did get an idol there, and he'd at least have the threat of believability. Not that the votes wouldn't have gone down the exact same way, probably, with 2 on James as a backup. But it at least would have showed the smallest amount of thought.

    • Love 6
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