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Posts posted by Charlesman

  1. 16 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

    For a second, I thought we were going to have to change Chris's name to Christen and he would be sent packing ...and then win LCK anc come back and win the finale - it gave me flashbacks of Kristen and Josie.  Perhaps, if Claudette would have kept her mouth shut, the judges would have let Chris take the fall.  But Claudette just could stop herself from being herself.  I am so glad she is gone.

    I remember other teams doing well in Restaurant Wars in the past, but I don't ever remember a team doing so well that the judges said it didn't seem like it was the first day they were open.  



    There have been a few rare times. Wasn't there even one season that both restaurants did so well that no one was eliminated? 

    I think the "Bodega" restaurant might have been the one that impressed the judges most. 

    • Love 3
  2. Once again, happy to see the great sportsmanship from the ballers after they lost the head to head. They hugged it out and gave an 'It's OK'. 

    I wish more teams on other seasons were like this. 

    Race mechanics aside, this feels like the best group of teams the show has ever had. I like my TAR without stupid drama and fighting. We'll see if it continues once things like the U-turn enter the game. 

    • Love 5
  3. I can't believe their pick for tattoo of the day. It just had a wimpy, limp, weak lighting bolt running right through the middle of it. It didn't even look like a lightning bolt. It looked like a thin piece of ribbon waving in the breeze. 


    Deanna and Sparks both screwed up the same part of the same pose, the back arm turned up. But Sparks only screwed up one side of it. Deanna messed up front and back. The arm looked like a circle. She should have gone home. 

    • Love 1
  4. The fact that people aren't sure whether L'Rell killed Voq or not pretty much proves that her character's motivation for doing so wasn't even close to being established. 

    Which is par for the course on this show, apparently. What a godawful mess this whole series is. 

  5. 21 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Next week is 2 hours. I doubt they would do DE again so close, right? So 2 teams will be going out back to back? That will leave 7 Teams left. Man! That’s practically half the show.


    SURVIVOR is returning to the timeslot on February 28th, so there's just 5 weeks of TAR episodes left. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I liked one of the blue team pointing out to Adrienne that Claudette was doing the same thing with Tanya as she did when she and Adrienne on the bottom. 

    Yep, first and foremost, Claudette is the worst.

    I was a little surprised Tanya left, because at first the story was the protein was cooked correctly, only that she called out the wrong number. I guess it was a lot closer between her and Claudette than it seemed due to the precision failures. However, I'm glad Tanya's attitude is off my screen. She gave her "No" to Padma's question, then aired all her dirty laundry anyway and did give her story. Then gave lip to the judges. Plus the eyerolls off to the side. She complained that everyone else was congratulating the winners... which happens every episode in the stew room. The losers have to suck it up there, and she didn't. But, to me, telling Kerry to "get woke" was over the line. There was no need for that kind of insinuation and insult. So, glad she's gone, and I hope Claudette follows her out quickly.

    • Love 24
  7. 17 hours ago, kris4n6 said:

    I thought for sure that Cedric and Shawn and the food competition guys were going to get penalties for calling out to their teammates when they were trying to find the start of the roadblock again.



    I thought this for a second at the time, but a quick rewind showed it was kind of deceptive editing. At least for the Eaters. Tim was yelling out "Joey" (who was sitting and waiting), and Joey jumped up but didn't say anything. Some of Tim's calling out was looped over the footage of Joey, though, and then Tim immediately turned around and said something else, like, "you're over here." Don't remember exactly. But, Joey wasn't shown or heard to be speaking at all, it just was edited in a way that suggested it. So, no penalty.


    Also, I'll echo I'm impressively surprised that we had two teams that spoke Arabic. Plus a bunch of others seemed passable in French and Spanish. With the tight finish, well, I continue to be optimistic that this could be one of the best seasons in years. 

    • Love 5
  8. I thought Sparks showed the most creativity and talent of all the Angels contestants. I also think it's up to the artists to sink or swim on their own. It'll suck to be the good tattooer eliminated because your coach led you wrong. I think they should take advice and input, but not be slaves to their coaches. It's not like football where the coach calls run or pass every play and the athlete has to execute the plan decided on. This should be more mentoring and then letting the artist do his/her thing. More like a literary agent giving a novelist notes, rather than rewriting the whole book for him.


    Also, I loved there was no screaming and fighting and drama in episode 1. So, of course, episode 2 opens with an extended sequence of bickering and then there were several more during the show like always. Oh well. The suckage returns. At least it's easy to Fast-Forward through.


