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Posts posted by technorebel

  1. Yes, Lynne and Susanna getting those crowns was strange.  There was no pageant?  They competed online?  I thought the Mrs. America pageants, even at the state level, were a big deal.  I don't know if it was just me, but everyone in the audience at that crowning ceremony seemed to be side-eying them.

    • Love 1
  2. I can understand the phone thing.  I babysit my little grandchildren on the regular and take them to the park, the bounce house, etc.  It surprises me how many parents just sit down, never taking their eyes off their phones or other electronic devices, and have no clue what their children are doing.  I guess I'm a helicopter Nana!

    • Love 4
  3. This was the best episode so far.  That was funny in the bar when Kim and Kroy are coaching Lana via a hidden earpiece, only Lana can't get the hang of it.  I'd much rather watch scenes like that instead of family scenes with cursing toddlers.

    • Love 1
  4. So much good in this episode.  Lynne's endless dry-eyed weeping over the restraining order, complete with her husband checking her blood pressure at intervals.  Can you get a restraining order on anyone just based on your statements alone?  I don't know how that works.


    Vanassa knows how to steal a scene, doesn't she?  Leha's trying to have her dramatic reveal about what Lynne has done to her, and Vanassa busies herself with making that parfait, drawing the camera to her.  Upstager!  But I loved it.

    • Love 5
  5. Poor Gina and her clothing and make-up choices.  I do think Gina would look much better with a clean face.  Maybe she'll have a makeover after she sees herself on screen.  I think she and Chyka are the brightest bulbs in the chandelier here.


    I was surprised the other ladies didn't already know how to ski because I just think of that as something that all rich people do.  When my daughter was in high school, she was whining about all her friends going away on ski trips over Christmas break, but not us.  I told her to get poorer friends.


    I'm kind of warming up to Jackie.  She was almost charming on this trip.  God bless and shine, shine, shine.

    • Love 1
  6. I'm just watching the episodes on my DVR and loving it so far.  Jackie's husband did seem a little dim-witted to me..."Jackie had spoken a lot about the ladies before I got to meet them at the party.  The party was the first time I met all the women.  I'd never met any of them before."  Mercifully, they cut him off before he could find another way to say the same thing again.  Then Gina's examining his thumbs to see if he has brain damage! 


    Did I see appetizers being served in sardine tins at that party?


    Lydia and her husband taking a private plane to an island just to buy cheese.  That's a lot of fuel for your dairy.  What was that deal with her telling the shopgirl, "Don't question my husband."  Loved how her husband did a double-take at Lydia and then laughed.

    • Love 1


    Oh Miss Terry is gonna have his petticoats in a bunch and catching the vapors next episode. What a dick oops let me get all American Medical Association on this - I am penis. Miss Terry is a big, cheese emitting penis! He was just determined to be outraged. Loved that Dave did a preemptive apology seemingly even before the Dubrows got a chance to even so hello to him. David gave not one of those sorry if you were offended half ass apologies either. He gave a whole-hearted apology saying his actions were wrong and that he was sorry. Full stop period. Miss Terry was just so upset that he didn't have a chance to grandstand and appear righteously indignant over the crass comments about his wife.  He just disregards the apology and forges on. The worst of it is that he really thinks he is telling David off with that stupid penis comment. The man probably had days to plan his big moment and that was the best he could come up with. That my friends is the HW equivalent of 'jerk store' You Seinfeld fans know of what I speak. I guess what they never taught Miss Terry in med school is that once an apology has been freely and unequivocally given you either accept or reject it but to continue to browbeat the original offender who lays in front of you prostate freely admitting the wrong makes you look like a giant throbbing infected blood and pus filled hemorrhoid. 


    I just want to kiss David full on the mouth (why stop there LOL!). Way to take the wind out of the Dubrow sails, which are no doubt of the highest quality silk spun by rare Alsatian silkworms.  


    Why do I continue to be stunned about how gorgeously perfect Vicki's backyard looks? I fucking love it! Best one out of all the franchises. It puts all the millionaire backyards to shame. Shannon's is pretty pedestrian by comparison. Heather's former home was alright but still couldn't hold a candle to Vicki's.


    That's the problem with apologies in Housewife land.  When someone apologizes, you say "I forgive you, let's forget about it", and you move on.  They can never do that, though, preferring to endlessly rehash everything and beat it to death.


    I agree about Vicki's yard.  That pool with the waterfall and the grotto!

    • Love 4
  8. What scares me a little is that Andy knows how polarizing she is and how much drama she brought when she wasn't even in a lot of the episodes. She's referenced in the other Ho's blogs frequently. I don't want her back. I want Heather and Carole back because I'd like to see what they're like as individuals without Aviva around their necks and without Heather running defense all the time.

