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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Still working my way through season two but this is still hands down my favorite moment:






    ...I miss the naive and gullible iterations of the characters from Season One.

  2.  I agree that she was upset that he was portrayed as weak but she was the one who put the first inkling, in my brain anyway, when she put baby in the corner at Luann's barbeque in the Hamptons.  That might have extremely upset him.  Or maybe that's part of her charm for him.  Who knows.  We'll have to watch what happens.


    If what they're doing is trying to limit Jon's social media exposure to protect his business, I can respect that.  I just read that Harry Hamlin is refusing to appear on RHOOC for the same reason.  Makes perfect sense.

    ...Beverly Hills I believe.

  3. It is currently not in production and due to June's adventures with a child molester TMZ reported that TLC has said the shows future is being determined.   I was never on the Mama June love train either.  She showed some really manipulative sides during one of those Toddler and Tiara episodes.  It made it seem to me that she was quite duplicitous and would say whatever she needed to the cameras and then do what she wanted when they were gone. 

    ...Didn't she have a baseball bat once when practicing with Alana?  That's what I remember every time I see the "happy" June...

  4. First time poster.... LONG TIME LURKER.

    I have never seen this posted here, and it's driving me nuts. Wasn't the reason for the Dina vs. her siblings fight revealed long ago?

    I remember reading somewhere - probably TWOP - about how and why the feud started.

    Quick summary: Dina had the party planning show on HGTV (?) and when the gay brother got married (Jamie?) she was going to feature the event on her show. Long story short, Caroline went behind Dina's back and convinced Jamie to let Bravo film it, which screwed Dina over and she never forgave them.

    That might not be the only issue they have, but is supposedly the main one.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I have read so many posts on here pondering the fallout and I kept waiting for someone to bring this up.

    Edited because auto correct is killing me.

    ...I always felt that was more speculation and rumor.  I don't recall ever reading about it, except on message boards...and like you said...TWOP...but maybe I don't remember.

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  5. I thought Jac confirmed that story. Supposedly she had the temerity to leave their young baby with Chris while she went out for a break (they were new parents) and Caroline accused her of being a shitty/neglectful parent.

    ...and didn't Caroline track Jac down to a parking lot (Starbuck's?) and that's where the supposed smack down took place...

  6. I've looked for a video clip of Kelly doing an awful, stereotypical mimic of an Asian person speaking in a TH after meeting Alex for breakfast. It was the Rashomon effect with the two having clearly different thoughts on what went down in Morocco. In her TH, Kelly referenced Alex with "I don't understand you…you no speaka da Engrish." (Now, I remember my jaw dropping when Vicki Gunvalson made some comment like "Chinky Chinky Chinaman" on RHoC, but I believed the RHoNY HWs to be above such crap.)


    Does anyone else remember this? 

    ...I just watched the clip on youtube...I have no life...it's the "Season 4 promo" and includes the "Speaka da Engrish"...

  7. What really struck me odd was in the episode where Rose thought that Bob Hope was her father and she said that Gunter and Alma Nylund are her adoptive parents. Nylund is her husband Charlie's last name and according to Rose in St. Olaf you can trace everyone back to the same family tree. Wouldn't that make Charlie and Rose a little related. Ewww. Writers really fumbled the ball on that episode, cause Rose has mentioned Alma as Mrs. Lindstrom and Gunter as Uncle Gunter before.

    ...Remember everyone in St. Olaf could be traced back to the same pair of cousins anyways...


    Not really an error more my nitpicking, but I really didn't care for the re-use of names for characters.

  8. So nobody is going to talk about the side piece of 19 years who finally became the main piece when the old school Playa from the Himalayas moved in with her? She decided to sue when he moved out while she was at work.

    But to sue over rent in a Section 8 apartment she was barely paying for? I think she just wanted to go on national TeeVee and let the world know he had Herpes.

    ...IIRC, she didn't care about the ruling in her hallterview, it was all about the closure...and of course trashing the guy on TV...

  9. Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman. I get a lot of facial threading, so no judgment from me on being hairy, but shaving would seem like the absolute worst way to solve that problem.

    Has anyone tried the Manzo boys's restaurant, Little Town? the yelp reviews are pretty dismal but I'm tempted just to see how it is. I wonder if they do well there.

    ...I remember she brought up the shaving...at a reunion? maybe.  Exfoliates?

    • Love 3
  10. Reunion thoughts...Part II had some good moments but was a total let down, all the good stuff happened in Part One...I did like the Charity reveal and defaming Jackie bits.


    For the most part, Jackie and Lydia held their own against Gina well in their specific arguments...and I like Jackie's hobbit...he can come back.


    I like Janet, but I can't believe the ladies didn't go at her harder over her hand in a lot of the drama.  Probably next season?

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  11. Looks like I was wrong...Alien Gladiator's is tonight...my guide has it at fifteen minutes(?, say what?)...and in between an hour of Phineas and Ferb and a movie...the premise sounds like filler so, if it's interrupted by the other programming doesn't sound like we'll (I'll) miss much.

  12. Quote of the night from Melissa " no one in their right mind would make a scene at a charity event"

    ...How soon we forget every Posche Fashion show since Season Two...wait...they were for charity weren't they...


    ...or that Brownstone charity dinner where Danielle brought her Hell's Angels friends...wasn't that the same dinner where Danielle's goomba called Chris...can't even think about it it's vulgar...

    • Love 1
  13. I like Jim.  I like that he enjoys stunning people and crippling them with merely words.  There are few people in that room that are actually intelligent--and he leads the pack.  His choice of timing on when and how (cocked back in a chair) about the Rino and MIL relationship?  Awesome. And wicked wicked smart. 

    ...I agree.  I haven't "liked" a NJ cast member since Danielle got the boot.  And now that I say that...I wonder if Jim is gunning for a Danielle type role...

    • Love 2
  14. Came out liking Jackie a lot more than I thought I would when the show originally aired and i only caught snippets.  Even if she is a shit-stirrer I still like Janet also, but she's hard to look at...


    Andrea vs Gina...it's a contest of Vile-ness...to different degrees and I dislike both ladies...

  15. I missed something!!!!  Please do explain!  Quote me so I can find the response.  Give me the tea.

    ...Hey Lablover,


    Maybe I misunderstood the topic...I was responding to the Tamra in Shannon's face at Lizzie's party.  After the Take Down The Beador's, I felt Tamra's behavior was making sure Shannon didn't spill anything else.


    I'm sorry to wet your appetite and leave you disappointed.

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    I think that the past three episodes were just FOX getting rid of the rest of Season 10 (and/or their renaming episodes under contract) and getting American Dad! out of their lineup fast.


    Oh, btw, American Dad! will start to air (with all new episodes) on Oct 20 @ 9/8c on TBS:





    Thanks for the info.

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