    I can't disagree with who went home. Those lines were bad. The circle wasn't a circle. Nothing was even or consistent. Sure, it looked passable from four feet away, but, that's not the point of a Fundamentals challenge. If your fundamentals are solid, you should be able to hold it under a microscope and see it perfect. 

    • Love 2
  9. On 1/14/2018 at 7:39 AM, Charlesman said:
    On 1/13/2018 at 8:19 PM, Inkmaster0345 said:


    Down the road, I'm wondering how big the finale will be. Dave said something to the effect of "Coaches will get more power in the finale for each finalist from their team" but in the usual 3 person finale, there's a high likelihood that one of the teams will be totally wiped out by then, and it will end of being one coach with 2 contestants vs another coach with 1. We'll see how that works itself out I suppose. 

     I think I heard Dave differently... That the coaches would also compete against each other in the finale and they would get to "call one shot" for each contestant that got that far. For example, if Steve gets 2 into the finale and DJ gets 1, maybe Steve could pick style and subject matter, and DJ location. But it seemed to me that the coaches would also be tattooing in a side competition. 


    Sounds like this was correct from what I heard in episode 2. The three coaches will also tattoo in the finale, for a $100,000 prize, in the Master Faceoff. For each contestant they send to the IM Season 10 finale, each master will get to call a shot in that Master Faceoff.

  10. On 1/12/2018 at 9:24 AM, Ellee said:

    Is LCK taped immediately after the show? The next day?  Just curious. 


    I'm 90% sure that all the LCK's are all filmed in the same day (or two or three) right before they re-enter the show. Except for this season's, of course, where it was done in two sessions, the first starting from the returning vets and going to the return of LeeAnn and Claudette to coincide with the filming date of the right episode where they re-entered. There is presumably another several-day LCK session before the finale. It doesn't make much sense for all the chefs to fly out to wherever and back every two/three days for LCK. Especially the eliminated ones, don't know why they'd fly back and hang around just to watch on stools (or, just not go home). Most of the time, it appears the eliminees are wearing the same clothes from one LCK to the next. Plus, the cost of firing up the studio for just a 10-minute bit isn't cost-effective. They could easily film 3 or 4 a day.

    think that in most "normal" seasons, they call back all the eliminated chefs for a week of LCK in between the last episode at the main location and the finale, which is a filmed couple of weeks/months later. They bring them in one at a time, do a challenge, then bring in the next one, who has no clue who they're facing or what they're up against. Stagger the arrivals in boot order, expect to get 3 or maybe 4 done in a day, so the 5th chef out doesn't arrive until the morning of day 2 or whatever. 


    As far as Wrap-gate, I think Tu completely misunderstood and thought Brother had it on his table the whole time. I believe Brother has cleared up that he only found the wrap with a few minutes left as he was plating. And that it was in the same place it always is in that kitchen. That is the same normal TC kitchen, just decorated differently for LCK (another reason why all the LCKs are probably filmed consecutively, when the main kitchen isn't being used). 

    • Love 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Sarahendipity said:

    When Karl was painting Gail, was that music from 'Silence of the Lamb's in the background??

    Yep, 100% it was. Recognized it right away. Buffalo Bill's tuck-dance music. It is Goodbye Horses, and Clerks used it as a parody of the Silence of the Lambs scene. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, sourpickles said:

    This is a bit OT, but if anyone on here has DirecTV or any real idea about what the fudge is going on....I woke up this weekend and Spike TV channel was totally gone, in its place now is Paramount channel.  I am not real happy, because it seems to show Friends, Two and a Half Men, and COPS, and that appears to be it.  I still see IM on my guide, thank god, but are they going to have to shop for a new home after this season or what?  And no more old season reruns on Tuesdays!  DirecTV didn't give me any warning, like they did before they yanked my Chiller channel (which also pissed me off because there went my Face Off reruns), and now I'm paranoid about losing Ink Master as well.  I had a real rough last six months of last year so I wasn't commenting all that much and I missed a lot, most of Project Runway, a good chunk of Angels, and all of Top Chef thus far (first time in a LONG time), so I'm trying to get back on track and I'm afraid I may have missed something about the channel change.  Any help would be appreciated, since if I have to end up watching online I'll have warning.  Thanks in advance fellow Ink Master fans!


    Spike TV renamed itself The Paramount Network. Nothing to worry about, they just changed their name. Same company, same people running it. They are re-branding to focus on more than just "bro" shows. But IM is still one of their biggest shows and isn't going anywhere.


