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Posts posted by technorebel

  1. I didn't say that. But it was the event which led to the latest round of nastiness between the two. While Kim was mad at her mom for the bathroom thing, someone called her and told her that her mom sold a story about Kim. And then, Kim cut her off, followed by mom's lawsuit.

    Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. Obviously, there's a long history of bad blood between the two.

  2. I was watching an old episode about Kim going to mediation with her parents. Why did her parents sue her about seeing the kids and why won't Kim let them ?


    Because her Mom made Kim really mad at her wedding by going inside to use the bathroom instead of using the porta-potties out in the yard.  Then someone called Kim and told her that her Mom sold a story to the press about Kim and her kids.  Kim cut off access.  Her Mom sued for visitation rights.


    Kroy's parents apparently didn't express whole-hearted approval of Kim at some point, and now they're cut off, too.

  3. When I used the word "floozy", I wasn't referring to her children, but to her affairs with married men that go back to the age of 17 and continued through her nursing career.  I'm a retired nurse, and I used to hang out on message boards for nurses.  There was some talk about Kim there.  Doesn't mean it's true, but her past actions tend to lend validity to the accusations. 


    I could embrace a reformed floozy, though.  Unless she breaks up her husband's relationship with his family, and then talks about them on tv.  They're not bad-mouthing her anywhere in public, so why make the estrangement a storyline---to shame them?

    • Love 2
  4. I myself am an introvert, but I keep in contact with my close friends who I've had for years, some of them since grade school, even though I don't pay them.  I've got no problem with introverted people, but Kim is no introvert, and I have known a few women in my life who were also not introverts and had no real girlfriends to speak of because they were narcissistic and generally awful to be around.  It is notable that these women also did not, and still do not, have relationships with men that last more time than it takes for the men to get a good taste of their real personality. This is why I give Kim credit for having mystical powers that keep men around even though she exhibits a lot of qualities that would send men running from other women.


    This is the mystery of Kim.  What does she have that draws the men to her?  She's no beauty in my opinion.  She does have a small waist and large bosom.  Is that all it takes?  Perhaps she exudes some pheromone that makes her irresistible, because there's just no explaining it.

    • Love 2
  5. If Kroy's parents aren't seeing their grand kids because they don't want to be around Kim, then that's their own fault. I also have a hard time believing that Kroy took some horrible wrong turn when he married Kim. If they expected him to marry some small town girl, who would be exactly like they are, when he's an NFL player, living in Atlanta, then Kroy's family isn't living in reality. Kim clearly loves their son very much, and she's a good mom to their grand kids. They don't have to like Kim, but I would think they would at least support him, and want a relationship with their grand children. 


    Also, Shun's name might not be spelled the normal way, but why would they stop pronouncing it "Sean/Shawn," if that's clearly how she wants it pronounced?


    I'm sure Kroy's parents might have thought he'd marry a girl from Atlanta, but not the town floozy.  She must have been a shock to their systems.  I know some like her a lot, but would you be happy if your son brought her home?  I wouldn't have, and I would've done everything in my power to stop that relationship.  It might already have been too late, though, since Kim got pregnant early.  Funny that...she never got pregnant all the years with Big Poppa, but seemingly couldn't stop herself with Kroy.


    Shun's name just bugs.  S-h-u-n already spells a word in the English language, and it's not Sean.  Maybe her mother stuck her with it, and there you go.

    • Love 2
  6. oh man, that baby is cute as hell though! he was going to town on that cake (for a baby? really Mellie?) and i also notice her putting coke in his mouth with her straw... *shudder* so yeah, Robbie says it won't be hard to prove Mellie unfit and i have to say, the shit she's pulling on the show can probably be used in a case against her. i wonder if she's aware of that? her erratic behavior will be her downfall.... not to mention the selfies of her in her underwear on her facebook page right now. Epic fail of a mother.


    Strictly speaking, I guess that is underwear to the rest of us.  But this bunch buy a brassiere, glue rhinestones all over it, and wear it out as a top.  It's goin' out clothes for them.

    • Love 1
  7. I am watching this for the second time and Tamra is so full of hate, rage and envy that it is really disturbing. Bitter is an understatement.


    Plus her almost completely immobile face was kind of scary!  What did she do to it?  It almost looked like she had grown brow ridges.  You could barely see her squinty little black eyes.

    • Love 7
  8. I guess I won't live long enough to see Tamra's comeuppance.  What a nasty woman.  She called Lizzie a dumb bitch, makes her cry, and gets away with all her lies.  When Tamra said that she knows Vicki's deepest and darkest secrets, I thought it was a veiled threat.


    I do believe now that Heather is friends with Tamra out of some kind of fear.  She said something about Tamra never getting backed into a corner, she's the one backing others into the corner.  How true!  No one on the show has enough grit to squash her.

    • Love 12
  9. I was surprised by it, too.  I think those kind of talks are really needed nowadays.  There is a lot of bullying going on, even more so then when I was in school.  I hate to see these kids in so much pain, it really breaks my heart.  It is shocking that Susanna's daughter was beaten so severely.  To have her cheek smashed in and her nose broken in several places.  I wonder if it was a group of girls who jumped her or one girl-that seems like way too much damage for one teenage girl to dish out.


    They call that bullying these days?  Sounds like flat-out assault and battery.

    • Love 2
  10. Grandparents may have no rights in your world, but they do have legal rights in every state in the USA, although the laws vary.  Yes, families can sometimes suck, but you don't just throw them away because they may have criticized your spouse.  If they were just not speaking to one or the other set of grandparents, maybe I could think there's justification for that.  But what the hell did Kroy's mom do?  We saw them on the show, and his mom was getting along with Kim and said, "I know you love her and I'm sure I'll love her, too."  What went wrong?


