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Posts posted by BrownBear2012

  1. 11 hours ago, CattyK said:

    He named two things he does, one was “startup investor” and , sorry, but I cannot remember the other one.   I thought it was odd that he said he just finished paying off the gigantic sofa, yet he’s an investor. 

    I also would like to have seen the huge truck.  Maybe it’s big enough to haul the sofa? Lol

    Can I interpret this relationship? She's a doctor...she will be the main breadwinner. "Start up investor" could be another way of saying he collects baseball cards and sells them or some other collectibles. If it was a legit thing he would have talked about needing an office space instead she was the one needing an office space...all he needed was room for the gigantic ugly sofa and a separate area for his gigantic truck.

    I know a woman who is doctor who went on an online dating site and met a guy who claimed he was a freelance computer software guy. Turned out he just had off and on jobs doing low paying computer stuff. They got married and he couldn't spend her money fast enough...expensive car for himself, all kinds of man cave toys for himself and other stuff. He saw a big pay day with her and for awhile it was until she divorced him several years later and got custody of the child they had...he later sought alimony from her and then eventually gave up all parental rights to their child. Total loser and bum. Not saying this is what is going on with this Delaware couple but sure seems familiar!

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  2. 12 hours ago, mrs ra said:

    Did we just witness Cate and Tyler yelling at Nova to leave them alone so they could mourn some more the loss of Carly?? Poor Nova. 

    I got a small distraction during this scene so I didn't catch everything... what was Tyler yelling at her about in the other room? I thought the whole crying thing with Tyler and Cate was pathetic. I get that they feel they abandoned her but they made a good decision at the time and should just be thankful she has two good parents that are providing her with a safe, nurturing home. Instead they keep crying and whining about "losing" her...the two grandmas don't help. Especially Tyler's mother...she is such a shit stirrer. Always chirping in Tyler's ear about something...she chirped in his ear about having another baby...incessantly, She has been a hostile to Brandon and Teresa and even wrote them a letter a few years ago that caused a lot of trouble since the contents of it were belligerent and demanding. This from a woman who produced one child that has a drug addiction and endangered her own kids and another child that has some mental health issues and doesn't work. Tyler seems to take a lot of his anxiety and anger out on his kids...a lot of yelling at Nova mostly. And now, they have another one who will be ignored or yelled at when Tyler is angry about something or frustrated. Pull the plug on these two MTV.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Gary’s going to do what he’s always done. Nothing.   
    Gary came from nothing then get mixed up with that nitwit Amber and had baby Leah.   That coupling was a disaster. 

    But the frosting on the cake was the show and those beautiful checks. 

    Who knew that Gary knew how to handle the money he was paid by the network and the child support check he receives each month from Amber. 

    He bought property and I think he also has some rentals.  I suspect he has his chubby little fingers in other pies like stocks and investments.  And now his wife enters the high paying medical field. Depending on how smart she is and how dedicated she can take in more money for Gary to manage. 

    It always makes me smile when Gary sits in his Lazy boy and pontificates!  Gary has street smarts and he knows which side his bread is buttered on.   He’s never worked a real job other than maybe fast food long ago!

    No he won’t take Leah off the show and yes he’ll invite Amber to his home and make her lunch. Yes he’ll see a therapist!  It’s all airtime and pure gold!


    When the first season of this franchise aired Gary was a nurse. I'm not sure if he was a registered nurse or a practical nurse but that was what he was doing at that time. He quit after the first season I believe and from then on he was totally on the MTV payroll. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, DrSparkles said:

    Where was this fabulous island supposed to be?

    Well, seeing that they had to take a chopper to get to the private jets, it had to be more than three hours away. It looked East Coast...maybe somewhere between New York and Maine? 

    • Useful 2
  5. This family is such a hot mess. All the money, homes, helicopters, private jets, etc...and none of them are happy with their lives. They are just empty shells emotionally. They hate each other and spend their days plotting against each other and/or sucking up to their father who uses them and abuses them emotionally. Truth is, I don't see Logan handing down the corporation to any of his kids. None of them are competent to run a company of that magnitude and he knows that. So...we'll have to wait for the last season to see who Logan chooses. Logan's passive aggressive anti semitic comments to Josh were cringy...old school kind of guy that Logan.

