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Everything posted by ottilie

  1. They announced that they're filming at Bonaparte's house on NE Thompson st. this coming Wednesday Aug 31 to the weekend. That means that they have to be wrapping up the plot there, or maybe the mayor will live there? Or will he go back into the house he owns that he removed his furniture from.
  2. I think Nick is more powerful now than mayor Renard, because he has the stick, so Renard will need to accept that and find a way to apologize or follow his directions.
  3. oh - a woman with the appropriate type of camera for joining the paparazzi went out to the Würstner refrigerator repair set. It was neat that they continued to film scenes involving the freezer loaded into the truck but it isn't clear what is in it. She captured a pretty good scene where police cars are racing from the scene. I would say that the biggest spoiler here is that mayor Renard is clearly still acting in the role of police captain still (so he hasn't quit his job?) because he appears to be directly the SERT team to raid the business http://thepdxgirl.com/?p=1418
  4. But.. the power seems to lean towards Nick because he has the wand. Of course, maybe Renard somehow steals it away from him, and becomes powerful that way. And he could raise a wesen army to do his bidding.
  5. weird. By their rushing movements, it seemed like he was doing something other than delivering an ordinary freezer, but isn't it a basic safety practice that you shouldn't leave someone inside one, where they will run out of oxygen? didn't want to linger, watching their sequence of scenes. I did wonder what Bud was supposed to be surprised by, looking down the road. It could not have been that he suddenly noticed the SWAT team waiting on the corner. But, it is likely that the SWAT team is playing a role in the next scene. Also, I noticed that one regular staff sergeant (forget his name) who is one of the only remaining muggles. At the end of last season, we were left with the cliffhanger that Renard's daughter stabbed Bonaparte, the warlock-black claw leader guy right after Renard had switched sides to supporting black claw (after he had killed poor Marwan a few episodes before?). My whole presumption is that because Nick clearly has the upper hand with his stick, he will need to declare that he is now the one who calls the shots to Renard, who returns to the office of mayor. There were quite a few murders and events in Portland that evening which will need to be explained, but Nick will have a hard time explaining to the general public what really happened, revealing the existence of magical creatures, and that the mayor is part of black claw. But after that, it is hard to tell. Renard could realize he needs to make an alliance or evade Nick, and he will have the problem with his black claw allies. FYI - I recently was driving through Sisters OR and gave a ride to some hitchhikers with a sign- they were doing the Pacific Crest Trail and needed a ride from where they were getting supplies back to the trailhead. They spoke about how everyone thinks the PCT is popular because of Wild but not necessarily so. I told them about Buddymoon, as a movie to add to the genre, but coming from another angle and they hadn't heard of it. I described it as a movie where the main characters weren't necessarily acting.
  6. Okay - here is my spoiler. They were filming on SE Milwaukie avenue next to Brooklyn park today, and I went to look during my lunch break. The set designers had transformed this appliance shop to Wuerstner's refrigerator repair. The sign maker did a great job, aging the signs to make it look like there was some moss buildup and dirt, or it was an old sign. Another thing I just noticed is that I swear the cross street was "SE Mark st" but on the map, this is Rhine street, so perhaps they altered this for the shot. https://www.google.com/maps/@45.4974953,-122.6533669,3a,75y,180h,91.11t,0.35r/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdkRwwkWmuQnkkhsYgKEg-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Anyhow, I was lucky enough to see them film a shot where Bud Wuerstner was jumping out of his orange pickup truck parked where the van is in the streetview link above. He runs to the garage and pulls open the door. Right away, Monroe is pushing out an icebox style freezer from the garage and they both lift it into the truck. Then Bud looks to the west, gets a scared look on his face, and rushes back into the garage to slam the door shut. On their set, next to the stop sign, there was a fake SWAT or S.E.R.T. militarized vehicle with actors wearing helmets holding battering rams. There were also various police cars parked to the side, and a black Chevy Tahoe with some unidentified people wearing suits as though they were government agents or the verrat or mafia or something. Milwaukie is a fairly high traffic street, so I wonder if people driving along were wondering what the deal was. A staffer came over and said that everyone standing there would be in their next shot involving the SERT vehicle. Half the onlookers were designated extras. Some decided that the ice box is probably where they were hiding a dead body.
  7. Honeybuddies - it is essentially Flula Borg as the manic pixie dreamgirl friend of David. They film it at Eagle creek and also some spots in central Oregon. It has David Giuntoli mostly playing himself, and there is an appearance by Adalind in the middle.
  8. "And Elizabeth. You mean to tell me that BC could find Diana when she COULDNT?" Good point. Maybe she will return next season when Renard remains the new mayor but is under the direction of the grimms again. I liked how Monroe beat up Tony the hacker, but you only heard it through the door. very fierce.
