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  1. The problem for me is this: Mia was doing a fabulous job of making me really dislike her: Acting like a boss bitch, always bringing up and bragging about money, using her mother’s troubled past as a story line...and don’t even get me started with G. Everything she does seems forced, faked, and a thirsty attempt to make the viewer think she has money and class, and it is sooooo unbelievable. But...in walks Candiace, and somehow I ended the episode on Team Mia. How does that shit even happen? Candiace is her own worst enemy.
  2. Karen’s speech at the “ceremony”🤔 “I would be remiss if I did not mention my BELATED parents...” What? Were they late? They couldn’t hold off the ceremony until they arrived? ohhhh. She meant departed....🙄
  3. I FINALLY GOT IT!!! Ruby IS Tattoo! 😉
  4. Braunwyn was wearing a Brooks Marks sweatsuit in the very beginning. Lol on so many levels. Best line: Worst Lesbian Ever! I like Elizabeth a little more after this reunion.
  5. Just finished watching the season, and I have a question. At some point didn’t Abe pay Moishe for 1/2 of Midge and Joel’s apartment? Am I remembering this wrong? I kept thinking, as Abe and Rose we’re moving out of their place that they did not own, that they might work out an arrangement with Moishe since they co-owned Midge’s old place. Anybody else remember this?
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