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Everything posted by historylover820

  1. Oh no! Now don't know if I want to watch this tonight on demand. (I've got a love-to-hate-watch thing going on with A Million Little Things, so that's where my interest is on Wednesday nights now). Still.... Jason Isaacs.... I guess I'll check it out.
  2. Thoughts-- Man, still love Cam. His days are so numbered because he's a level-headed, supportive, good guy and of course the end gave is Gary/Maggie. No matter how much the fans don't really like that. But, still love Cam. I'm glad that Maggie finally figured out that she shouldn't ask for forgiveness from the stalker. Because that was just stupid. You can't make someone get help. They have to want to get help. Yep, definitely a good way to ask someone to forgive you is to get their address through less than savory methods and then stalk them, Gina. Theo not into glitter anymore? Since when? And does anyone care? Actually, I didn't mind Theo in his brief scene. So.... wouldn't a tattoo parlor that caters to celebrities be located in New York or L.A., not Boston? It acts like it's local--the best tattoo parlor in town, but it was introduced to catering to celebrities. And I know celebrities live in Boston, but if it's something that caters to celebrities, I'd think the clientele would be bigger in one of the entertainment hubs. But I did like that former friend of Katherine's. Now girlfriend? Friends with benefits? One-day stand? My guess--Katherine will develop feelings, but for the former friend, it was nothing serious. Just a Wednesday. I did like the Eddie/Rome subplot. And loved that Sophie helped out. It's nice that Rome is aware that there are people outside his family who love him and who need him. And that really resonated with me. I suffer from anxiety, not exactly depression. But, the idea of "just get over it," "just stop thinking about it,"--I would if I could, but I can't. So, it is about getting out of bed sometimes. And it is about having people who care. It's a battle--and I know it's not depression, But it resonated with me.
  3. I'll watch over my lunch in about an hour and a half, but you mean that people who have been external to this codependent circle of "friends" have a life outside of this circle? Heaven forbid!
  4. Well, looks like I'll be watching it on Hulu, maybe tomorrow. Maybe sometime this weekend. "Take your spoon and fork off!" was funny, though.
  5. Funny thing--I can actually buy Griff as a surgeon. Maybe not department chief or anything, but as a surgeon. He's got the arrogance for it. And he seems to have the skills for it.
  6. Yeah, I believe that CPR can be used. From my understanding, it means that no extraordinary measures can be used to save you.
  7. I can't believe it.... Did I actually like this episode? I liked that none of our main group was doing anything shady, illegal, unethical. Can't believe that's a benchmark. While I think Griff's explanation to Sam is unsatisfying, because if he really wanted to be her father, he wouldn't have acted like a complete and utter prat (I'm thinking of another word that starts with PR) this whole time. But, I liked this exploration about how this gunshot case was affecting them, remembering what happened. I liked that Griff's shooting did affect him and that it would be a huge adjustment to wake up, find out that it's six months later, and you have pretty much lost your whole career. Still doesn't explain him being an absolute prat, though. And I'm wondering what his ulterior motive is. Because his explanation is still really unsatisfying and doesn't explain anything. But, I liked Griff being this way (although I'm waiting for the backstab). I laughed at Griff and Sam having the exact same reaction to the psychiatrist. The whole exhale then inhale thing. And then Griff making cappuccino very loudly. I can get behind this show if the characters were presented in this way.
  8. I apologize if I was insensitive. I was quoting from House, and that was often what was said. I know can be a serious disease. My cousin-in-law had lupis, and while another disease ultimately took her life, it was something that she struggled with.
  9. Indeed it doesn't make either one right or ethical.
  10. Just judging from the promo, but isn't it a little too soon to see a flashback to 6 months before (or however long it has been now since Griff was shot)? 5 episodes, and we're going back to see "How we got here."
  11. I could absolutely be wrong, but I saw the patients freaking out about Sam contacting them is because I thought they signed a non-disclosure agreement when the hospital gave them hush money, which Griff said the money given was enough to let them live the rest of their lives in ease. Or did I mishear that? It's been several days, so I don't exactly remember how he put it. But, if this is the case of the patients (and I think Griff said three patients with these side effects) were contacted by Sam, I can see them freaking out because they're thinking that the hush money would go away, even if they didn't disclose anything. That's my understanding of it. I could have misheard or misunderstood.