  9. Re all the mortalities in one night, the residents of Portland have appeared sort of unquestioning or slow to notice. Maybe that is why the wesen picked the city. You still wonder whether the leaderless black claw members will reveal themselves, now that they don't have the council to enforce rules against it. Juliette will probably show up to work as a veterinarian again. I wonder if Adalind will go for Renard or Nick. She does look like she redeemed herself. I bet they will send Diana to special ed. Also - Renard doesn't know about Nick's special stick, but Renard will realize that he now is under the direction of Nick and Diana. They will be the real people in charge of the city.
  10. well, there was no way to leave Diana in the show and also keep Adalind as a character. What would they have her and Renard do? would they have lived together? Would Adalind just drop her off at daycare and proceed like normal?
  11. In the interview room with Tony, were they saying that if he was part of black claw, he wouldn't woge? Why would that be?
  12. "So the voters are just going to magically be all "Oh, he has a family now" and not wonder " no- the non-wesen residents of Portland are sort of slow to catch on to anything, such as the strange crimes that occur there. Still... the person above had a good point that Nick has the upper hand by working through the system and demanding a paternity test. It would be highly visible, and plausible because the two of them worked together. Also, what is Renard about to do as a zauberbiest mayor that would please black claw? Are they about to out themselves as wesen? They are still outnumbered.
  13. I liked Tony coming back and being a hacker in addition to just a junkie. It isn't easy to hack, so it gives him some dimension of being a smart person who also has a dung beetle side to him that is hard to suppress. I give the actor points for good acting too, in his brief appearances. Hank had a good role because he was smart and figured out exactly what was going on. I decided that Martin Meisner is probably just 'resistance', which is a group opposite the royalty. He's not a grimm or secret wesen or zauberbiest. The resistance are just crafty, ninjalike humans. Renard is totally vulnerable because he now has intense media scrutiny and someone can easily do something to bring attention to him. He isn't a dictator or strong mayor who can seize power or control things now... although he could appoint or fire certain staff. Although, come to think of it, perhaps is power is in the fact that black claw want wesen to come out of the closet, and he could threaten to have wesen do something conspicuous in front of the muggles while HW is trying to keep them in the closet. BTW. the hedge is fake in the black claw house. The set designers brought it in to add atmosphere. Had the big black claw guy been living there all along or is it a long term rental?
  14. FYI - here is a reddit interview with one of the real Portland mayoral candidates, who is considered an outsider, but she received the endorsement of the major weekly, the Mercury. It's funny to compare with the short stretches of debate between Renard and that other guy. Renard is a bit more mainstream in a sense because Iannarone is a grad student in urban planning, but I don't know if you could call him 'establishment'. http://imgur.com/RIMzF00 (wearing mao/stalin/che skirt?) https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/4ivvjb/hi_im_sarah_iannarone_candidate_for_portland/ http://www.portlandmercury.com/feature/2016/04/27/17972134/shake-up-the-city Ted Wheeler to swim ballot across the river. http://www.wweek.com/news/2016/05/12/ted-wheeler-to-swim-across-the-willamette-to-drop-off-his-ballot/
  15. "Clearly everyone else took the finale off so the hexenparents could all send their various inappropriately aged kids off to Horror Hogwarts. " I totally want this to be a plot point - Adalind said she was homeschooled, but did Renard go to Hogwarts in Austria?
  16. * When Trubel came rushing back into town on the motorcycle and crashed into Nick's new factory house, why was she in a hurry and got hurt? Had she visited the Portland HW headquarters? What was the nature of her working under Martin Meisner as her manager, but also not understanding everything underway, such as his mind-control technique with Juliette *How did Kelly Burkhardt finance her travels. Are Grimms naturally into law enforcement, or are they a type of wesen who will steal if necessary to reach a greater goal. * The royals lost power in WW One. Why was this - did this lose a magical power? They do have blue blood. What's the power or point of being a royal if they no longer are monarchs over anything. *How do the goals of the resistance compare with more traditional political parties. Do they merely work to keep the royals out of power? * How do the royals keep recruiting hundjaegers to give up their lives as guards, with such loyalty. Is the ability to manipulate wesen to do their bidding the secret weapon of royalty? *Are black claw misguided because they seem to have authoritarian or fascist tendencies of lining up behind strong leaders and wanting to seize control of society, or are they a wesen liberation organization? What will they do with political power in Portland?
  17. Yes - when she is talking to europeans, they sometimes say 'Scha-da" (which means 'terrible' in german), but she anglicizes it in the US. It's a good thing her last name isn't Koch - nobody can pronounce that. Coke. cotch.
