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Posts posted by technorebel

  1. Thanks everyone for the information. I've been attempting to figure it all out, since I only starting watching the show a couple of years ago, which Wikipedia tells me was about half way through season three.


    I'm trying to wrap my head around some of the bizarre connections. Just imagine divorcing your husband and then going on to marry his sister's husband and living with them. C-r-a-z-y.


    Also, when did Janelle's mom marry Kody's dad? I thought Janelle wasn't raised in polygamy.


    Oy, I'm so confused. Thank God I live a simple and uncomplicated life (and no, it's NOT boring, Christine!)

    Janelle and Kody were engaged.  They took Janelle's mom up to meet Kody's family because Janelle's LDS family were concerned about her marrying into polygamy.  While there, Janelle's mom hit it off with Kody's dad.  They were married three months after Kody and Janelle's wedding.  It's unclear to me if Janelle's mom was divorced from her father or a widow.


    So I guess that makes Janelle Kody's sister-in--law/stepsister/wife.  Whew!

    • Love 4
  2. Suddenly, that old classic C/W song, "I'm My Own Grandpa" pops into my head.


    That makes me wonder if there were ever polygamy-specific songs written; or, perhaps, polygamy-specific greeting cards.  Hallmark should get on that.  "To my dear sweet second wife on Valentine's Day...roses are red, violets are blue, I still love Meri, but now I love you, too."

    • Love 12
  3. I bought the book about two years ago and still have not finished it! Granted, it is somewhat interesting at spots here and there in regards to the backstory of their family and the wives' backgrounds, but it is repetitive and confusing in its timeline and poorly written too. 


    Does anyone know how many wives Christine's father has/had? I know her own mother left but I assumed there were multiple other wives considering how Christine is regarded as polyg. royalty...but I may be mistaken. I just find it fascinating that that the wife who seems to be the biggest advocate for polygamy is the one wife with a parent who left it. 

    Christine doesn't say in the book.  She just says that she was raised in a large household and that her grandmother was her inspiration to live the principle.

    • Love 2
  4. I don't know a lot about the Brown family genealogy, except that Janelle used to be married to Meri's brother and Janelle's mom was married to Kody's dad.  I do remember reading that Robyn and Christine are related--same grandparent perhaps?  As has been noted before, their family tree is more like a family wreath.


    Did some googling and came up with this:


    "There is one more family connection among the wives. Robyn was first married to David Jessop, who is first cousins with Christine. Although David and Christine are related, Robyn did not know Christine, as Robyn and David lived in Montana during their marriage. (David has since left the church.)"


    So Robyn's first three kids and Christine's kids are also second cousins.

    So, Robyn might have said, "Kids, meet your new stepsister cousins".  Their family trees must be a mess.

    • Love 3
  5. Yes! It seems like a few of them should be pretty versed in the book of mormon and the church rules. Even without the altering of historical events, they should be able to talk about what their faith means, why polygamy is part of that faith, and how they are guided to live in plural marriage. I feel like we've only gotten "because god" from all of the Browns.

    It probably wouldn't go over too well if they admit they're living polygamy because they want to become gods with their own planet to rule over in the afterlife. But this is precisely why they torture themselves with this lifestyle. So they dance around the issue and say vague things like "we have a calling to live this way". Because the truth is just so bizarre.

    • Love 3
  6. I thought that the LDS church has pretty robust education programs. Wouldn't Kody and Jenelle as LDS members have been required to meet a certain proficiency?

    Robust education in regard to their religion? My impression is that their church only tells them the history that will be "faith-promoting" and discourages members from poking around on the internet. The ones I've met seem to be shocked when certain historical facts are discussed as if they've never heard them before.

    • Love 2
  7. What about Robyn? Wasn't she raised in it like Christine? I thought those two were related somehow?

    Robyn says in the book that she was raised in a polygamist family, but doesn't say how far back that went in her family. She was married for 7 1/2 years to a man who came from polygamy, although she and he never took another wife. She says she was "badly mistreated and misled by him."

