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Everything posted by historylover820

  1. I still genuinely enjoy this show, as much as I bitch about it. And if I don't enjoy a show anymore, I stop watching. I stopped watching Supernatural after season 6 and never went back (that actually had a lot more to do with its toxic fans than it did the show itself). More recently, I stopped watching Star Trek: Discovery because I simply didn't enjoy it anymore. But I've never wished for a show's cancellation--I just simply stop watching it. No fuss, no muss. I mean, if AMLT is cancelled, I won't be shattered. In fact, since I have to be at work before 7:00, I'll be able to go to bed earlier on Wednesday nights! But, I hope it won't be, if only because I love coming here and bitching about it with you guys!
  2. In college, a group of us were sitting in the cafeteria, eating. A girl , who none of us really liked because she WAS this kind of stereotypical vegan came and sat next to our table. I was sitting at the end of the table, enjoying a hamburger (I'm a farm girl, and my parents butchered. I still get a side every time they butcher. Plus, I remember raising my own steers, and I knew where that would end up for them). Anyway, this girl started talking loudly that she can't believe that I'm eating a poor, defenseless animal. Don't I know that this poor animal had feelings? I said, "How do you know that your salad doesn't feel things?" She goes, "Because plants don't have feelings." I said, "Studies show that plants grow stronger and healthier when they're shown love. Mythbusters had an episode where their greenhouse grew much better when they played Mozart in it, versus the two that played heavy metal or didn't play anything. So, how do you know that salad doesn't feel? After all, they're defenseless, living things too." She took a stab at a tomato, and I started "Oh gosh! Look at the blood! Look at the blood!" She left. For the record, I love vegetables, but thanks to my blood thickness issues, I can't really have leafy greens, broccoli, or anything with a lot of Vitamin K. And I definitely know the difference between mammals having a nervous system and have senses versus a plant that doesn't have senses. But, the only reason I did what I did was mocking her.
  3. Yeah, I'm with Maddox's parents--not about them dealing with "the Maddox problem," but being angry enough to pull their financial support from the school if Rome isn't fired. First, Rome should not have talked to the parents about that. That's not his place. He shouldn't be lecturing them that this isn't a phase. I agree that once Maddox asked for Rome to say something to his parents, Rome should have looked at school policy or talked to the principal or guidance counselor about how to handle it. Should he address it? Should he not address it? And gotten how it should legally be done. Of course, Rome won't be fired.
  4. Thoughts-- First, hmmm.... the show still hasn't given up on Anna might be Peter's murderer, have they? OF COURSE Maddox's father is Rome's bully. Things can't even be 6 degrees of separation for this show. No--it has to be one degree of separation. Maddox's father could have happened to have moved to Boston in the last 20 years. No, has to be Rome's bully. Good freakin' grief. And, Rome met some of his best friends in college? Who are these phantom people? Shockingly, I didn't hate Maggie's storyline. Maybe because Gary was sidelined with food poisoning, and I hate to tell the writers/producers, but from day one, Maggie and Gary are better apart. I liked the hospital scene with her mother. But what doctor talks like that? I also about threw up along with Gary! And I echo--what history with Shanice? Although I do see Greta's point about Katherine being single for only 10 minutes. Katherine's sexuality could be a reaction of her problems with Eddie, a midlife crisis, stress from being Theo's mother--which is why I haven't liked this storyline since they introduced it. Katherine really kind of needs to be single for a little bit to really figure out what she wants in a partner. And she's also jealous of Greta's ex-wife--well, there is a history there, just like there's a history that Katherine has with Eddie--and they're friends. So, while I don't agree with the "Oh my gosh! History with Shanice! I'm out of here!" I do agree that maybe Katherine needs to be single. You know, it cracks me up with movies and TV shows, and this happened in Sophie's plot-- People can just drop by where you're working, and you can have this long, drawn-out conversation with them. Especially if you work in customer service. No manager yelling at you to get back to work. No customers wanting to you take their order because they're in a hurry. No one spilling anything. Even now, where I'm not working as a barista or actually in my case at McDonalds, but I still work in customer service, and I get yelled if I spend too long away from the phones. Not in movie or TV land! You can just sit down with whoever and give them all the time in the world while you're on the clock. Never fails to amuse me. Don't care anything about Tyrell not going to Yale. And not a lot to say about Eddie's plot either, but I found it the most realistic.
  5. Yes. I didn't understand why this was such a big deal. Shanice helped Katherine come out, but they weren't dating. So, it shouldn't be that big of a deal that Katherine found a girlfriend. Again, they weren't dating. The only two reasons why this should be a big deal to Greta is that without Shanice, it may have taken Katherine longer to come out, if she would have come out at all, and the fact that Katherine made out which an actress that Greta likes--just for curiosity. ("Oh my gosh! You made out with Shanice Williamson? What was it like? How did she kiss?" etc). I mean, I'd be asking my boyfriend the same things if I found out that he made out with an actress that I like.
