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Everything posted by kristen111

  1. Apparently, they pick n choose, so it’s a crap shoot. Once I was banned unjustly, and it was a bitch to get back. It took a whole week to get back on. Some very nice Mod took the time to help me. She was super nice and I will never forget her. “TurtlePower” sounds very familiar. ??????
  2. If someone was unjustly banned, they wouldn’t want to come back, so why upset the apple cart? That’s their prerogative.
  3. No, I don’t think so. Not familiar to me. It’s been a long time. Maybe “Star something?
  4. Yes, probably. There are new ingredients in laundry soaps also and people are feeling the difference. It’s good you did your own investigating.
  5. Oh, I didn’t know Olivia had a jury duty summons. We hadn’t been in Queens by car for about twenty years. Yikes.
  6. Yes. It’s on the summons. We just got a speeding ticket on a Sunday in Queens NY. We were riding 37 mph in a 25 mph school zone on a SUNDAY. I did it on line.$50 bucks. Yes. Lots of new names lately, especially.
  7. I was good friends with Reality Police and the poster who had a Dragon icon. One day they were gone. I was so upset. So many that were nice .. then gone overnight. I hope those that live alone have a buddy. Like some I won’t mention names.
  8. I LOVED the Closer. Plus anything detective.
  9. The Urologist says it’s all normal and these lovely things come with age. Yeah, right.
  10. Controlling the bladder. Lately, I’m up like four times a night.
  11. It’s good to have a buddy on the thread. Someone who can relay a message should something good or not good happen. Being we all know each other for years. I’m wondering about a few from years ago who just disappeared. They were staples on the thread .. then poof. Some change their names too.
  12. So many people going to Ireland, etc. this summer. Anyone ever watch the movie “Leap Year”? A very cute movie starring Amy Adams. Beautiful views of Ireland . It could be on Netflix or Prime video, etc. A feel good romantic comedy. Another one I watched today about Italy. “Only You” starring Marissa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. Beautiful views of the Amalfi Coast and Rome.
  13. Everyone should be like you. Respectful and nice. A pleasure to be around. ❤️
  14. I had that balance thing once. It turned out to be a “ middle ear infection”. Antibiotics put my balance back in order.
  15. What do you mean exactly? If you don’t mind. At a certain age, I think we all have some problems, unfortunately. I never get a good nights sleep anymore.
  16. Lately, so many regular Posters have gone. Maybe under a different name? I could use some new recipes. I’m making the same things week after week. Maybe they were disrespected or bullied, got disgusted, then left?
  17. Speaking of … My poor Son in law has been itching and rash here n there all over his body since before Christmas. He hasn’t torrent a good nights sleep since. Sometimes, his eyes blow up and itch also. He’s been to 3 Dermatologists. Now, has to go to an Algerist. What could it be? Not eating or touching anything out of the ordinary. Maybe the Covid shots I’m thinking? What could it be all of a sudden. He hasn’t gotten a good nights sleep for months. I feel so bad. @Mindthinkrpls pm me if you have any idea what it could be. You are a Nurse after all. These doctors just give him different creams.
  18. You are 1000 % right. They show these girls sitting around all day drinking coffee. So unrealistic. Then they show some of them shoveling crap and mending fences. I didn’t need to see the cows getting their ears tagged either. These women seem accomplished . Probably here for exposure. Nothing else.
  19. You know more than me. I still don’t know their names, lol. All I know is that they all don’t look the type to work the Farm. Maybe one knows everything . I still watch tho.
  20. I’m feeling more and more sorry for Teresa. I think she was duped. She looked so desperate to have him and now her marriage is over. He will get over this quickly, like when his wife died. Who looks for a woman 3 months after his wife dies?
  21. My tv flashes the name of the person or company with their phone number. Then we decide if we want to pick up or let it go to voicemail on the answering machine. Nice feature. Optimum.
  22. Someone PLEASE tell me Teresa had a Pre Nup. That’s all I care about. She’s supposed to be so smart. I hope I never see Kathy, Susan, Leslie and Faith on my tv again. They had enough publicity. What makes them so special?
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