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  6. 16 hours ago, Hera said:

    This has been their dynamic from the start. I definitely get homoerotic undertones from the way Tom interacts with Greg (the first time was when they went out for that fancy dinner in season 1). Tom also pulls the "Haha, you actually trusted me even though I was joking—what a rube!" thing quite often. I'm not sure if it's meant to show anything beyond Tom's insecurities.

    My interpretation is that Tom had spent years being on the fringe of this family (and resenting it) and then Greg came along. Tom immediately felt threatened by Greg in a way that the others didn't, because while he's not one of Logan's children, he is still a member of the family, albeit a cousin rather than a son-in-law. So Tom set out to be Greg's mentor so that he could try to insert himself between Greg and the rest of the family (thus keeping Greg beneath Tom), but I think it's clear that gambit has failed and was probably always going to. Not only does Greg have an in with the Roys, but he also has a connection to the company through his grandfather that is independent of Logan's kids (and may or may not be independent of Logan). Greg's position has always been stronger than Tom's—it's just taken him (Greg) a little while to realize it.

    I think Tom acts like an abused person. He’s being abused so he abuses someone. His abuse of Gregg is classic abusive acting out behavior…put downs, name calling, bullying. Tom is an ass kisser and basically a loser and disrespected by his wife and her family. 

    • Love 11
  7. Maci: Is it me? That whole "sick' with PCOS thing looked fake as hell. Taylor checking in on her looked fake, moaning on and on about PTSD...please. It all looked rehearsed and scripted. If that truly is her diet, that's pretty bad. A banana for breakfast, a Coke for lunch and Chick Filet for dinner? I think that was it. And why did that woman have to drive to see Maci in person for ten minute conversation and diet plan? Fake, fake, fake...she has no compelling storyline this season without Ryan and his family of fools. It would appear that Taylor has no job to go to. Another Teen dad just sitting on the couch.

    Cheyenne: What is the problem with her sister? She seems weird to me...keeps having babies with a guy that she apparently has a lot of problems with and runs back to Cheyenne? Cheyenne didn't seem to excited aboiut her sister being pregnant again...lest she take away the limelight from Cheyenne right?

    Tyler and Cate: It's really hard to watch Cate these days. The optics are just off putting...the weight combined with being pregnant, the tattoos all over her arms, the poor clothing choices...Tyler just irritates me to no end. The loud voice, his tattoos, his laziness and lack of ambition. 

    Gary and Amber: Ugh...Amber. That hair! What the hell was that? She still won't recognize the fact that she screwed up with Leah...she needs to have a sit down with Leah and apologize to her...and while she's at it, apologize to Kristina. Unfortunately, that will never happen because Amber is always the victim.

    Mackenzie and Josh: It's hard to watch these two. He's slow in his speech and appears to be almost catatonic most of the time. The chewing tobacco in his mouth is just gross. Mackenzie talks so weirdly to her kids and is really annoying. And please stop talking about poor Jaxie in front of her. Just let her repeat second grade...she'll be better off for it in the long run. That poor dog...in all their chaos and problems with the kids, why on earth would they add a puppy to the mix? 



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  8. On 11/2/2021 at 10:06 PM, Cinnabon said:

    Gary continues to make nice with Amber so he can continue this show and not have to work. 

    YES! Gary just keeps sucking up to Amber and glossing over all the horrible things she has said on IG about Kristina and making commentary on her own young daughter too. Gary...Kristina and Leah are so over Amber...quit trying to make them like her. And maybe think about quitting the show and let your daughters have a normal life without a camera in their faces. 

    • Love 7
  9. 35 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

    SNL is supposedly a friendlier place behind the scenes in recent years, although I imagine there is still competition and people who feel isolated and unhappy (certainly somewhat recent cast members like Noel Wells and Taran Killam left unhappy, not to mention all of Melissa Villasenor's angst tweets). I'm not sure a small cast will change that, as the late '80s had very ugly rivalries, as did the '70s. It's either just the nature of sketch shows, or the nature of Lorne Michaels playing head games. 

    Logically, I can agree 21 (24 if you count the Please Don't Destroy guys) is too many, but I tend to prefer larger casts to smaller casts because, with a few exceptions (like the late '80s), smaller casts still tend to overuse the same 2-3 people while 2-3 other people barely get on. That is an issue even with larger casts but there is a little more variety, which makes places like Weekend Update much more tolerable for me.

    To be honest I don't think a 50-year old show is ever going to get a younger base, even if or when Lorne leaves. They have had more outreach than I would have expected, probably thanks to social media and making everything available on Youtube, but they would have to make many more changes. I agree that Kim K and Musk aren't likely to get a younger following for the show. Hosts like Timothee Chalamet were probably more successful in that regard. 