  12. I didn't think this one was that terrible. Still tired of the family drama, although I'm kind of curious about what Griff and Mom are actually hiding from Sam if it wasn't his donor list or that drug trial. And, honestly, I can see Griff's side of what happened in this one. I don't want to make judgments about it being illegal or unethical because I can kind understand what he did. I liked Griff and Lex. Still like Caleb. My final thought? The hospital doesn't use that ambulance?
  13. Heck, I have a doctor at one hospital, and a doctor at a another hospital, and I allow the doctors to share my medical records. And since everything is computerized, it's easy for them to look things up. So, yeah, that's ridiculous.
  14. I.... actually didn't mind this episode that much. Doesn't mean that it was good, though. But, I'm glad that there's someone else who seems to be wondering if Sam's boyfriend only exists to back up Sam, get caught in her drama, to call her beautiful. But, did they say that Griff and his wife built up this hospital? Did I catch that correctly? I still am amused at Griff, but mainly because, of Jason Isaac's perfect dry delivery. Just tickles me. I still enjoy him. And,, yeah, 90% of it is Jason Isaac's performance. But, also, in three episodes, there has only been one brief moment where I have liked Sam. And that moment came in this episode where she was standing up for Lex. But definitely wish they would put more nuances into Griff. Heck, Captain Lorca had much more heart and sympathy even when Star Trek Discovery made him a mustache-twirling bad guy! It's hard to know where Griff's coming from, and yeah, I don't think what he did was legal. And it's hard to get behind him when he's acting like that. If Griff was played by a lesser actor, I'd be out now. I'm still sticking around, for now. I'm also still really liking Caleb. I laughed when he told Lex that they were over Lex and Griff and that there have been 20 others sleep together since that news broke. And I didn't mind that subplot that he and that other doctor were in.
  15. So, I wonder why piano playing? It's not much of a decision to do away with the piano playing as a hobby since it's so distracting that it's obviously not Sophia Bush playing the piano.
  16. OK, so 39 years might be a bit on the young side for a department head, but I'll give it that. The problem is that Sam doesn't act like she's anywhere close to 39. (I had to look up Sophia Bush's age). I'm 4 years older than Sophia Bush, and I was not placing her in my age group. Sophia Bush might be 39, but Sam acts closer to 29 or 30. Someone who has just completed their residency and is now an attending before her father was shot and fell into a six-month coma (which.... I still don't understand that. He was shot in the chest, right? But he's in a coma from it for six months? With no brain damage?) So, yeah, I think we're supposed to assume everyone falls in line with normal TV age expectations. Sophia Bush can't play a competent, driven, 39 year old surgeon. She has to play an inexperienced, insecure 30 year old who really can't compete with her more experienced father in the job. Jason Isaacs can't play a man driven to prove that he hasn't missed a step despite some drawbacks and obstacles. He has to be House-lite and torment his daughter and supervisor. Oh, yeah--one last thought: I was serious when I thought Rob was playing mind games on Sam. And I was disappointed that this doesn't seem to be the case. I would be shocked if they go this route, but I think what would make sense is Sam is proctoring him, but he's teaching her how to be the boss, how to be the Department Head. He's not really in competition with her, but showing her that you can't always be nice and get respect. Sometimes you have to fight for it. And the coddling the residents isn't helping them become better doctors either. It means one resident about has a panic attack at the idea that Rob might be their boss again. Obviously, he is in competition with her. And what I think makes sense isn't what will happen.