    I don't know if any of the Browns are related or not. Someone who knows their family genealogy may know.

    All of the wives describe Kody as dynamic, the life of the party. I don't mind saying that he was pretty good-looking in his younger days.

  8. Maybe it's wishful thinking :)

    But the decision to feature this trip down memory lane on the last episode of the season felt like one of two obvious things for me:

    They really have run out of "real life" to show and aren't even pretending (much like this entire season) or

    Exactly what you're describing in the second scenario. If the decision is not yet made (or at least official), it certainly gives TLC an easy out. And an okay close to a terribly disappointing show.

    They just don't talk about the things I really want to know...the things that would make the show more interesting.

    Why, for instance, does Kody even WANT to become a god? This is their reason for polygamy, but they won't go there because they know it sounds ridiculous to everyone else. Discussions about the more bizarre aspects of their beliefs would liven things up.

    • Love 1
  9. Thank goodness most of their kids have seen what it truly is.

    Yes and, with the exception of Mariah, they don't seem interested in it.

    It's interesting to me that Meri was the child of a first wife (the legal marriage), and the only Brown kid seriously considering polygamy is her child who is the daughter of a first wife, the legal one. They may say it doesn't matter which wife is first, but it must make a difference.

    • Love 4
  10. I think the Browns at least do (or at least did) have a much stronger link to their religion than they ever advertised. Before Vegas a lot of the places they lived were quite heavily AUB and the kids went to “plyg school” organised by their church. One of their (or the AUB itself) conditions for the show was that they didn’t talk much about religion, thereby giving the impression that they were almost randomly polygamist instead of part of a community that 3 of the wives were born in to. They might not have been able to argue doctrine much, but no worse than many people from more mainstream groups.

    The Richards OTOH do seem to be using the Bible as cover for Daddy Richards wanting to move a girlfriend in. Of course Kody’s teenage conversion (and his father’s late in life one) can be considered in much the same light.

    If I remember right from reading the Browns' book, only Christine was born into this lifestyle. Kody was grown and away serving on his LDS mission when his parents converted. Meri's parents were also mainstream LDS. They took a second wife when Meri was 5, but she only stayed 2 years. They didn't go plural again until Meri was 10. Janelle's family was and is mainstream LDS. She got involved with Meri's brother. Their marriage only lasted 6 months. Then came Kody.

    The thing that really surprised me is that, in the book, they all talk about how warm and inviting the lifestyle is. But when they had the episode with all their mothers, they talked about how hard their lives have been. Was this bunch just completely clueless when they were kids that they never picked up on the tensions and tears?

    You're probably right that a lot of people don't know all that much about their church's history. Janelle said (in the book) that when she met Meri's family, she was surprised they were polygamists. She thought polygamy was a myth.

    • Love 2
  11. The SGA replicators were humaniform. Their leader was Charles Emerson Winchester III from MASH.


    Happy fifteen (ten, see below) year anniversary of the Rising, today.


    Aah, you're right.  I'm getting my Stargate shows mixed up.  I've got them all on DVD.  Guess it's time to go back and rewatch.  It's been so long, it'll all be new again.


    I wonder if there'll ever be a new Stargate series.

  12. The silicone implants of the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s weren't huge, IIRC, but they were those that many, many women developed problems with--autoimmune responses, for example. I think the increased availability of the Internet in the 1990s and along with it, porn, created the demand for clowny implants. The "new" silicone implants have been around only a decade at most, I'm thinking.


    So is the new silicone different than the old stuff?  I remember seeing women on talk shows talking about the health problems those implants caused.  I don't know anyone who has breast implants.  We just let them hang where I'm from.  The surgery just looks horrific the way the doctor stuffs them in there like he's stuffing a piñata.

    • Love 1
  13. Christine missed the chicken life lesson completely with that little girl. As it has been stated, they are her brothers and sisters not "half-siblings" and lots of kids have more than 1" mom" with the divorce rate in the US. Made up boo hooing. I don't buy the bullying story at all.