    Lorne relies too much on stunt casting and on expectations setting. In that sense, Kim's hosting gig "worked" - the ratings had a brief rise and she was seen as doing better than anticipated - but in the long-term this does make the show look desperate, even if they escaped a Musk or Trump-type stain here.

    Something the show used to do in the 70's and early 80's would be to get guest hosts that were not celebrities, movie/television stars. They would get politicians, athletes, etc...now it seems they have guest hosts that are plugging their latest movie or TV show. Lorne Michaels does play head games with the cast and wields a lot of power. I think he's become a Hamptons/Hollywood kind of guy and the likelihood of him retiring any time soon is probably not in the cards. 

  10. 23 hours ago, aghst said:

    You should do some more research.

    The past couple of months, most of the people taking up hospitals are unvaccinated people.  Most of those dying have been unvaccinated.

    We're talking 90% or more in most hospitals.

    Of those with breakthrough cases leading to hospitalization or deaths, most are elderly with underlying conditions.  But for instance, hospitalizations and deaths have increased in the 25-54 age groups and more children have been hospitalized since Delta.

    You should also read into super-spreader events the last few months.  Most of the time there are unvaccinated spreaders causing a cluster of new infections.  That isn't to say vaccinated people haven't spread infections.  But it's far less frequent.

    Flannagan is spreading unfounded bullshit.  She's talking about first responders NOT having to get vaccinated.  She's not talking about vaccinated first responders at all.  She said if they don't feel like getting the vaccine, that should be good enough.

    No Caitlin, vaccine mandates are legal and the courts have backed them up for over a century now.  The conservative Supreme Court has declined to hear appeals of vaccine mandate challenges from students in Indiana (Amy Comey Barrett) or this week, the Court voted 6-3 to deny a challenge from Maine plaintiffs who demanded religious exemptions for vaccine mandates for health care workers in that state.

    Caitlin apparently gets weak-kneed for cops and firemen, those strong, faster gender who rescue people.  So she's willing to let them slide on mandates.  For people who aren't thirsty, that kind of weak reasoning won't fly.

    Thank You! Well said. Another thing to remember...COVID is a novel virus. Scientists and epidemeologists don't know a whole lot about it but are learning more everyday. Also...as the virus continues to spread due to the unvaxxed, the virus will continue to mutate. Each mutation has the possibilty of being a variant that can be worse than the last variant...the current vaccines appear to be quite good at fighting off the current Delta variant and boosters will be helpful during the winter months to fight off new and deadlier variants. The unvaxxed will be at great risk of getting sick and possibly dying. 

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  11. 23 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    Too bad the Charlotte couple didn't get that second house, because it was amazing. I hope the Nurse Practitioner is going to learn to swim though. While I'm sure she's up to date on CPR, being able to swim is just as important. I loved the word she made up when they were in the car. Though I was a bit sad the husband didn't mention "Indian burial grounds" when she was saying a new build wouldn't have ghosts lol. 

    The ghost thing was absurd...I felt sorry for the realtor. They wanted  "grand entrance" on top of five bedrooms, pool and guest house??? Then they took the new build that had no pool or guest house or grand entrance because there would be no ghosts? He said they would build a pool and guest house??? I wonder how the neighbors feel about that. Some neighborhoods have HOA's that won't allow all that building...also, they can afford to build add ons like that? She's a nurse practioner...not a cardiac surgeon. He's IT..not Bill Gates. 

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  12. On 10/27/2021 at 10:23 AM, AZChristian said:

    My heart broke for Becky.  Her marriage is unstable and the major cause of that instability seems to be her sister, whose lifestyle impacts anyone nearby.  And it doesn't look like Tiffany will ever live anywhere BUT nearby.  Plus, her daughter was so demonstrative of her affection for her aunt . . . constantly touching her and always by her side.  Mama needed daughter to show some of that affection to her.  

    I had a brother who was a hoarder.  It was nothing like what we saw on this episode, but over 1,000 DVDs/VHS movies in a 400 SF apartment, not to mention multiples of EVERYTHING, plus tacky plastic flowers and 20+ large popcorn tins of "decor" items for a place without a clear surface to decorate.

