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  1. Kelli really likes Lexie, she's had her do the media tour with Kelli at the beginning of the Season (which Maddie did last time) and when Judy was considering points and naming them (on the show), I am almost certain Kelli suggested Lexie in that consideration. So, to me it looks like pro bowl is Kelli rewarding someone who is a great leader, great company representative but won't make point.
  2. DCC and the TV Show have got to figure out a way to continue filming past the selection of the team. The build up to their first performance at the Miller lite House was far more interesting than half the episodes this season. Also it's been years since they showed rookies at home. Loved seeing that 2 mins of Klein and the others.
  3. It softens the blow in one respect.
  4. That was a good episode. Liked the Alora Rose aftermath with her rookie class consoling her. Lea is so pretty. Kelli has gotten sooooooo nice in her old age. What happened to the old Kelli? I sense Judy wants to be her usual scathing self but is biting her lip. I guess it's a new era and that's a good thing- if not a little less entertaining. Really liked Jensen's story. Now that felt like a background that was worthy of coverage. Most of the background videos are awfully contrived.
  5. I'm so confused, what happened with the Alora Rose storyline? It just cut to commercial and then came back with a preview for next week?! Also, was it just the CMT player or did anyone notice the audio editing was all over the place. Some lines/dubbing were repeated twice, some lines were cut mid sentence. It was so weird.
  6. Poor Alora Rose's face when SG was called out. And dear lord Madeline S was so pretty in the SG announcement.
  7. Let's be honest... that was a filler episode. Roll on next week.
  8. Agree. The edge is gone, the biting critiques are gone. She's much softer. Perhaps in the era of cancel culture, her and Judy are playing it safe. I would never advocate for some of the early years Kelli as she could be down right mean but now she's not saying anything!! 😂
  9. Another episode where I feel like the producers are listening to us 😍; more vet interactions, more choreo! Loved seeing the vets teach the rookies and Maddie back. Ashlee, Gina and Lexie are such legends. Well done DCCMTT! We know you're listening.
  10. Even if the text messages are real and to be fair, I believe they are, Marissa is rather naive to think she'd get paid for DCCMTT. The show is about the Cowboys organization. Vets only give sparing interviews, comment to camera and are rarely mic'd. People should report his TikTok by the way.
  11. Holy cow... the post was removed. Well, there we are.
  12. Did Judy fall and hit her head? Normally I'm team Judy but she is hypocritical scolding Ava for flipping off the camera on social media when Judy herself posted a photo on IG of her granddaughter flipping off the camera!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BvDdSg2Axbl/
  13. Does Ava get cut ultimately?
  14. YAAASSSS! Now THAT is what I call an episode. The focus on dance and the editing was excellent. I didn't even want the uniform fitting, I was like 'let's get back to the choreo.' So good. And I loved getting to see the dance routine with the whole team on the field- routines like that get lost in the dance studio. More of this please.
  15. Kelli standing right in front of the kick line pointing "who is that in blue?".... girl bye... you know damn well that was Daphne. Madeline S getting a call out. My lil heart. You go Madeline S! When you want it that bad, good things happen. Kelli saying she was getting too invested in the rookies and didn't cut the 2 she brought up... Em You weren't invested in vets Hannah, Brennan and Lilly??
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