  6. Yeah, if there was a burglar in my apartment/house, I would not yell out to alert anyone that I'm there.
  7. Is it just me or was this kind of weird? Don't know what to say. I noticed David Giuntoli directed. So I kept paying attention to the direction, hoping he has some kind of style. It was nicely directed, but other than the scene where Gina is hearing noises in the apartment and the scene at the end, nothing really stood out. Not a lot of high points, but not a lot of low points. Just kind of weird and meh. Although, again, the food truck in front of a high school???? And why does Gina need a cast iron skillet in a food truck?
  8. I would have laughed until I couldn't breathe if that happened!
  9. So, kind of mixed bag for me. First, I do not care about Val and her daughter's drama. At all. Way too much time devoted to that. Also, does Gina and Val have the permits to set up a food truck? Did they even have permission from that school? I think it takes a little bit of time to get permits and get permissions. Second, glad Maggie remembered she had a job. I was beginning to wonder. I've given up on Gary's job. Did anyone else find that whole thing uncomfortable? Also, when Maggie and Gary were called by the doctor, it was clearly getting dark outside the windows. What kind of doctor's office calls with results that late? I mean, I'm on blood thinners, and the INR clinic will call me by 5:00 if I have my tests a little bit later in the day. This is involving medication I need to live. Not checking my fertility, which could probably wait until the next day for those results. (And, yeah, filming in a doctor's office???? NO! And then the doctor joking about it????? NO!!!!!!! So many HIPAA violations it made my mind go absolutely blank for a while!) But.... I was impressed with the advice Gary gave Sophie. That was good advice. I think, the music teacher is dead. Let's move on. Third, glad they didn't drag "Is Anna a murderer?" out. But, if it looks bad for Anna to be changing her alibi to "I was passed out drunk at home, and I was alone!" it also looks bad for Eddie for corroborating her alibi. Because that would put even more suspicion on her. On both of them. Obviously, Eddie couldn't have killed Peter, but was it something planned? Did he know about it? I mean, the detective did say that it was an accident, but if Anna changed her alibi to what really happened--passed out drunk, alone at home--then the detective's mind will start going "This must not have been an accident, because both of them lied." Eddie, you deserve better. Fourth, I was going through this whole episode going "Am I wrong for thinking that Katherine is NOT wrong for telling Eddie about Greta being bipolar?" Because Eddie is Theo's father--he has a right to know who is living with his son. And while I hated Theo's "joke" but his dad's alcoholism, most of the episode, I was OK with him. Fifth, I also thought that was a great question that Rome presented his students--"Do you believe that you have a story to tell?" Great question.
  10. Rome's reasoning was not exactly horrible. He said he was filming the acceptance to send to Tyrell's mother, who obviously couldn't share in him opening the letter.
  11. This is what my brain is explaining to me. If it comes in the future that they didn't look into how to get permits or anything, my brain is going to be none too happy.
  12. You know, it just occurred to me-- Delilah's house has take, what? A year? to sell or to get close to selling (and I don't think it's close to selling), and a teenager is still living out of it, while Greta's condo gets scooped up so fast that she has to move into Katherine's house pretty much immediately. (I know that's not quite what happened--I'm exaggerating just a little bit--but it seems like I'm not too far from this!)
  13. I'm pretty sure Gina will need a permit to set up a food truck. But, yeah, this was a spur of the moment decision. I'll give it a pass right now. I know at least in Kansas, even emergency substitute teachers for public schools need a license, which is super easy to get. I once had one (didn't do anything with it). But we had one. I just can't see a private school, even for an elective and basically a substitute, not having at least an emergency substitute license. But, again, I can support Rome as a teacher, although I can't exactly put my finger on why I think this is a decent idea.
  14. OK, I did kind of like tonight's episode. However, apparently we will be getting a murder trial going. I thought they were going to go ahead and make Anna just a full-blown alcoholic. Did she get drunk and murder Peter? Is Eddie going to lie to the detective that Anna was at his music convention? Or are they going to do the fake out where Anna is obviously guilty, but it actually was the woman Peter was with? I enjoyed Sophie and Danny's scavenger hunt. I miss them interacting. Too bad Danny has decided to go back to France. That was my favorite thing in this episode. I don't have much to say about Eddie's plot. I felt bad for him at the beginning. No one really caring to get his autograph, except for the one woman who prays for him. I'm a Christian who absolutely believes in the power of prayer, and even I cringed at that. But glad he got his groove back, so to speak. Apparently you don't have to have a teaching degree to teach at a private school? But, I can actually see Rome being a pretty good teacher. I don't know why, but I can support this. Now, on to the meh: Of course Tyrell got into Yale. Because Yale is so easy to get into. As soon as he didn't get into Southern Cal I knew he had gotten into Yale. Because of course he did. So, apparently Gina really will make the food truck a food truck. And why would anyone pay those prices???? And the bad: Boy, I really don't care about Gary and Maggie getting pregnant. At least the preview made it seem like this attempt wasn't successful.