    And that's why I don't believe they'll get rid of Aviva. She does cause drama, for better or worse.

    • Love 1
  9. I have seen him in most of those things mentioned and I have to say I always thought he was a decent actor. Not stellar but serviceable. I think he was an episode of Criminal Minds where he was quite convincing as a psycho. On this show he's trying to convince me that he's not a complete asshat and that's working but I'm totally not buying his enormous love for LeAnn.

    Oh, yes how could I have forgotten that performance on Criminal Minds! He was the sexiest psycho serial killer ever.

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  10. At any rate, I find myself worried about Sonja every time I see her on screen.  I have no idea how she's making ends meet, and she comes across as if she refuses to face the reality of her new economic situation.  Surely her salary from the show can't be enough to cover property taxes and maintenances on that townhouse.  Now why I should worry about a reality show character who doesn't seem to worry about herself, I don't know.

    • Love 1
  11. If Sonja defines herself as a Christian she should be able to express that without the snickering of others.  I don't think Sonja was trying to convey that only Christians forgive or are forgiven.  I think the snickering was because her answer was unexpected. 


    Exactly.  Sonja has been shown to be into psychics, card readers, and other new age practices.  I don't think the others meant to be rude by laughing, but her declaration of Christianity was unexpected.  I did a double-take myself, but if she says those are her beliefs, I accept that.  Sonja doesn't have to apologize to anyone for saying it.

    • Love 4
  12. Phaedra may be slimy and was definitely stupid to marry Apollo, but I do not think she would risk the wrath of her parents and losing her children by participating in her husband's criminal activities. She may have turned a blind eye to what he was up to, but I don't think she was an active participant or asking for any details. That's probably why she refused to accept the fancy car he bought for her.


    I wanted to believe that about Phaedra, too, but there are too many curious circumstances and coincidences swirling around her.  As far as the risks go, there is a certain type of criminal that thinks they will never get caught because they're far too clever.  I think Phaedra falls into this category.  We won't ever know for sure, though, unless the Feds go after her. 


    She certainly didn't make herself look good during this deposition, behaving as if she has a great deal to hide.  I could understand the attitude if Phaedra has been dragged into a lawsuit against her will, but it was her lawsuit.  She was the one filing suit against Stanton and should have been eager to show just how she has been damaged by Stanton's book.

    • Love 2
  13. Kim has a full head of hair underneath those wigs. She said she had a health issue at one time where she was losing hair, and that's when she started wearing them.

    I think she's kind of like Dolly Parton with the wigs---she just likes the way they look.

    • Love 1
  14. She is truly slimy.  That deposition tells me all I need to know about her.  I thought I could have some nugget of respect for her as a person, but based on that deposition, there is no respect.  She doesn't agree she is a public figure, she acts like child doodling when someone is asking her a question?  She thinks she is being slick, but she lies about stupid shit and ends up looking like a slimy moron. If she comes out of this with her bar card intact the GA Bar Association should be ashamed of itself.


    I'd like to know how she ever passed the bar in the first place because she comes across like an idiot in that deposition.  At one point the opposing counsel even asked her if she was a speaker of the English language.  She also says she has about 30 clients which doesn't seem like much.  She has no idea where or when she met anybody, including her own husband. She has no idea that she is listed as an officer of such-and-such corporation or how her name got on the papers filed with the state.  She doesn't know how much money she makes or from what sources.  You can ask her accountant, but she doesn't know his full name or address---just "Charles".  When shown a photo of her holding Angela Stanton's child, she will only concede that "it looks like her".


    I also find it interesting that Phaedra worked for Geico for a number of years in the claims department and such, where she might have found out a lot about car titles and things.  Just interesting.

    • Love 5
  15. I didn't catch this last year, so I'm watching the marathon today. Interesting concept for a show. I do wonder if the crew just applied to be on a reality show or if this is really what they do for a living.

    I can't stand Sam so far. What a brat! Yes, kiddo, this is what it's like in the working world. You have a boss, and it's that person's job to tell you what to do.

    I wouldn't be able to take those

    claustrophobic crew quarters, though. There's not enough Xanax in the world.

    • Love 3
  16. What I was wondering about Lynne's yearly "weddings" was who paid for all the dresses.  Because if I had a friend who expected me to shell out money for more than one bridesmaid dress, I'd drop her.


    I agree about Shelley.  She's beautiful and she has that sugar-sweet voice, but she uses it to insult everyone who doesn't measure up to her pageant standards.  The remarks she was making about the contestants in that one pageant------"why don't you just walk backward" and "why even bother"---what a bitch.

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