    We begged him for the last few years of his life to start donating his "valuable" decor items and to allow us to go through stacks of paperwork and shred what didn't need to be kept (about 80% of what was there).  He laughed and said, "You just don't want to have to clean this up when I die."  He was absolutely right.  Every time we went to his place, we felt the foreboding doom of having to do just that, and his lack of concern about the work he was assigning to us did not help our relationship at all.

    Then he died.  Less than 1% of what he had was kept by family members, and the rest was donated or disposed of within one week.  Thank God his place was small.

    About Tiffany:  No way that place just got that bad after her parents died.  They must have supported her hoarding proclivities and helped neatly stack those pristine books.  But then we saw THEIR stuff.  At least Tiffany's stuff looked tidier and better organized - but she still had WAY too much.  She was smiling and happy because she was getting so much attention from the people involved with the filming, and that outweighed her feelings about her stuff.  I suspect Becky was probably off to the side thinking, "You weren't so cooperative when WE tried to get you to get rid of stuff.  But now you're the little princess, getting all the attention.  Again."

    I found a lot of this episode to be very sad.

    And to top it off, Becky's daughter seems to be drifting away from her and bonding with Tiffany. 

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  13. 13 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    But I get get her point, since being vaccinated I can still get covid, and spread covid, so if I was a first responder, who would I be keeping safe?  Just myself, possibly, from getting deathly ill.  And that’s not even certain.

    If you are vaccinated you can get COVID but the symptoms are far less serious and won't require hospitalization. If you wear a mask, you will be protecting others from getting it. When did we get so selfish and stupid in this country? The fact that first responders and people who work in hospitals and healthcare facilities won't mask or get vaxxed because of their "freedoms" sickens me. The new Republican Party and those that deciminate misinformation and conspiracy theories are responsible for this mess. Bill not being outraged by this and not pushing back at Spicer and Flanagan is disgusting and shows how far right he has gone...so desperate to get right wing people on his show that he seems to be afraid of debating them. Maybe if Bill was the parent of a child that had an auto iummune disease or disorder he would feel compelled to push back at these people and be outraged by their words and behavior. 

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  14. 5 hours ago, LADreamr said:

    Sean Spicer is still prone to tantrums, instead of having an adult conversation, clearly.  So sick of Bill telling conservatives they are brave to come into a hostile environment.  What's hostile about it?  He rolls out the red carpet for them, and they use the show as a place to spew their talking points.  It's a pretty friendly environment.  

    I've been saying that for several years. But Sean Spicer??? Really? Isn't he a walking talking joke? Who's next? Stephen Miller? Peter Navarro? Jared Kushner? Donny Jr.?

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  15. 12 hours ago, Norma Desmond said:

    Joe - You have a kid, right? How do you balance it?

    Librarian - She's with her dad these days.


    Thank you! I replayed it several times but couldn't quite make out what she said. It was sort of muffled...or maybe I need a hearing aid? Yikes...I'm too young for that!

    • LOL 2
  16. On 10/27/2021 at 11:38 AM, plumbago blues said:

    I clicked upon this morning's show just as Curtis Sliwa was talking. I actually enjoyed having a fresh face and a fresh perspective. I was happy that the panel let him speak without yelling and interrupting. But then, Joe and Mika showed up and I was out...Mika mugging with that monster cat; yeah, okay, Sliwa's a cat guy, but, of course Mika had to insert herself into it. Like show and tell and her usual one ups-man-ship...and so juvenile. Trivializing the whole segment and insulting to their guest, IMO. Reminded me somewhat of her running her fingers through Trump's hair.

    I often wonder if Willie regrets using his nickname as his professional name...because he really owns this show...but the concept of Morning Willie...Geist and Guests, as was previously discussed, sounds better every day.

    I lived in NYC during the 70's and remember Curtis Silwa and all his antics and bravado. Ugh...and his wife Lisa (former wife now). He really hasn't changed much...just a little heavier and grayer.

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  17. 5 hours ago, CruiseDiva said:

    I'm amazed that such a young couple with rather ordinary jobs could spend more than a million dollars on a home. How are they qualifying for a mortgage? Maybe her seemingly well-to-do wine producing parents are bankrolling them by providing a hefty down payment. Interestingly, the house hunter wife got her "land" but there was no vineyard on it, which was what she kept saying she wanted. Her poor husband may never get his swimming pool until she stocks that land with goats and miniature horses.

    The house on the cul-de-sac with a pool that the husband really wanted would have been the most practical option for a young couple, but the way the wife acted I just knew she'd prevail. Sheesh. She was quite the Princess.

