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Kelda Feegle

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Posts posted by Kelda Feegle

  1. Sadly, I would have made the joke too.  I always look for any excuse to speak pirate....and then I always end up slipping into Jamaican pirate accent.


    Hahaha mine slips into an Irish inflection.


    Remember the melted cheese eating (fondue) session in one season? That was gross for my tastes. And I agree far fewer eating tests in later seasons. I actually really like tapioca.

    • Love 1
  2. So very good to see this show back!

    Loved the intro episode with the backstories and the selection process etc.


    Query - Desmond tapped out so quickly could they not have dropped in a back-up Alontestant (Solitestant? still working on this one) from the 10 who got cut? Maybe just handicap their total by a day?

    • Love 3
  3. Joe Spano is awesome as Fornell, I adored him in Hill Street Blues also but had a megacrush on Daniel J Travanti who sadly hasn't aged as well as Joe. Plus I was horrified when he was an elderly serial killer in Criminal Minds.

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  4. And I am officially out, so sick of heroic Americans swooping in to save their citizens from backwoods natives. The introduction has always made me stabby but I stuck it out until half-way through this episode where it looked like it would repeat the facially pierced guy recreating historic stuff of a previous episode, once whatever her name is said ancient Mayan tradition heart removal blah blah I was done.

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  5. Just watched Aaron and Kacie in Belize. They worked well together but I never got the feeling that they had bonded emotionally like most do - I know Kacie said they became friends but it wasn't the closeness I have seen in other pairings.

    The shoes they made for the extraction walk were awesome!

    • Love 2
  6. So very glad that Lucifer can still make the devilface.

    Amen and Maze? should be interesting, isn't Amen close to being a fallen angel now that he has corrupted a human into attempted murder?

    Good to know there will be a season 2 :-)

  7. Binge watched this series over 2 days and I enjoyed it very much, some flaws but overall pretty good.

    I do have one question... I may have missed it somewhere but was there a reason that the Spanish banker's daughter hanged herself (other than plot necessity to give him a motive)? I was laying money at that point that Sandy had been touching her, got a weird vibe, but that didn't seem to be the case.

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  8. She was also in 'The Birds' as Cathy, the sister.  


    I didn't care for this episode (although Cartwright was great as usual).  I was distracted by the actor who played the unsub.  I don't know if I've seen him in anything else*, but I kept thinking that he looked like a member of the Carradine family (like he was Keith's son, or something).


    (*ETA:  I just looked him up on imdb.  I guess he just looks like a Carradine to me in this show, because I see that he played Scott Carpenter in 'The Astronaut Wives Club' and I totally didn't recognize him here.)

    Dang! I was also thinking Carradine genes!

    • Love 2
  9. I kept thinking of Shell Beach from Dark City through this ep, also a place that wasn't what it seemed.

    Pregnancy was managed throughout Unforgettable filming.

    Bahahahaha for the head tilt reference, Roth drove me insane with that, almost as bad as the always partly open mouth of David Tennant.

  10. maybe slightly off-topic but ... this will have finished filming already yeah? I'm heading to the States for a road trip that will encompass some of the areas the chefs are from and thinking of incorporating a visit to their restaurants - particularly Isaac for Cajun.

  11. I feel at a serious disadvantage here as I do not watch The Flash or Arrow so I had to have the OH explain stuff to me.

    I don't find Arthur Darvill convincing as a lead (much as I loved him in Who).

    Will stick it out for another ep. then see.

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  12. Serious question from a non-USA resident - do the FBI have a runway near their building?

    I ask because 'wheels up in 30' has always seemed impractical to me - get to the car, get to the airport, pre-flight checks etc, unless they can helicopter from the roof of their building to the airport - even then it seems a stretch.


    Wasn't Aisha supposed to be temporary?

  13. Impossible.

    Even though they don't press it to the 22 per year that an American production would, this is still too big a cash cow for the BBC for them to just abandon it just because Moffat might leave. They sell this show all around the world and won't easily give that up.

    Moffatt is never going to let go of Who - he sees himself as the uberest uber fan that ever was - and I say this after just recently watching him in the flesh tell Peter Capaldi off for saying something about classic Who - his actual words to Capaldi? "You're trying to tell me something about Doctor Who?"

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