    I think the problem lies with Kim and Kroy, and that's a shame.  When the money and fame are gone, and they will be someday, family will still be there.  Except in this case, by Kim and Kroy's choice.

    • Love 5
  11. I'm sure that Andrea is accustomed to having her poor, over-worked nannies to do the cleaning wherever she is.  There's no way she's cleaning up after anyone, especially her own kids.  I don't get having a house like that if you can't truly enjoy it.  I must admit I was kind of hoping a giant crocodile would dash across the lawn, snatch Andrea up, and disappear into the sea. It would've been a perfect ending to that tennis party.

    • Love 5
  12. I so need a reunion show!

    There are two big points that were made at the "clear the air" dinner. One: it seems like Leha has a stalker, and he gave Nick bad information when he was caught stalking the family. Why didn't Leha at least consider this option when the incident happened? Seems like she was so angry at Lynne that she wanted to get her at any cost.

    Two: Lynne lied about Nick saying he was going to kill her. Every time Lynne is asked a direct question about when the incident occurred she ducks the question and refuses to answer. Unless it is editing, in my opinion it never happened.

    So both of these women are wrong on at least one account, and I believe they both know it. Usually I would hope they make up, but these are some very vicious charges, and I would never trust a friend who could sink so low as to make those kind of allegations and go to those lengths just to hurt me.


    The stalker!  Why wouldn't Leha connect the private detective to that obsessed person?  If that person really exists, like the PI, which could both be figments of Nick's imagination.  I'm starting to suspect that he may invent danger in order to have something to protect Leha from. 


    Lynne and the supposed death threat from Nick.  I think she's a person who thrives on drama, like Nick, and she has convinced herself that she actually heard it.

    • Love 1
  13. I was so expecting Vanassa to win that by the way she was "in" with the pageant directors and such.  I'm glad it was Shelley if it couldn't be Lori-Ann.


    All I read about that ear biting incident with Nick is that it happened at a premiere party for the show.  I can't remember everything that happened in that first episode.  Did Vanassa say anything about Leha that would've upset Nick?  He's explosive, that one.  The articles I read said that Nick is on leave for an injury sustained on duty, not that he was suspended over the brawl. 


    My guide says there's a "secrets revealed" episode coming up.  I hope so; I'm not ready to let these ladies go.

  14. What her parents did was cruel. They trashed her and her kids to the press. They also only sued to see the girls. They didn't care about seeing the boys.


    I don't really know what her parents may have said to the press but, whatever it was, was it more important than family?  I think that the lawsuit only involved the girls because those were the only kids the grandparents had an ongoing relationship with.


    At any rate, the whole thing doesn't explain cutting Kroy's parents off.  I think Kim has Kroy right where she wants him...isolated from his family.  All he has now is her and their kids.  It's sad.

    • Love 9
  15. Wait, so Kim has a problem paying 35K for lawyer fees but not with spending thousands on gambling and Louis luggage?


    Or she could've just allowed her parents to have visitation with their grandchildren and saved the lawyer's fees.  It's cruel what Kim and Kroy are doing to both sets of grandparents.

    • Love 4
  16. I don't think it's just that Kim had two children by prior relationships.  It's probably everything...Kim was a notorious golddigger involved with a married man while on a reality show.  Her behaviour is kind of trashy and so's her appearance and language.  I don't think Kroy's parents disowned him for marrying her.  It sounded like Kroy got offended that his family criticized her, and he cut off contact.


    Kim going on about protecting the kids from her mother because she supposedly sold a story about them to the media....isn't that what Kim and Kroy are doing on this reality show?  It's all about putting the kids on display, in effect "selling them" to media. 

    • Love 8
  17. Has anybody else noticed that baby Richard has red hair? His eyebrows are red too, so it's real red, not just a tone. Neither Mellie nor Robbie have red hair, & I don't remember seeing any other Gypsy on the show with red hair, where did baby Ricard (and why is he always called baby Richard instead of just Richard?) get his coloring from? Hmmm Mellie?


    They're calling him baby Richard?  I thought his nickname was "fat pig"!  I know I've heard that from Mellie a time or two.

    • Love 1
  18. I was wondering if a gang-up would start on this show like on other versions.  I can't believe they were all really that angry about Gina's tardiness; just start without her.  If she has to be in court, then she had to be there. 


    I'm so irritated with Andrea, I don't really care if someone was late to her event or left a soiled towel in the bathroom.  I doubt if Gina really left make-up on the walls, etc.  Andrea's just got a knife out for her for whatever reason.  Of course, that whole storyline could just be the producers instigating drama.


    I've really grown to like Jackie.  She may be a little flaky, but she can be charming and fun, as well.

    • Love 3
  19. I have to start stalking their facebook pages again. oh lord, these bitches are so not smart. its actually becoming rather hard to watch. anyone else think Mellie looks a little rough? like "on meth" rough? i suppose that could be motherhood but dayum! she is so gaunt and pale... also im guessing she has an undiagnosed mental illness which might be taking a toll on her physically (bipolar?), i just hope she gets help for her son's sake. 


    I could swear that both Nettie and Kayla have made remarks to the effect that Mellie has some type of brain injury from an accident.  I know I've heard it more than once.  If so, that might be a reason for some of her behaviour.

    • Love 1
  20. I get Ron Gibson's point of view, but he can't hang all the responsibility for the illicit nature (if it is) of Noel and Loretta's relationship just on Loretta. If those are Gibson's standards, then he shouldn't be willing to work with Noel, either, and not just refuse to work with Loretta.

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