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  1. LOL EXCLUSIVE Southern Charm's Venita Aspen Thought She Was Going to Marry JT Thomas https://apple.news/A1mkNkNPuRomnuzkFvm0nZg
  2. I think I read he refused to do the solo interviews for the last three episodes but must have changed his mind by the time of the reunion.
  3. He seems too dumb to be a pilot.
  4. She actually taunted in an interview I’m glad I’m not his girlfriend because he’s obviously more into me. If that wasn’t manufactured storyline, it’s despicable. I also wonder what her version of the bedroom scene in Nassau is. He claims she straddled him and he had to tell her no. If she admits she straddled a guy knowing he has a girlfriend that is tacky as hell.
  5. I think the combination of Black girl to refer to an adult is condescending at the least. You wouldn’t refer to an adult male as a Black boy. I don’t know why JT is so quick to blame it all on Ryan when the barber admitted he may have misspoke when recounting the statement. If Ryan did accurately repeat what the barber said he did not lie.
  6. It was also weird that Venita was salty about her ex moving to NYC to pursue a professional opportunity on Broadway as a musician. I don’t think she is as nice as she tries to portray.
  7. Venita knows he has a gf and is actively pursuing him. She has no class.
  8. I thought last week she said her son was with her sister and now it’s a friend?
  9. Bet Natalie isn’t at all threatened that her replacement is younger and prettier.
  10. Supposedly Shep drinks only beer and wine after his Vegas blackout but he ordered an espresso martini.
  11. He’s 30 and looks like he’s 14. And resembles Howdy Doody. The supposed “modeling” career was a hoot.
  12. There was a big censorship clampdown and a lot of people left because of that. You couldn’t comment on physical appearances, plastic surgery, etc.
  13. Didn’t they spend just a few days together in person? Hardly the stuff of a full-on relationship. I bet he underwhelmed her in the bedroom being used to guys her own age.
  14. I never watched it but remember there was some Bachelor-like spinoff where Shep was the prize lol?
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