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Kelda Feegle

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Posts posted by Kelda Feegle

  1. I think those were his usual pants but the lighting was odd, but its hard to tell.


    Something I wondered about.. when the mother said something about the brother getting burned by a careless neighbor tossing oil out the window, I wondered if that really happened or if the mother did it to him because he wasn't behaving the way she wanted him to. There were quite a few questions left unanswered.


    The situation with the mother and the politician son reminded me of the show Heroes and what happened with Nathan Petrelli (sp?) and how his mother was a really horrible bitch who manipulated things to get him in to power and keep him in power.


    I think that the politician didn't actually know that his mother was behind it at first-- or at least he wasn't actively in on it. Maybe he suspected and didn't say anything, or maybe he didn't actually realize until the team found more evidence. But then maybe he realized that even though he didn't like that the wife nearly died, he realized he still needed his mother's advice to be successful. 

    Yes I also wondered about the other son being burned as a child and I expected that to come up again in the episode somewhere but it just disappeared. Fantastic episode however, it was like watching a Criminal Minds ep once again.

    • Love 3
  2. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was kind of sad to see Sir Smellsafart go home on this challenge. I had really high hopes for Ben's design based on his sketches--I was getting a great Banana Splits vibe, if anyone besides me is old enough to get that reference--but he was overly ambitious and his final execution sucked. I'm glad his little partner liked it; it was too cute when he said, "It's funny, right?" Anyway, I felt like Julian's was equally bad and that Julian's overall performance has been less memorable, so I would have given Ben another chance.

    Big YES on Adam's win! I'd predicted it was going to be a hot mess, but he did a phenomenal job of turning it into a cohesive piece.

    Oh oh Ben's on Danger Island! Not even Chongo could save him - valiant attempt that could have gone well but didn't. Emily's bunny was creepy not cute and Darla needs to break out, Julian I never remember from week to week anyway. Anthony should have been more assertive I think even within the confines of his role. Adam's was deserving of the win (offspring of My Pet Monster and Sully from Monsters Inc.?) 

    • Love 3
  3. Personally I would have given the win to Adam, Logan's just felt a little too much like Arrow meets TMNT, that said they were both well done pieces of work and met the challenge. The rest were just generally alien or creature rather than SuperHero, and I always forget Julian from week to week - sorry J.

    • Love 3
  4. so that was awful - I liked this show, sure suspension of disbelief was required but it was fun and engaging and I was ok with that - this episode was just tragic. For the first time I fast-forwarded it (and more than half of it). Loved Sylvester and the pose but seriously folks the rest of the snakes will escape when you smash the glass front of the cabinet! And will probably chase the food supply that you also smashed open. Insta-expert Paige? NO, just no, also where is her son while she is doing night school study and whisking off through the countryside to meet the leaders of three foreign countries?

    • Love 3
  5. Loved Red's Jedi mind trick on Aram.


    Aram:  I'll need a warrant

    Red:  You don't need a warrant

    Aram:  I don't need a warrant



    hahaha the OH and I turned to each other and said these are not the droids you're looking for simultaneously at this point


    I must have missed the episode where Lizzie turned into a super profiling professor - snark - who got most of it wrong anyway


    Nowehere near enough Red in this ep :-( 


    I thought that Red would have gone to the Fulcrum meeting and have Denby sort out the witness stuff rather than the other way around.

  6. Not a lot made sense. And Spader tilted his head so much I was forced to consider it's a good thing he doesn't suffer from vertigo. Or he does and wanted to see how dizzy he could get as a distraction from the script.

    Yes Spader's headtilt is rapidly assuming the epic annoyance level achieved by the always open slightly mouth of David Tennant  which ultimately made me hate him, once seen it cannot be unseen.

    And let's not forget Faran Tahir in Warehouse 13 looking fine in a suit. 

    • Love 1
  7. I agree - why subtitle when he is understandable and then only do it sometimes anyway? who is deciding which things are able to be understood and which are not? nonsensical and insulting I thought - that being said he was the right choice for elimination this week.

  8. I almost couldn't be bothered posting about this ep but FWIW I think that with his health issue Cris probably learned from a very young age to be self-effacing and non-confrontational due to the risks involved - none of which excuses his tattoos however.

  9. I really dislike Brooke and her attitude and both of the wrestlers deserve to go home based on their mocking of the profession of Amy and Maya - don't denigrate people because of their jobs!

    I think the massage was a popular choice because it was a finite experience - you knew it would take the same time for everyone to complete whereas the crab-picking relied on method, skill, persistence, and an unknown length of time which would include the weighing etc

    Poor Amy runs like a drunken sailor - got to be hurting

    Food Scientists FTW!

    • Love 3
  10. some really good points have been raised

    now for my two bits ... a senior, high profile FBI agent is being followed and when he tells another agent (Kate I'm looking at you) it is brushed of with a haha maybe you have a fan? Seriously? I would think that such a scenario would call for a far greater reaction on the agencies part and some serious concern (and not just a GarciaGoogle)


    secondly, and I know this might be a bit nitpicky but it really annoyed me, daughter has her ticket, is advised the door is closing - so presumably everyone else is boarded, and yet Rossi has time to go and get a ticket and screened and join her on the flight? not happening in any airport I have ever been in!

    • Love 6
  11. I checked it out on IMDB and yes, indeed, she was also Alexa Comescu.  I thought she really looked familiar - glad you remembered where else we saw her:)

    you may also remember her from Heroes as the Petrelli Mum

    • Love 1
  12. I would have sent Erik home - I hated those damn flowers

    Dave's hat and sunnies have bothered me forever!

    Happy he called out Cris on his quit before I start philosophy.

    I looked at the headphones on the website and I have to say that the Nunez ones are pretty fine - you couldn't pay me to accept, own, or wear anything by Cleen.

    • Love 5
  13. Tim Dekay -- the actor that played Christian Ward -- will always be Kevin from 'Seinfeld' to me, who played the part of Bizarro Jerry and got a vasectomy for Elaine.



    Tim Dekay will always be Peter Burke from White Collar. Which is why seeing him so creepy and evil is blowing my mind.

    He will always be Jonesey from Carnivàle for me ♥

    • Love 4
  14. I'd be happy to see the 'America voted" stuff go and the canvas vote - why make someone feel bad about a tattoo they just received, if it is bad it will be/should be in the judge's bottom 3 anyway.

    And yes to back-up canvasses.

    • Love 6
  15. 1. feelings on marijuana aside he broke rules and had to go - fair enough

    2. all the tattoos were crap and I wouldn't want any of them on me. Josh's lady firefighter had the weirdly short arm and the shark completely missed what the canvass wanted to say with his choice and that is a tragedy for someone with an amputation trauma who obviously wanted something specific as part of his dealing/coping/rehabilitation/owning it.

    3. part of me wonders if Josh self-sabotaged - scared he wouldn't win and so set it up so he ultimately wouldn't have to.

    • Love 3
  16. Perhaps where the show goes from here is some kind of redemption story for Tom...surely Tom's comment to Liz that she had the wrong answer to "did I really love you?" leaves a lot of doors open...I'm not sure I trust the writers enough here but if it's done well it could be a nice story.


    I simply do not care if he loved her at all  ever  or not. 

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