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Kelda Feegle

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Posts posted by Kelda Feegle

  1. Diane Mars - report card is being used as shorthand for the artists previous body of work within the competition - so if an artist has had quite a few trips to the bottom or consistently made the same mistakes they would have a bad report card.

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  2. 15 hours ago, withanaich said:

    Ugh, damn. That is totally what he's going to do, isn't it? But I love that you called him "not-too-forceful Delta Force guy," hee. That's what I'm going to call him when I inevitably forget his name again. 

    I have been calling him Nathan Fillion Lite ?

    • Love 3
  3. I really hope that the writers don't pull a TJ from The Night Shift with the Rob Lowe character, having him pull out weird and wonderful responses to trauma from his field knowledge,  or performing a heart/lung/brain transplant in a forest with a toothpic and a hairbrush. 

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  4. I don't understand why Kate didn't go all the way in calling out the alliance. Why not just go with the argument that Brooke, Ick, and L are running the show? Make people realise that they are telling everyone what to do and think? No point beating around the bush - especially if you are so sure you are going to be voted out anyway. That frustrated me.

  5. I agree the voting was weird if they were talking about almost having the numbers to shake off the Saanapu alliance.

    Did Nick ever tell his top 6 that he had the idol?

    Flick, Nick , and Brooke can all gtfo my screen asap.

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  6. I'm cautiously in, didn't watch 24, or the west wing, as a non American some elements will always confuse me about the governmental system. Didn't love kiefer in dark city, although the movie remains a personal favourite.  Its unfortunate that this show comes along at a time when American politics are a huge televisual presence already.

  7. I do love the watercolour style but as far as I am aware the jury is still out on how well they will age (which is what stops me from getting one).

    How is it in a girl's alliance Nikki gets to self-promote over Kelly? That's just silly - they both knew they were safe so stfu Nikki.

  8. This one is on the bubble for me. I didn't like MW in NCIS,  in part because they never really let him grow up, in this he looked like he was trying to play an adult. Lie to me vibes all over it, I enjoyed that for a while, until Roth's head tilt and character arrogance got to be too much for me. 

    I'll give this another ep and decide.

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  9. I was surprised that Craig went, I also thought they would pick out a physically weaker player. Phoebe isn't going to feel much love from the rest now. It will be interesting when Phoebe and Flick come up against each other. I had put Craig on my shortlist to win.

  10. Given that Zoo episodes appear to be written about 5 minutes before filming I suppose it is a waste of time making requests for Season 3 but just in case there is some premeditation I want my Season 3 to include:



    crazy animals with superpowers (earthquake sloth was my favourite)



    the rest is up to the writers and as much handwavium as they want

    bonus points if there is NO Clem and NO Isaac

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  11. 3 hours ago, Charlesman said:

    I just wanted to quote the nightmare canvas for posterity: "The only thing I really care about is the location. And the size. And then, like, the color scheme. As well as the realism of the head." Gia's squinty faced reaction to this Pythonesque 'Our only weapon is fear. And surprise.' routine was awesome.


    Fear, surprise and an almost fanatical devotion to the Peck?


    The people politics part always shits me so I will content myself with just saying - I would have had none of those peacocks tattoos on me, ever.

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