  18. well - you have to conclude that Portland is the strategic center that is optimal for wesen to take control of, because the town is mostly filled with muggles or normal people who never catch on, no matter how many strange crime events occur. They are just clueless. That is why there are already so many wesen in Portland. I did notice that the new black claw house owned by Bonaparte is not in the HW database. HW has a lot of photos in their database so clearly the FBI set them up very well. But the new big bad guy is off their radar.
  19. I noticed that Eve dropped the robotic demeanor and is speaking like Juliette. They should make her snap out of her persona by giving her a veterinary task to perform. The secret gov't organization staff always wear the same uniform. I thought the scene at Diana's guardians' was very effective because it fully clarified the past two years plus the current situation of where Diana appeared from. Lots of people were wondering what the goals of Meisner and Chavez are, and this at least provided the info that Meisner is still part of the resistance, although it doesn't explain if he is a magical or royal character. Maybe the same royals who work with wesen and killed his family are the ones who now are collaborating with black claw? Or ... a better idea is that the assassination of the King released some wesen leaders to start black claw, who otherwise were under control of the royals. Also, it's a TV trope that secondary characters are sort of less dimensional because you'd have to cast extra characters, but they could make Hank and Wu look like they have lives on the side by showing, for example, a scene where they have friends and family over visiting at the hospital and departing as the main characters arrive. I like Wu's prius. Hank keeps picking the wrong girlfriend. I guess with any police officer, you could establish that they are high stress personalities with many good points but hard to get along with due to all the crime they deal with. By the way, they didn't show the outside shot yet but the new black claw lair is probably filmed at a yellow historical house across the street from the 'Irvington club' in Portland, and it is across the street from another house used in the show in a previous season. I live in Portland and they had the universal studios trucks there for two weeks. I noticed that they provide a full budget for set designers to express their artistic vision, and it almost seems flippant to critique the logic flaws of a fantasy show instead of focusing on the work and thought that went into the sets that the characters are walking through. For example, when they finally have a daytime shot of the house exterior, I noticed they brought in a whole hedge or shrubbery that isn't originally at the real house. The set designers must have just envisioned it with a hedge so they made it happen. They also probably cart in all sorts of furniture and modify the walls etc. I like that despite how many wesen have criminal tendencies, many of them are very successful- of course if you look at Adalind's law firm, maybe they can convert their skills into white collar crime. Renard's political speech was pretty good - his style might work well in many cities, but real life Portland often picks their mayors based on who would be cool at a party
  20. oh - True Blood had rapidly aging fairy kids as well. They tried to make it as absurd as possible where they aged a few years over days of time... because they needed children who could speak and play a role for the plot. What would be interesting is if they could find a stellar child actor who could pretend to be a 2 year old who chooses to project an older image, but still talks and giggles like a two year old.
  21. Renard's mother doesn't look her age. I wonder how old he is. Maybe Rosalee can give Wu a colloidal silver treatment and he would lose the lycanthropia.
  22. "Every day that he comes back to that depressing compound, it's his choice. Idiot." If Adalind and Diana and Even each have the power of telekinesis, they could be the ones to lock him in the tunnel. But if course he will have the wand there to fight back with? Did Rachel actually say that she thought Renard should propose marriage after a couple weeks of knowing him?
  23. okay - clearly someone will get locked in the tunnel. They haven't gotten there yet, but a previous episode had a line where they pondered if Meisner knew where Diana is, and now Rachel found her. That means we can deduce that either another member of the resistance became a traitor and gave her away, or black claw is beating the resistance, or maybe Meisner is a true mercenary who is the traitor (although they would have to contradict a lot of previous material in the show to send the plot this way). They haven't put enough hints out yet. Or maybe, because Meisner and Trubel have been gone for a few episodes, maybe it will turn out they lost a conflict at some other location and then black claw found Diana that way. I think they must just be hiding murders from the news lately. Also - I liked the idea that a dog wesen can be attached to a family. In a future episode, they should do a plot where they explain why and how Jaegerhund german shepherd people become the loyal guards or minions of the royalty- because I've always wondered why they are so willing to do their bidding and risk their lives
  24. well - Juliette/Eve speaks spanish. I wonder why they didn't send her to Chile instead of T.rubel, although maybe they needed a Grimm. By the way, I realized that Renard has a lot of characteristics of a grown up Harry Potter. I never really read the books but have read segments to my niece and nephew. Harry Potter and Renard are both 'half blood' princes who were exiled from their family or true role for which they are entitled. Renard did not go to Hogwarts though and doesn't conspicuously use magic - instead he seems to have a charismatic influence on others. There is another similarity in that in Harry Potter, his friends made a transfiguration potion where Hermione accidentally turned into a cat instead of the person she wanted to mimic, and got stuck in that state until they were able to learn how to reverse it.
  25. well, you can say that about sex, but you could also go into the level of real life trauma that anyone would have working in the violent crimes unit of the police department where you were around so many murder victims. How could you emotionally switch back to normal each week.
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