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Everything posted by MonaMechelle

  1. The Making the Team account posted an unseen clip about boot buddies on Twitter. You can briefly see Victoria and Brennan talking to Marissa (more accurately, Victoria acting like she’s a fifth year veteran with tons of boot buddy experience). Makes me sad for Brennan all over again, especially in light of earlier rumors of her talking to Marissa and Victoria about their attitudes and that not going over very well.
  2. Beautiful pic indeed. She’s not a fave by any stretch, but this picture highlights her maturity and beauty like you said
  3. If you go back and watch the scene, Michele knocks on a door on the 8th floor (room 8427) but Amelia opens her door on the 9th floor (room 9421). So I think the spoke with multiple girls but only aired the one conversation for whatever reason.
  4. Quick (hopefully not stupid) question: Does this thread/forum support in-episode live discussion? I know the Ep 1 thread will open at 11p EST and will be spoiler free. But while the episode is on, can we come to this thread to provide commentary? Will we still be allowed to talk spoilers here? Want to make sure I follow the rules, thanks!
  5. May be in the minority here, but power to the 18-21 year old TCCs. I agree there should be some maturity, but these girls are chasing a time-sensitive dream. The younger ones are in that awesome time in life where you get to make your own decisions but still have heavy support from your loved ones, and don’t have things that life usually brings (getting into your career, grad school, slowing down dance-wise, marriage and/or kid commitments, etc.). I’m only 35 but my 20s feel so far away! I look at these girls going after this (fleeting) dream and I’m like good for you sis! The other side of DCC will last way longer than what they may have put off for a year or two in exchange for the lifetime of memories. Verdict is out on this year‘s rookie class but with the pandemic, racial sensitivities, and pressure to produce a TV show, I’m interested to see how the show plays out. MTT is (and has been) at that point most long running reality TV shows get to - they say they are casting for the premise of the show when they are actually just trying to make good TV. If anyone watches The Bachelor, there’s a guy who spoils the show and makes his whole living off it. Some fans get upset to have the show spoiled for them, which used to piss ABC off but when they realized the vast majority of the show’s watchers don’t know he exists, they left him to do his thing. I suspect this is the same. We know what’s going on but the powers that be are producing a show for the ones that show up every October to be mindlessly entertained an hour a week for two or three months.
  6. Do not speak that into existence about Gina!! We need at least one more year given this one is a fluke!!
  7. As a non dancer, seeing visuals like this is SO helpful. Would adore you dearly if you wanted to keep doing them!!
  8. Hmmm depends on how well they dance This right here. I’ll take my chances for $1000, Alex
  9. I don’t know if it was bad lighting or Bri has been in the sun lately, but part of my not recognizing her was because she looked much darker than she usually does. And I say this as a black woman - not darker as bad but darker as different. Not just that, but something in her face is different as well. I thought she may have been one of the rookies that I didn’t recognize at first before I watched it a couple of times. Still a beautiful girl, just looks crazy different in this video. That being said, there weren’t flattering lights, angles or soundbites for any soooo...
  10. We are the same person because I definitely do that too 😂 I have a playlist of random Judy phrases in my head. On any given day I need to “point my toes,” “dance pretty,” and “not look messy,” in addition to counting 8 counts with random words
  11. The website is cute but they didn’t do any user acceptance testing lol. So much is broken, incorrect or inconsistent. They should call me, I’ll do it for free if they’ll give me previews of the upcoming season 😂
  12. I for some reason read this in Judy’s voice 😂
  13. For sure, I get it. I was supposed to be in DAL for the game today, but just as well. Maybe things will get back to “normal” before the season is out. I guess we’ll see. So excited to see G back! She’s always looked that thin to me, especially in the last season or two. 5 lbs wouldn’t hurt her at all, but she looks beautiful.
  14. Seeing the girls dance on the touchdown decks really highlights how unnecessary it was for them to have a training camp and new rookies. If the extent to which they can dance at a game is in a line of 18, in a relatively empty stadium and with way less camera time overall, it should have been a vets only season and Brennan, Hannah, Lily and Meredith should have been given an opportunity to be on the team. While I wasn’t particularly bothered about wanting to hold auditions despite the pandemic, seeing how very little the girls were shown today highlights how much this sucks for those 4 vets.
  15. Is the brunette between CiCi and Briana... Amber? Because If so 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was honestly going girl to girl and blanked on her - the only one ever lol
  16. Legit cackled out loud!! 😂😂 Same about Miranda, and actually there are several quiet brunettes that I often forget. Amber for sure is at the top of the list 100% of the time. Molly is a close second and Alexis and Miranda round out the mix. Of those, I remember that I like Miranda but feel like I know nothing of the other three.
  17. Literally every. single. time. I see Amber, I ask “who is that?” Pretty girl, but she is the definition of forgettable for me.
  18. Here to support your Gina love fest. #teamGina I have a serious girl crush on her
  19. Ah okay thanks. I don’t have season ticket money or access lol
  20. I bought tickets to what I think is now the home opener (DAL/ATL on 9/20) months ago. They were canceled at the end of June. That tells me they are limiting capacity in the stadium no matter what Jerry says now. Haven’t seen any tickets on sale to that game since, unless they are catering to season ticket holders which I thought I saw on this thread that they canceled those tickets as well. (Mine were bought when I thought there was a glimmer of hope, would have wanted canceling to be my decision if they were open to any amount of fans.)
  21. I had tickets to the Atlanta game (bought way before now when we thought there was an end in sight), and they were canceled a month ago. Not sure if they were doing that for all fans or slowly starting to wittle down the numbers.
  22. Hey y’all! So happy to be here. Long time listener, first time caller 😂 Here are some thoughts that have been a-brewin’ while I waited on my account activation: I totally see a world where the show storylines play out like this - Beginning episodes talk about how this camp is so different, this rookie class is so talented, yada yada. They couldn’t possibly deny the opportunity to new girls and world class organizations must push through. Cue Kelli talking to the vets saying they have to be in tip top condition and that she and Judy will have very little tolerance for anything other than absolute perfection. Cut scenes to K&J watching Brennan dance and make repeated comments about her stamina. Questions if Brennan was responsible in the off season bc how does one get COVID twice. Questions if she could be a good ambassador for the organization. Wonders how long it will take her to recover because the “first game” is in a few weeks! (sarcasm bc good luck football season) Cut scene again to K commenting on how every factor plays a part in cutting girls. Uniform fittings. “Does Hannah look bottom heavy to you? “Yeah she’s always been that way though.” Group scene of no one wearing a mask but Hannah, or not wanting to be a part of the “not required but required” group settings. Additionally, Hannah talking to K&J about her concerns. Kelli dismisses them as inappropriate and then the rest of camp, Hannah is seen that way in Kelli’s eyes. The combo of the two is lethal. Lily and Meredith storylines will be more straightforward, they’ll say they were out danced by the rookies. DISCLAIMER: These are NOT my personal beliefs! Love H&B and wish they hadn’t been cut. I would just be 0% surprised if storylines played out this way. I watch enough reality TV to know that producers don’t care about critics if they aren’t the overwhelming majority. Most of MTT’s fandom will be unspoiled when/if the show airs, which means that they can create whatever narrative they’d like and most would be unsuspecting. Also, may be an unpopular opinion but you bet your 15 stars that I’ll be watching if the show airs. Many feel like watching will reward bad behavior, but I’m fascinated to see what they will share about this training camp. Why they had it, learn about the rookies, see the vets again, etc. Cutting vets for likes is vile when there was so much more to focus on, but call me a sucker.
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