    (Dave actually mentioned in the live finale last season that season 10 would be on what would be named the Paramount Network, but, the name change wasn't official until after season 10 started)


    Edit: Here's some insider industry news coverage of the name change and the thinking behind it. While there are a lot of lame reruns now, expect in a few months for them to roll out a lot of new original shows that attempt to broaden the network's appeal. Key quote: "Talking about Paramount Network’s demo target, “we’re trying or reach men and women 18-49,” Kay said. “Spike is very male, sometimes 80 percent. … We don’t want the Spike audience to go away, we want to bring Spike viewers with us. "

    • Love 2
  13. Before there's any nitpicking of the science, IIRC, we know the human body can survive at least 30 seconds in the pure vacuum of space. A couple of cosmonauts were once in an airlock accident  for at least that long, and lived. They reported that they burped and farted a lot, and the last thing they remembered before losing consciousness was the sensation of their saliva boiling off their tongues. But they lived. It's not like some movies where the body just instantly explodes. 

    • Useful 1
    • Love 4
  14. 4 hours ago, preeya said:

    Everything on a reality show is done for ratings. GR is an Executive Producer of the show so I'm sure he knows exactly what goes on both on and off the screen. She (Elise) was there to create drama and have people like us talk about it. There was no way in hell she was ever going to be employed by GR. It's also likely that Robyn and Millie won't be either.

    Oh, I'm well aware of this. Which is why I said "looks like". Ramsey looks like an idiot by not reaming out Elise. And, that's what the audience wanted. That's what those ratings were building towards. 

    On all counts this was a terrible misread of the situation by the show. Misunderstanding what the audience wanted, what they contestant deserved, and what that does to GR's perception and reputation. 

    • Love 5
  15. On 1/13/2018 at 7:30 AM, preeya said:

    That would NEVER happen.

    I wonder. Gordon Ramsey wasn't mean enough to Elise. He was supportive and talked positively to her about keeping up with what she was doing, which will only feed her delusion in the future in her life. 

    After all we went through having to put up with her shit all season, her exit wasn't cathartic enough. She needs a scolding, a solid dressing down, someone to rip her ego apart until she finally gets what a horrible, terrible, awful human being she is. Instead Ramsey just fed her ego more. 


    Honestly, there way he tolerated her all season makes Ramsey look oblivious, incompetent, or otherwise incapable. Was he not paying attention to services? Is he deaf? And blind? Does he not watch the footage of the show? Do the producers not tell him what's happening? Did he not watch her previous season? 

    Seriously. Gordon's either an idiot or an awful judge of character. He should have ripped her a new asshole, not praised her for being one. 

    • Love 10
  16. 11 hours ago, Inkmaster0345 said:


    Down the road, I'm wondering how big the finale will be. Dave said something to the effect of "Coaches will get more power in the finale for each finalist from their team" but in the usual 3 person finale, there's a high likelihood that one of the teams will be totally wiped out by then, and it will end of being one coach with 2 contestants vs another coach with 1. We'll see how that works itself out I suppose. 

     I think I heard Dave differently... That the coaches would also compete against each other in the finale and they would get to "call one shot" for each contestant that got that far. For example, if Steve gets 2 into the finale and DJ gets 1, maybe Steve could pick style and subject matter, and DJ location. But it seemed to me that the coaches would also be tattooing in a side competition. 

    • Love 6
  17. 2 minutes ago, arc said:

    The show reinvents itself a lot, but for practical making-TV reasons I'd be really shocked if they really moved the show to a place with different sets.

    I kinda hope the judge isn't anyone from Parks and Rec. Or B99. Or The Office. 


    The neighborhood was a standard set at Universal Studios, the 'European square'. They're could probably re-dress it or any other blacklot location for the remaining episodes.


    Meanwhile, I wonder if going to the real Bad Place will result in Chidi getting lost trying to find Kierkegaard and Kant. 

    • Love 8
  18. I've pieced together that 3 Angels winners are on teams: Deanna, Sparks, and Daniel, the young guy from San Francisco. Two Angels contestants were cut: Tim from Atlanta, and Rachel from Pittsburgh, the woman who used "too much white".



    I thought it was odd that the top 3 all picked the same team. Have they ever seen the show before? It was just on "Peck vs Nunez" that, sure, you're on a team "together", but, you'll frequently be competing against your own team when you place on the bottom. The second and third picks should have seriously considered jumping elsewhere. 

    • Love 2
  19. I know I've seen the Head To Head before on the last season of TAR:Canada, but it wasn't directly at the mat. They're had to at least drive somewhere and the last place team had a fifteen minute penalty or something before they could leave too. Not sure if it's been on other international editions too. But if one team had to be sacrificed to it, at least it was a team that didn't have much of a chance anyway. 

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