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Everything posted by dfwxo

  1. Insiders if u r lurking spill the Ariana tea bc I’m not understanding
  2. I took back all my comments about Zhenya because she is actually so beautiful and tall 😂 But wow so quick. They’ve really been attracting a talented bunch. Getting better every year as well
  3. If it were me picking I think my 2 out would be Amanda or Alyssa(crazy because I was really rooting for her just not sure now. But then again I bet she looks great in uniform). I’m not sure why Amanda gives me Amy vibes which is kinda yawn😭 This really is a beautiful bunch and I wish I could see them dance so I can say for sure. They could all make it
  4. I’m not talking about her kick. I’m talking about her body lol she physically looks good and pretty. Especially when people are always “wow she’s fat milkshakes” and now “scary thin.” Poor girl lmao. She looks good. And yeah Jada’s kicks😍😍 It’s NFL Cheerleading and specifically the brand of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders which she actually conveys very well(now) despite peoples personal opinions/projections.
  5. VK looks good 😍 Good for her rising above a lot. And JADA🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Amazing I’m shook
  6. I’m not sure their algorithm but on certain accounts for me they do. It’s always accounts I don’t follow. Definitely 100% sure what I’m seeing is chronological. However in most accounts(ones I follow) they don’t show in order.
  7. Def think Kylie, Bre Harker, and Amanda are in there and these are who I’ve come across from recent followings. https://instagram.com/ashleuuhh?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/karleyswindel?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/arimcclure?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/alyssanoelleb?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= have been wanting her to tryout for years 😍 https://instagram.com/marissaphillips__?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/isaseebruch?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/kallz_xo?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/kaylamonique_garcia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/sophylulaufer?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/edenryder?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/kali.rochford?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  8. If who I’m thinking got into TC did (judging off peoples followings) then wowww they are stacked and beautiful 😨Wouldn’t be surprised to see VK and Lisa not make it back. Not sure if they’d cut anyone who wasn’t coming off a break but who knows they can be ruthless lol.
  9. All of the filler and Botox are making a lot of them look old and they need to chill out a bit😭 Also the poses are dated and look stiff. They are not doing them any justice because they are all beautiful. Small tweaks can take them a long way. The talent they’ve been attracting has so much potential with social media/a hit tv show and they need some updating with stuff. (I say social media because that’s the world we live in and a lot of revenue and opportunity can be brought directly to them through that) Also Kat, Chandi , Jada, and Claire wow 😍😍 They understood the assignment
  10. LEA omg😍😍 Showmanship is 100000% right. She commands attention. I like her hair too as well
  11. Wow. With the exception of a few who are more blender types, they really do have a talented group of dancers. I feel like in the next few years, they are going to be really strong and it’s going to get really competitive also: love seeing Ashlee in the front at the end 😻
  12. AVA!! If she does return. I do feel Kelli wasn’t too keen about her coming back but she was SOO charismatic to me. I think she could be trained to be at a Holly P level of “watch me.” She definitely needed to adjust with the style a little bit but when she was on, she was on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Probably one of my favorites to watch in a loooong time . I know she was immature but I don’t think she should be held in a negative light because of it. People grow up and being shown like that on TV, I’m sure she really saw where she needed to improve. If we held everyone to who they were at 18 years old, I’m sure 99% of us wouldn’t be liked. Also I want to add that some girls just have a goofy personality. I don’t think people should completely change who they are to be just like majority of everyone else on that team. The cookie cutter, perfect personality. It’s better to see real personalities and not robots. But she definitely needed a big lesson in maturity
  13. I was thinking this same thing. Maybe she drinks a lot?? I think a person’s lifestyle really shines from the inside out. I know it must be hard for the girls to maintain a healthy lifestyle(feeding their body with nutritious whole foods and not starving themselves then eating bad food) with their schedules. But I 100% see what you’re saying about her internal glow. She’s a beautiful girl nonetheless.
  14. Idc if Cristina isn’t the strongest dancer. She looks great out there and I’m glad she made the team. I think she has a lot to bring to the organization
  15. “Bigger saddle” 😂😂😂 Lol at the choice of words. Only in Texas. I would probably agree with this in some cases but Claire’s dancing absolutely speaks for itself and she has such a feminine look to her. Body included. Anyone who watches her will get mesmerized 🤩TPTB would be crazy to ever try to get rid of her or anything else
  16. Here’s an example of how undetected filler can go. This is Kat on the DCC Med Spa sponsor page. She has 3 Syringes of filler for her look(I am not hating at all. I totally understand why the girls get it. I don’t think it’s for everyone though and adds weight to the face because it literally is adding extra volume. Not in Kat’s case she is always beautiful af💀)
  17. Ava’s makeover🤩🤩🤩 Miss girl looked so good. I really hope she comes back next year. I can’t justify her cut besides them giving her an extra year to mature that was needed more than others because she’s young. But wow she looks good
  18. I wonder if Alora Rose not making SG had anything to do with her deciding to try out for Rockettes or whatever it was that she did 🤔
  19. On a serious note, I feel so bad for Marissa. You can only imagine what else went on behind the scenes that led up to this. That has to be an extremely stressful situation when you have to question your safety in your environment.
  20. I agree 100%. Lol because she reminds me of Alice from Twilight from some reason(I think it’s the cute nose). I remember when I saw her outside of the movie and I was woww she’s pretty and the big game changer for me was the hair. I could definitely find better pictures but 🤷🏽‍♀️
  21. The girls have a med spa sponsor. They all have little subtle tweaks. (Botox, some filler etc.)
  22. I def have to agree with some posters. It’s funny because people like to make fun of Kelli and Judy saying it’s their best year yet but the reality is, they do get better every year and a lot more of them have the whole package. It will continue to be that way. The younger generations keep getting more and more talented
  23. I’m a member in an alumni NFL cheer group and was disappointed to see this about Dana Kilmer. For context, the owner of the group is coordinating a trip for alumni of group to meet up in Cabo and I guess those 2 ladies for some reason don’t want the event to happen. I’m not familiar with Dana Kilmer???? Does she work for the organization or just an alumni? This seems like petty mean girl behavior 😗 I know she is too grown for that.
  24. I was not a fan of Marissa last year(I always thought she had tons of showmanship and stood out dance wise) but she has really grown on me this year. She looks great and has a unique look for some reason.
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