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  1. I think some posters have made a much bigger deal out of Eva's autism than Eva did. You can't judge the severity of someone's diagnosis by watching maybe 5 total minutes of video. To judge by that and say that she shows no signs of autism is unfair.I think we forget we see such a small portion of what has been filmed and what they go through each week. She knew at some points during this experience she would need someone to help her calm herself and she found Joe, who she felt she could trust to do just that. She didn't make a huge announcement to the whole tribe. I don't know about anyone else, but when I saw his reaction, I think I fell in love with him!
  2. In my opinion, I don't really think she would challenge him. The women in this culture are just as indoctrinated to their roles as the men are. Adnan is now an adult and the rules would change from when he was a child.
  3. I absolutely agree with your comment that Niles should have been shut down or sent off set when he threatened Adnan, too. I think anyone who threatens bodily harm to another person should be removed.
  4. Sounds like Adnan is attempting to do to Tigerlily what Tigerlily did to husband #1.
  5. Will anyone follow Dr Now's diet EXACTLY and gain 65 pounds in a month?
  6. I think that explains why the Pilgrims ended up in Massachusetts instead of Virginia (which I believe is where they were actually headed!)
  7. In the other thread, I called it his RSF. (Resting smirk face.)
  8. This could be the tagline of the entire franchise!
  9. I know what annoys me about Veah, her voice. It has no expression and seems so flat. Her whole personality seems to be the same. You didn't ask, but I know what annoys me the most about Loren is his RSF. His RESTING SMIRK FACE!
  10. I've thought all along that the climbers think they are playing Survivor, just like so many of you. However, I think they crossed into Big Brother territory this past week when one of the climbers (Don't know his name, but not Therron) said he was instrumental in convincing Therron to vote out Dusty and was so glad he got rid of him without "getting any blood on his hands!"
  11. I can hardly wait for next season when they have to build their shelters out of bamboo sticks and zingbot appears at one of the eliminations to zing everyone in that annoying zingy voice!
  12. I agree with your post. I am thinking that maybe he is going on the information that Joanne was giving him about the boys, that they would want to move to Ireland. He had never met them, so he would only have the info that she fed him and maybe in her desire to be so, she thought it was true, also.
  13. The first aptly named character in the whole series!
  14. Agree!! Wasn't it just such a coincidence that the two issues that have been discussed a lot by viewers just happen to both come up as he begins his redemption tour with this Robyn/Kody "adlibbed" conversation.? #1 Not attending Ysabel's surgery or helping out when she came home and #2 Making the older boys move out.
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