    Christine, hens lay eggs without a rooster. However IF they want babies,12 hens to 1 rooster is a good ratio and they are happy in the coop. But what happens to the extra males born? Culled shortly after birth,or stewed cockerels in chickendom or "lost boys" in the polygamy world. Sickening! Tranfer that lesson to the Browns. Soloman would get to be a rooster and the other brothers are fryers.

    I'll take my "boring", monogamous, 2 by 2 ark Bible story, family life anyday.

    And that's the basic problem with these polygamous sects. There are roughly an equal amount of males and females born into this world. In the Browns' sect, if one man has four wives, then there must be three men without one at all. The excess males have to leave or resign themselves to celibacy.

    • Love 2
  14. Yes, I've seen the show.  It was interesting in a very odd way.  I think that there was a thread for that show or one just like it on TWoP (RIP) that got a bit of traffic.


    For kicks and giggles, I googled something about looking for a sister wife and there are lots of people looking- both the sister wife and families!!  Most that I saw were not religious just wanted the lifestyle.  One couple wanted a "triad." Oh my........


    I can't even find one husband!!!  Sheesh!! 

    Don't worry.  According to the rules of polygamy, you can just pick yourself out a married man to fall in love with.  Just explain to his wife that it's all Biblical, so it's ok.  You should be prepared to run...perhaps in a zigzag fashion.

    • Love 10
  15. I just had to share that my THREE children ran around our backyard playing tag last night, having a blast. I guess it never occurred to them that they couldn't enjoy this game because I don't share their dad with another woman.

    They couldn't possibly have had much fun in your boring monogamous family! I swear, Christine is brainwashing me. Does she not get that her repeated bashing of monogamy makes people less likely to support her choices?

    • Love 3
  16. I had a big nitpick with the episode in which they destroyed the Replicators. In previous episodes we have seen ONE Ancient warship take out a hive ship with one salvo of drones. Yet, a fleet of Ancient warships can't seem to handle a smaller group of attacking ships?

    I loved those Replicators. They looked like Lego creations, and when you'd shoot one, it would fall apart into little Legos.

  17. Well, that brings up an interesting layer of irony/hypocrisy. His Mormon ancestors really were persecuted, genuine persecution, right here in America. When they left for Utah, it was because Utah wasn't part of the United States, and the United States had issued an extermination order against the church and its members. The Mormons literally wandered in the wilderness like the Israelites until they got to their Zion. There are a ton of parallels between Utah and the land of Israel in terms of cooperative work turning the desert into a land of milk and honey. Which might add a lot of richness and empathy to Mormons' experience of a genuine Seder if they attended as guests wanting to learn...but adds an extra smack to this circus of disrespect. He SHOULD know what persecution is.


    I know they like to claim they were persecuted, but the historical facts tell a different story. Early Mormons declared war on the people of Missouri, claiming the state as their inheritance from the Lord. They attempted a political takeover, and harassed and threatened non-Mormons to keep them away from the polls. Early Mormon leaders were the ones who called for extermination of the citizens of Missouri. Retaliation by those citizens was inevitable. If you're interested in reading about those times, it's called the Missouri War of 1838.

    • Love 4
  18. They are doctors. Licensed, I presume. Yet this is the second week they have referred to the outer genitalia as 'the vagina'. I KNOW they know this is not correct. The only thing I can come up with is that they are all saying vagina because too many people have no idea what the outer female genitalia are called so they just lower common denominator the thing as a 'vagina'. At least I hope that is what they are doing. Non-sex sex education in America is why this is even necessary. Thank a conservative for that.

    Why, you're welcome. However, I really don't think it's my fault if these doctors didn't pay attention in anatomy class. I think they went to medical school in California. Blame it on that.

    • Love 4
  19. Is anyone creeped out that they're taking their children to meet some polygamist that emailed them? They could be total weirdos or sickos.

    It's probably just another famewhore family that emailed TLC trying to get on tv, and the producers set it up.

    CofCinci, I'm glad you're still here. I was afraid you ran off to Las Vegas to stand outside the plyg cul-de-sac wearing a teeshirt that says "Pick me for number 5!"

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