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642 Excellent-
Using a friend's without her knowledge? Grosser! LOL.
Ugh. These ladies were such an embarrassment. I've had friends of friends (I'm middle aged) who think it's funny to sexually harass young men who are just doing their jobs (construction, waiting tables, property maintenance, etc.). They think it's hilarious and cute; it's not. It's cringe, awkward, inappropriate, distasteful, rude, low class, etc.) And who is surprised there are no grits or Cheetos in Norway? I can see why people dislike us. When I travel internationally and someone is acting like a jerk, they're pretty much always American. We often come across as loud, demanding, self-centered, and ignorant.
Why do they care about Lindsey and Carl? Get a life, people! Carl and Lindsey made it "official" in Oct. Incident was in Sept. These people are boring busybodies. Kory and Jessica? Ew. They're making my skin crawl. Kory's a creep; Jess is apparently dumb enough to buy his transparent efforts to control her. This is toxic and disturbing, actually. Hope it keeps decent women from giving Kory the time of day in the future. He's so gross.
He could have watched a few YouTube videos on how to make American pancakes. Not all that hard.
I was really skeeved out by the primary. I hope he watches it and sees how grossed out everyone was. What's with these old ass guys thinking young women want to have sex with them? And then he flirted with Nat and she said in response to the camera, "Yuck." Yeah. That's what literally everyone is thinking. You're gross. He reminds me of a friend of my husband's who told me he watches porn. I threw up a little in my mouth. Ain't nobody wants to picture that, dude. Ever.
Very creepy. The mean part of me kind of loved how obvious it was that everyone thought he was pervy and creepy. Sorry, dude, no twenty-something wants to have sex with you. Ever. Ew. Or flirt with you. As Nat said in response to his flirtatious remark, 'Yuck." I hope he watches it.
Yes! I just discovered them a few months ago and it's my favorite thing to listen to when doing housework, etc. I actually skipped recording this season of Below Deck Med because the first few episodes were so boring, but once I saw that the WWC guys had covered it, I changed my mind and am watching it. I love them! It's like spending an evening with your snarky and hilarious friend. Their impressions of Dave, Tash, and her ex are hilarious, too. "Are ya tired, Dave? Are ya tired?" LOL. Oh and I love your profile name.
Yeah, Jason is very annoying because he comes off as arrogant but I think it's insecurity. It bothered him a lot when his jokes didn't "land." I think the polite thing for Mzi and Courtney to do is at least fake chuckle every now and then so he doesn't feel so excluded. Don't get me wrong; I think he's obnoxious but his attitude got much worse and more defensive after Courtney came on and they were all laughing together and leaving him out. It's not a nice feeling to be left out. LOL! Yeah, Tash and Dave are sooooooo dramatic. I tend towards being dramatic myself, but jeez Louise. Obviously her ex is equally dramatic. Crimey. And poor Mzi, It's hard to be in the friend zone when you want to be more, but I don't blame him for acting like he's cool with it. I've definitely done that when someone wasn't into me romantically but I still really enjoyed their company. I think Kyle would be perfect as a recruiter. The guy's definitely got an outgoing enough personality. I can just imagine him: "Babe. let me tell you something, Babe. You've GOT to be on _________ show, Babe! Look at you; you're gorgeous, Babe." It's a great way to meet hot guys, too. Good for him. TBH I found it triggering AF. I didn't think I would, but I had a boyfriend who crossed the line into abusive stalker when I broke up with him. Dave reminded me of him (but not that hot, of course): needy, fragile, and doting. We dated for like 2-3 months and it was a disaster. After I broke up with him he'd follow me around campus crying, made suicidal threats, threatened my next boyfriend, etc., etc. I ran into him 25 years later and just said "hello" in response to his greeting and and he was still a jerk to me and all pissed off that we didn't chat it up. Like dude I had to get a restraining order on your ass. We're not friends. Anyway...I don't think it helps Dave to defend his behavior. I don't think he's as bad as my ex, but he needs a lot of therapy to figure out why he's so needy in intimate relationships. He's got weak boundaries and a fragile sense of self. That can lead to disaster, as we've seen on this show. But Tash seems to have issues, too, and her ex is a nightmare as well.