  17. I don't know how much I like this show. OK, I'm pretty much in this only for Jason Isaacs, but halfway through the episode, I thought "I don't want either of these idiots being my doctor!" Unprofessional behavior all around! Bickering in front of patients? Sam was the best that could be found? Really???? She's too young, too inexperienced to be Department Head. Except for Lex, she wants to coddle her residents, and she thinks that makes them better doctors? (And I get the disappointment with Lex, and it was unethical of her father to have an affair with one of his residents. But put on your big girl pants and do your job, Sam!) At first, I thought Rob was doing mind games on Sam, making her think that he was going over her head and of course he will be getting his Department Head position back after the proctorship. See if she can rise to the occasion. But, nope. I thought the team getting the baby case was contrived. In a hospital that size, there really shouldn't be a surgical team handling pediatrics. Both areas are specialized. But, we need a House case where they can discuss the different diagnoses and treatments. Sam's new boyfriend just exists to tell her how beautiful she is, doesn't he? Oh, I also forgot-- I was so distracted at the scene where "Sam" was "playing" the piano. I didn't notice it to this extent in the pilot. But, boy it was distracting that this was not Sophia Bush at all when you see "Sam's" hands on the piano. Why make it that piano playing is a hobby of the character and then not cast an actor who can play? If Sophia Bush was the best choice for Sam Griffith, then why keep the piano playing a hobby? You can easily have Sam do something else as a hobby. As it was, boy, that was distracting. Good stuff? Lex and Caleb are growing on me. I liked Caleb at the end with the alcoholic patient, and I pretty much liked him this episode. And I appreciate Jason Isaacs' dry humor, which keeps me coming back. Also, that's a sweet Mustang he was driving at the beginning! I thought it was a frustrating hour. And I guess I really don't care much for Sophia Bush. But still love Jason Isaacs, so will probably be here for the next episode.
  18. Sophia Bush may not play piano, but Sam does
  19. Who else got major House vibes? When lupis was diagnosed, I said out loud "It's never lupis." I both liked this pilot and didn't like it. What I don't like is the pitfall of all pilots. "As you know, I'm your mother and I'm also the hospital administrator." (So, Cuddy?) So, I felt like expo dumps were going on, but I have no clue who the interns are--what is Sam's boyfriend's name? But, I love Jason Isaacs. I could watch him read a phone book, so him channeling Hugh Laurie as House is very intriguing to me. In fact, if Jason Isaacs wasn't in this show, probably wouldn't have even watched the pilot. So, I'll be back for a couple more episodes at least. Hope it picks up.
  20. Probably because we live in the real world where there are consequences. You know, when I entertain the fantasy that my life is like the Truman Show, I always remember that I face consequences, unlike TV characters on a melodrama.
  21. True. "Hey, Eddie. I decided to go on a road trip with Maggie to confront her stalker. I should be back early tonight..... any chance you can take Colin for a walk? Tie his leash around your wheelchair and let him pull you! Wait.... why don't you think any of this is a good idea?"
  22. Yeah, Maggie should win the Darwin Award. Of course, this trip is going to go awesome. The mother will cry, Maggie will hug her. Everything will be fine. Because Maggie is just so super, bestest psychologist evah (certainly not the stupidest and should be a perpetual nominee for that Darwin Award) Back when this show started, I did like Maggie. Obviously not so much now. While I do admit that sometimes people with the most education seem to have the least common sense, rocks have more common sense than Maggie does.
  23. When I was 18, I was going to be a professional actress and director, and I would have killed in order to get into a school like MMI. Or in the real world, Juilliard. I was never talented enough to even audition, but if I would have had the chance to audition, and if I would have been accepted, nothing on earth would have stopped me from going. At least to get connections to further what I thought would have been my career at the age of 18. So, I think my objection still stands. I get being 18. Yes, I'm a mature adult now, and acting is not my dream job anymore.
  24. So, first, why is the winter break almost 3 months long? The other shows are coming back mid-January. Why is it going to be nearly March before AMLT comes back? Bizarre episode. I mean, when Eddie is the person who is giving sane, rational relationship advice, it's a bizarre episode. I like this side of Eddie. But, still, weird. Not surprised that Sophie's dream is no longer this school. But, couldn't she study at the school and still do the band? I mean, she apparently got into a very prestigious school--she might as well go and learn something about music and performing. I mean, I'm equating it to Juilliard. If you get into Juilliard, you probably should go, because what they teach you might make you better, even if you have a movie deal. Am I just completely out there in thinking that? But I laughed that Sophie's first inclination was not to tell her mother about it. In one way, I was not expecting Rome's depression to be back, but in other way, so not surprised. On one hand, I can understand why Maggie made the smart choice in having Gary go with her to confront her stalker. On the other hand, that was an all-around dumb decision--both confronting the stalker and to invite Gary. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But, of course, I was wondering how Maggie would screw up her relationship with Cam. And of course this is it.
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