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Everything posted by Lola43

  1. I can kind of understand Libby's concerns with her family and the food. I mean her dad is paying for everything 🤷
  2. When I saw the Ethiopian apartment my thought was that it needed a thorough cleaning, a coat of paint, a toilet seat , new bedding and window dressings. It had potential.
  3. Kourtney's hair always looks dirty.
  4. Literally. Between Sonja and Luann last episode. Literally.
  5. My father is Black and my mom is Mexican American and I look Mexican. Genetics work in weird ways. btw, I call my dog mama or mamita. Not her name but she responds to it as well.
  6. Did no one watch the episode? Molly and Luis were married.
  7. I don't blame Ashley for speaking her peace. I had the same kind of father. Except mine worked and didn't need anyone to support him. Anyway, five kids with different women and then raised someone else's kids while ignoring his own. I had a conversation with him about it and all he did was shrug his shoulders. I hope she feels better letting that out but it will change nothing. I don't feel bad for Annie. She needed to hear that.
  8. I might agree with this if his mother lived in the United States. I'm not sure what life is like in the Dominican Republic but as many posters have previously stated, the American dollar goes further there. It might be one of those countries where people make 1.50 for a full day's work. I read his mom is an attorney. I don't know what their story is but his mom, sister and Chantel seem very materialistic. Nothing wrong with an efficiency in my opinion. My first apartment was an efficiency.
  9. Not really seeing what the big deal is about the small apartment. It's not like they have any kids. How much room do you need? Maybe they do a lot of entertaining?? I don't like Anfisa but Jorge saying he couldn't hang with his friends is kinda fucked up. The girl doesn't know anyone here, why would he think it's ok to leave her at home and hang with his friends? I don't think it's an issue for Pedro to send his mom money and gifts as long as it doesn't take away from what needs to be done at home. Not sure how much he sends home but would it be enough to pay to not sleep by the stove or whatever? Sorry, my mom is my mom and if she lived in a 3rd world country I would definitely be sending money back home.
  10. #teamnoneofthesemf's
  11. I'm 47 and I love tights and Mary Jane's. Usually wear them the two days of winter we get in Texas.
  12. Craig piling on Shep was not a big deal. Shep has been shitty to Craig, he had it coming.
  13. I see plenty of nice cars in the drive thru when I'm getting my coffee. What should they have eaten?
  14. She's young and single and if she wants to kiss two guys go ahead. But I'm not sure she wanted to kiss Adam. He came off kinda rapey.
  15. I send texts. I live in Texas. Texts and Texas. Two very different things.
  16. Me. I sleep on my decorative shams?
  17. Two different things in my opinion. Ramona was trying to take Bethenney down a notch. Or four. What Bethenney said about Bryn was in jest.
  18. If Kourtney and Scott aren't together why does Kim care who he's hiding? Calling her a whore was so not necessary.
  19. He reminded me of my first husband with the shirt and mullet singing Neon Moon at the country bar on karaoke night. I had that memory blocked out until tonight.
  20. Thanks! I can go to sleep now.
  21. I missed the first 40 minutes. What did Landon do in Nantucket?
  22. Larissa is hardly a 9.
  23. I hate JD more with each passing episode.
  24. Patricia is vile, JD is annoying and the redhead ( can't remember his name) hit the nail on the head with his comment about Patricia. I love Craig. I love his friendship with Kathryn, he seems like a good friend.
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