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Harry Wails

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  1. Jusrt binged this over the weekend, I was ok with the violence because I grew up on nonsense western that didn't portray the old west accurately. I remember my little daughter reading the Laura Ingalls "Little House" booksyears ago and feeling like they were closer to the "real" west than most shows as crazy as that sounds! 😂 Sara is annoying but i like Abish
  2. Amy said on one of her IG LIVES with Mae West that the show was ending and that she was looking for a job as a substitute teacher. That was a while back because we know she's been substitute teaching for several months.
  3. it's easy to see where Zach get's his ungrateful jackass personality from, his mother! The crab apple didn't fall far from the tree with those two.
  4. She has the same catch phrases as Amy like.. 'From my sh***y little kitchen to yours!' 😂
  5. I can't believe this clowns 15 minutes aren't up yet! 🤡 I watched this report, he had absolutely NOTHING to add, he's the king of the freaking obvious, he said the killer used camo colored burlap to wrap his victims and then explained it's because he was a duck hunter, REALLY oh wow what NEWS, STOP THE PRESSES!!! ,,, uummm.. that information has been on every report since the story broke but this asshole sat there like he just figured it out and was cracking the case with his superior detective skills.
  6. This! I think Leon loves rattling their cages. Leon is the polar opposite of Meri, Meri filters the shit out of every pic she takes and Leon goes to the opposite extreme. JMO but Leon has always been a spoiled rotten attention whore, I'll never forget their performance sitting in the driveway like a psycho in Vegas because they weren't able to move in to their house.
  7. Typical Amy smiling like a cheshire cat with Chris in the background looking bored to tears and wishing she'd put that damn camera down for 5 minutes. Who relaxes for the rest of the night in their apron from cooking? I notice she's all over instagram again this week shilling her CUPCAKE, PANCAKE, COW PATTY memberships.. 🙃
  8. Just speaking from my own situation, of course all us kids knew we were being abused and we talked about it but we never went to our parents because she had us terrified of what would happen if we did. I'm just saying, abusers can be very clever and kids often don't tell until they're adults and no longer fear the abuser, don't be too quick to discount it when they say they've been abused because chances are that's exactly what they were told by their abuser would happen, no one would believe them if they spoke up. I'm not saying Meri is an abuser but I also don't want to paint the kids as liars just because i don't want to think that Meri could do such a thing, my wife is a social worker it happens all the time.
  9. ok not saying this is what happened but I had an aunt who was mean as a rattlesnake to us kids when we were little and no one knew. She would pinch and TWIST our skin, she's crack you in the back of the head with a wooden spoon and it hurt like hell, she'd offer to help us dress us and it was torture, she'd cram your foot into a shoe and then twist, pinch your ankles until you wanted to scream, she'd pull your hair like a bastard while pretending to comb it, I can't list all the ways she tortured us and she also told us if we told anyone or went crying like a baby to our parents she'd give us something to CRY ABOUT! We never told our parents, we were terrified, she said they'd never believe us and that she'd make sure we paid for telling on her. We finally told out parents after the old bitch died and we were adults. Abusive people can be very clever and hide their abuse.
  10. I guess I better fess up, it was a joke, that's why I added the winking emoji I have no idea what the actual kitchen looks like.
  11. ok I'm a guy and I'm normally down for almost any kind of nudity especially if there's people sneaking around in the background?!?! 😂 but that pushed my limits and it's not because they've had chest surgery, it was the whole pompous ass, french coffee press, smug facial expressions and giant MULLET that turned me off.
  12. Well I have it on good authority 😉 that this is the kitchen at Lizzies, so maybe you're supposed to haul your sweaty bike riding ass downstairs and bath while the cook reheats last nights leftover fried chicken. <joking>
  13. Same here, a big NO to meatloaf stuffed with cheese and swimming in bloody pink juice. Amy has an ongoing problem with undercooking her recipes, everyone remember the fried chicken that was in the oil for 10 seconds? That chicken was ready to run off the plate and back to the coop and if you eat it you'll be running for the outhouse!
  14. When I read "white pipe thing" I was hoping you'd spied a BONG because that's what I'd need, a few good hits off a bong to use that toilet! I'd be tempted to shit in the waste basket rather than sit my ass on that green carpet cesspool of bacteria.
  15. Had to resurrect this from the vault, Good old Chris and his bugging eyeballs 😂 Crowns on the night table next to their bed, scarecrow costumes with more cleavage than Raquel Welch in "Mother, Jugs and Speed!"
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