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Kelda Feegle

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Posts posted by Kelda Feegle

  1. I don't want to see Justin uturned, I want to see him fall behind on a decision he made himself. Uturning him will only give him the opportunity to brag about it being done because the other teams are scared and how good he is. I'd much prefer to see the inevitable meltdown if he was behind because of something he did himself, that, I suspect, would be epic.

    • Love 3
  2. Tony and his team went there to find the remaining doctors / nurses (including Jeanne's husband) and any U.S. staff that might still be alive after the attack on the makeshift hospital. The SEALS weren't able to stick around and help them, so they continued the mission on their own, and then Gibbs sent some of his people to get them all out of there safely. That was my understanding, anyway.

    Oh I got that - what I didn't make clear was really I was asking why the SEALS were there and allowed to engage.

  3. yes if they were protecting or rescuing US citizens.  In this case they were sent in specifically to rescue

    who were they rescuing? it wasn't the crew Tony et al were there for as the SEALS were not able to stop to help much - did I miss another group in danger somewhere else?

  4. What a shame Jimmy can't tell left from right (broken scapula)


    Are US troops on the ground in South Sudan and allowed to shoot tribespeople without issue?


    Shallow note - loving Gibb's longer hair

  5. I'm willing to admit that my math is poor - I would have just counted up from the lower number to the higher one on my damn fingers! Surely the boys could have managed that?

    Justin needs to GTFO my screen like yesterday! 

    Also I would like to see the cheerleaders and MS Pap wearing pants, pants please, not things that purport to be fitness wear but are pretty close to underwear.


    (Yeah I know - get off my lawn)

    • Love 2
  6. Ditto to most that has been said but here is my personal peeve - any of the team at a funeral! Seriously it takes days (at best) to get a funeral organised  and the 'wheels up in 30' team are going to hang around for a funeral? NO. Not just this show either I might add.

    • Love 7
  7. The best one I've ever heard is many seasons ago when one of the team asked Gibbs what Ducky looked like as a young man, and Gibbs said (completely dead pan) "Ilya Kuriakin." 

    Yes! That was sensational - my oh and I both squeed with delight at that one. 

  8. Chris' tat wasn't Victorian at all, period! His white looked like shit and last minute to try and fix his black I don't believe here skin was the worst ever, if so, it would not have taken that faded people.


    I see what you did there ;-)

    • Love 1
  9. Hated the butterfly - hated Chris slinging hate the way of Matt's canvass, made her feel even worse than she already did - Matt was explaining ink and time etc to her and asshat twatwaffle Chris just rides over him.

    Loved the guest artist tattoos, thought briefly that Chris was going to cry cheater at Matt helping his artist out with a more dimensional drawing.


    Poor neutral Erik - wish he had won on principle alone

    • Love 4
  10. Every time I heard the word 'extrapolater" my mind translated it to "interocitor", I should have had a drink every time.


    Best line of the episode, in light of forum speculations and snark last week, goes to Mitch's "I'm with Abe", I cried with laughter.

    • Love 2
  11. Dear Owners of the (functioning ?) Indian Restaurant who have been through 'hard times' before - this is the freakin' vombie apocalypse!!! GTFO!!!!!

    Yes Fet - think with the head up here where Setrakian is tapping.

    Eichorst took Palmers slapdown quite well - FOR NOW muahahahahahaha.

    • Love 2
  12. They actually said they've been working together for months which seems...ridiculously accurate for this show.

    While I think an Abe/Mitch hookup would work can you imagine the scene?

    Abe: Mitch, I must tell you that I have become attracted to you.

    Mitch: Uh, I think I have a quokka to dissect.

    Abe: But your eyes, your personality- I love them.

    Mitch: Um, .....you're saying this now? With rampaging fennec foxes approaching?

    Mr Straightforward and Mr Avoidant. Abe would have to kidnap Mitch to make him sit and listen.

    I would watch the heck out of that show!


    I was too tired to watch last night, so I was poking around Wikipedia today. There's an upcoming episode called "Eats, Shoots and Leaves." Ha-ha. However, this show describes itself as a thriller.


    Make up your mind, producers. And, with that title, that episode had better have pandas, well-armed.

    In Australia we say Eats, Roots and Leaves so I would want to see defiant pupilled wombats.

    • Love 2

    Could someone clarify a rule for me? Before TAR:Canada, I had watched a total of one episode of TAR (and been rather bored by it). The one thing I really remember (or think I do) was a race to the finish, and a team penalized becase they didn't have their gear with them. They'd dropped their packs in order to run, and had to go get them and then come back to the mat before their time would be counted.  And yet, in this series, the brothers are dropping their pack in their sprint to the mat all the time.  So... is this a rule or not?

    IIRC as long as they are within sight of the mat the packs can be dropped on the run in.


    I had thought Brian was funny, with a very dry sense of humour (we aren't trained in the use of selfies) but he was very dickish this week - KF maybe - maybe not.


    I know the brothers come in for some criticism for being fit and fast but they do also manage the thinking tasks with speed so I am ok with them doing consistently well - I'd be happy to see the wrestlers win though.

    • Love 1
  14. Does anyone know the actual rules for the canvas jury? Do they have to reach a consensus or just a majority vote? I feel so bad for them when others tell them they think their piece that they like is fugly and jacked.

    One very pissed off Nunez :-)

  15. urghh yes all the dog show stuff was wrong (except Mr Officious who wanted to know about the change in handler hahaha) and speaking as a Great Dane owner - Frankie when you say you could put a saddle on it I want to punch you in the throat - we hear it ALL the time

    SuperAngelaInterrogationSkillz - even Nina the badass of last week caved - Angela's kids finally manage to keep something to themselves so Angela goes behind their backs and pushes a work colleague - *sigh* just STFU already Angela and MYOB!

    • Love 3
  16. THIS!! All day. When your tattoo professional contestants don't know what it is, then you can assume your audience doesn't either. I had to look it up while the show was airing. Those were minutes when I wasn't watching the show or the commercials that pay for the show.



    I did my part. I've been on the fence about getting my first tattoo for 15 years now. What can I say, I have serious commitment issues. Craig's design just grabbed me like no other style I've ever seen on this show. I've been googling all night.


    Alas, it does seem to be derided by many, and good artists who specialize in it aren't easily found. I also have read that many experts expect it to age poorly. Does anyone here know why that may be?

    I've seen the style before - just didn't know what it was called. I think there is concern about it aging well as it is similar in some respects (mainly the soft unlined edges) to the current trend to watercolour tattoos. I really like both styles to look at but will wait a few years before considering one so I have a better understanding of how they age.


    You never go home because you follow the rules? WTF? Numpty. Not going to miss Ceeze at all.

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