  15. I'm right there with you. Of course, I've noticed how ridiculously handsome David Giuntoli is ever since his days on Grimm.
  16. I didn't know that! That's cute! I caught Stephen Root being mentioned and thought, "Random!" But, obviously not so random. And I love Stephen Root. I was a huge fan of Newsradio back in the day, absolutely adore Office Space (when I first watched it in college, didn't get it. After watching it again after working in an office? Oh, yeah. I have several machines that's begging for me to put a bat to. As long as I can also play "Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta"), and even like him on O Brother Where Art Thou? But, that's so cute!
  17. Yeah, that is definitely what I thought! Thanks for confirming! I mean, even when I got Covid back in December, I had to wait for my diagnosis to come back. The doctor's office told me 24 hours, so I was surprised when they called me after about 16 hours. But even that wasn't a same day diagnosis.
  18. Well, I got good news today about my dad's lymphoma. The doctor says he's fine--he needs to have maintenance infusions once every two months for the next two years. So we're very happy about that! Oh, the show.... I got a question, because this does also relate to my dad's news. Dad had his CT scan last week and got the results today. This seems to be kind of par for the course during this--Dad would have a test one week, get the results in a couple weeks. Is it because, compared to a hospital like Gary is in, Dad was going to a small hospital where test results don't come after a day? My question is--why would they think that Gary would get the test results the next day and are pretty unhappy that they have to wait another day? Because, in my view, getting the results within 48 hours is unreal. About the most unreal thing about this whole episode. (And, trust me, I get waiting for news like this is the worst). Which, this episode was.... ok. I personally love Eddie and Greta's relationship. I can totally see them as brother and sister, and their conversation over the phone made me laugh. And I bought Anna's excuse for drinking so much--because, yeah, I was noticing her drinking too, but then I started thinking that all of these guys drink around Eddie. Yeah, the waiting around the hospital thing that they were joking about. If I were part of this friend group, the only two instances I can see myself waiting around the hospital is Maggie's surgery and Eddie's accident. Which, the only one that hung around with Eddie's accident was Gary. Thinking of that, I also laughed at the doctor skedaddling when Rome asked her to game night. Ha! And, no, we never heard that Greta is bipolar. There's an anvil. And I still don't care about Gina's parents. Why are they revisiting Gina's molestation? This was a plot thread in season 1, I believe.
  19. *small voice* Is it just me, or what we've seen of Rome's documentary isn't that impressive?
  20. So, after thinking about this show today-- I still will put it in the category of mostly like, because I was very happy that at least Maggie doesn't have to get pregnant right away, and Rome changed his mind about calling out the dean in front of everybody. But, even while watching it, thought putting a tracker on Maggie was gross. And thought this juvenile game was just that--juvenile. I get Katherine's thing about "You had fun in high school, and I didn't!" I get that. But, as others have pointed out, that didn't justify her in stealing and vandalism. And the making out with your girlfriend in front of your mother is super tacky and juvenile. (Hey, I think we have a word to describe this episode!) And, yeah, I noticed that the oncologist said how happy he was about Maggie and Gary being back together, and I rolled my eyes. How I Met Your Mother all over again. With Gary--I think his cancer has returned. I don't think this show can understand the concept of "cancer scare" because it has to inject more melodrama into everything. With a scare, the writers really don't have a place to go. With cancer returning, they can can have a end-of-season cliffhanger with Gary on death's door.
  21. I forgot to mention-- Except for the "Gary's cancer might be back" ending, this episode just seemed disjointed and just a fluff episode. Again, for the most part, I liked this episode. But, there's not a lot to say about it, is there?
  22. For the most part, I liked this episode. Glad Rome changed his mind and confronted the Dean one on one. Glad Maggie doesn't have to get pregnant right now. But Gary's cancer coming back was foreshadowed like a sledge hammer, just pounding into you. I really don't care about Gina's family drama.
  23. Long time viewer, first time poster ;) I was hoping that this stupid horse race (and what a stupid concept that was!) would make the Davidsons leave. Nope--murder trial is next. Of course. Got to keep this insanity around longer. I want to actually get back to Walker at his job, maybe investigate his new partner's former partner. That's much more interesting to me!
  24. Water pipes can absolutely freeze in a matter of hours. I live in Kansas City, and when we get below freezing, we're advised to let our taps drip and keep the doors to our water pipes open so that heat can get to them so they don't freeze. Why a hospital in Detroit doesn't know that or have backup generators all over the place is anyone's guess.
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