I can't understand why Tash told Dave that she was trying to get back together with her old boyfriend. That seemed very unkind to me. Obviously that is going to upset him. Then she acts hurt when he's cold to her and says they can only talk about work stuff. I agree that his behavior was atrocious, but she doesn't seem at all willing to look at things from his side or consider his feelings at all. It's all about her feelings and whining about what a hard time she's having. She wants it both ways. And Nat! I was rooting for her, but her lack of seeing Storm's perspective is ridiculous. The guy just got the opportunity that he's been wanting for years, and here she's pissed cuz he dares to discuss it with Mzi. How immature. I appreciate a man who takes his work seriously. I guess she wants an F boy. Storm was so polite and took her to a nice dinner, and here she is acting like an obnoxious jerk. Then he apologizes to her the next day? He didn't do a damn thing. Girl, bye.
I thought I liked Luke but him hitting on Jessica so hard was a douche mood. On the other hand, he was probably told by the producers to step up his game and have a story line, so stealing Jason's friend and the ensuing drama would fit the bill. He is definitely a player. Jessica probably moved to LA to try to get a job in the entertainment industry. So, good for her I guess. I thought it was interesting that she said she's always attracted to the "most powerful person in the room." Kind of like a cult leader? I'm guessing "powerful" in her mind=has money. I'm loving that Paige is already getting sick of Craig's drunken antics. I know someone like that; he's fine with his wife one on one but when he's in a group he overdrinks and turns into an obnoxious asshole. It appears to be all from insecurity, just like Craig. Craig can strut around and all that but I sense a lot of fragility there.
Great point! Poor Rodney was put in a very bad position. Yes! Yes! Yes!
As much as I like Rodney, I would have been taken aback by his comments like "You're my forever person" and all this after knowing me for only a few days. At some point I would wonder how he could be so sure without really knowing me. Almost like he likes the idea of Eliza (gorgeous package with cutesy AF smile) but barely knows her. I don't think that's a good sign. If a woman said things like that right away, everyone would think it's okay for the man to run like Michael did when his last girlfriend started talking about being a stepmom. I was very hard on Eliza in my last post, but I do feel sorry for her now. It's hard not to succumb to pressure from a group when you're far away from home and family. (I have to admit I think some of my ire was jealousy. I've never been the adorable type that men can't wait to take care of.) I thought the same thing. She's got a bit of a sadistic streak going on there.
Real Girlfriends In Paris - General Discussion
queta replied to heatherchandler's topic in Real Girlfriends In Paris
Yeah, it was too bad that Victoria took it totally the wrong way. It wasn't them "talking shit" at all. They were just relaying the confusion over the pun. I actually like Victoria, but I think she's overly sensitive. Adja's reaction to Victoria and Marlo (sp?) staying late kind of confused me, too. Some people are just closer to each other and they stayed longer to meet up with Dad. It's not all that deep, and the plane ride from Cannes to Paris is probably quite short in duration. It's too bad when people's insecurities cause them to look for things to get offended by. These women are a helluva lot younger than me, but over time I've learned that it's best to just take things at face value and not look for some big message. People who look for things to get upset about usually find them, and it makes them miserable. -
Yep. I feel like she is twisting this around so that she can choose Justin and not look like she was mean to Rodney, the most beloved guy in Bachelor Nation. I don't buy that she's never had 2 guys interested in her at once; she's drop dead gorgeous with a killer bod and a really, really cute smile. Guys are hitting on her constantly. I guarantee it. On another note, she seems to have an odd idea of what constitutes a healthy relationship. Her reaction to the fight between Aaron and Gen was odd to me. It appears that she thinks that drama and histrionic displays mean that someone is truly invested. (Victoria had a weird reaction, too.) I don't think Rodney is given to dramatic displays of aggression; he seems like a well-meaning, chill guy. Maybe they're not a good match after all. I don't know; I am drama phobic so the idea of enjoying fights is bizarre to me. I grew up in a needlessly dramatic environment. I hate that shit, but to each his own I guess.
This is why some of these gorgeous, seemingly decent people are still single. It's like they put up little tests for their significant other to pass, and if they don't respond in the right way, then they're "not their person." Give me a break. No one's a mind reader. I've been married for 20 plus years and I still don't always know what my husband wants. Geez, people! Enough with the mind games. And spoiler alert: a similar situation arises in the next episode. So much stupidity!