    I missed it...what were their jobs? And spot on about the wife being a princess...yikes! Seemed like she wanted the same set up her rich parents have. Did they realize how much work it is going to take to maintain that property? Talk about a money pit...I couldn't help but be concerned about the fire situation with all those trees and dry brush on the property. I know that the Sacramento area did have wildfire issues this last summer..I could see that property with all the trees and wooden buildings basically being kindling. And as far as the vineyard thing...I can only imagine during a drought how much water is needed to keep the vines growing and producing grapes. 

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  18. On 10/17/2021 at 7:17 PM, Door County Cherry said:

    He's not.  He's older than the actress who plays Love.  And it is supposed to make you a little uncomfortable, I think, but even the show has established him as over 18 (I think.)  

    Yeah...I think he's in second or third year at Stanford.

    Can anyone tell me what the librarian said to Joe when he asked her how she juggles work and parenting? I couldn't make out what she said...it was sort of muffled.

  19. 23 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    It's a "for profit" school. They basically charge you a buttload of money for a diploma. They are known to target vets who use the G.I. Bill college/vocational $$ to pay for it. These for profit schools are notoriously bad and tuition is sometimes higher than a regular college. They usually have one large office building or just several floors of an office building for "classes" though probably most of the "classes" are remote now. I'm sure Amber's brother was targeted the minute he finished his tour of duty and got swamped with solicitation calls from various for profit "schools".

    My bad... I should have correctly called this school "University of Phoenix" instead of just "Phoenix". And dollars to donuts Amber's brother was definitely targeted when he left the military. A friend of mine got a job at Strayer University, a for profit "school" as a curriculum counselor. When he arrived at work the first day he was given a long list of names of people with their phone numbers and told to make cold calls to them and pitch Strayer. He was told they were all vets that probably are looking to further their education and to hard sell Strayer as the best school for them to be a part of. After two days of trying to sell something that he did not even believe in himself, he quit. He said he felt dirty for trying to sell a school like this to people that had seen terrible things in defense of our country...it made him feel dirty. He got a better job two weeks later that didn't involve selling a fake school to people that had just returned from a war. They never explained to him why they hired him as "curriculum counselor" instead of just being honest and say it was a sales job.

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  20. 11 hours ago, mrs ra said:

    Cate and Tyler are just clueless parents. Poor Vaeda. It was just unnecessary cruelty to abruptly take away her pacifiers. And she reacted by loudly crying and they did little to comfort her. It seemed they were almost gleeful. They could have eased her into giving up the pacifier by transitioning slowly. Start by only allowing in the crib and at bedtime. There are books that they could have read to her that explain in terms she would understand that “you’re a big girl.” They could have had small rewards for times she didn’t have it. 

    It is sad. The only job Tyler has is to parent. He doesn't work and he has hours of nothing to do. The least he could have done is read up on some parenting tips and figure out a way to gently break Vaeda from the binky. She didn't have to go cold turkey...the lack of any kind of comforting of her or explaining why she was having the binky taken away was wrong and totally uncalled for. The more I see of these two, the more I dislike them. Vaeda already seems like a child in distress...now they're having a third child that Tyler is less than excited about because it's not the boy that he whines about wanting. Cate seems ambivalent. This show is not longer serving it's original purpose...a cautionary tale about unprotected sex and teenagers...now it's just a depressing show with spoiled, unproductive adults that have no skills or post high school education. Time to cut these people loose.

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  21. 11 hours ago, ichbin said:

    I've been saying from the first season that Marcia is the character to watch.  She might have the potential to be the smartest and most cut throat of them all.

    I agree! She could definitely cut a bitch!!!

    On 10/25/2021 at 10:21 PM, TimWil said:

    Shiv’s apology to Roman wasn’t all that genuine, just a sing-songy “SAH-REE.” But I guess coming from Shiv it passed muster with Roman.

    It sounded like a 10 year old Shiv who was forced to apolgize to little brother Roman by their mother.

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  22. On 10/25/2021 at 12:36 PM, Carolina Girl said:

    Anyone else notice that Logan did not shake Jerri's proffered hand when the plane landed?  Her expression never changed.  


    Yeah...he blew her off. I noticed...something bad is going to happen to her.

    8 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    Seeing her made me yearn so much for her to have been cast as Hillary in Impeachment.

    I think they were going for someone with a harder edge...I wasn't sold on Edie Falco but after seeing last night's episode, she won me over.

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