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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. I am stunned that they are turning this show around this quickly, since filming wrapped just last week.  They must not have had to do a lot of editing.  I am beyond thrilled and happy to have been wrong about it not airing until December or January.  Bring it!

    I'll take BH over NJ or ATL (I love ATL btw...), because those two to me at least, seems like they come back as soon as they end...especially ATL which, as many said went on forever last season...

  2. Dina...Dina...Dina...the hair...the outfit...the accessories...you could kinda tell what she was going for...but it was just a Frankenstein of ideas thrown together...and in the end...she was nothing more than a blond bride of Frankenstein...if horror has a name and appearance it was Dina last night...

    • Love 7
  3. According to the article, Gretchen is going to be coaching millionaires about love or some such fucknuttery.


    I was laughing so hard I might have misread it, though.  


    ETA:  Let's do a quick list....

    *Manzo boys "millionaires in training" (snort)

    *Courtney from Most Eligible Dallas/Courtney Loves Dallas

    *Gretchen from RHOC.

    *Ramona from RHNYC.

    *Sonja RHNYC.


    And because I loathe Patti Stanger and this show, I'm sure I've missed a couple of Bravolebrities who have appeared on her show.


    Maybe it's time for it to be retitled "Big Pimpin' by and for Bravo"?

    *cough...Rosie from NJ...*cough...

    • Love 2
  4. Willie and Tamron were my favorite.


    Of Halloween's past...I'll always have a soft spot for the Ewok's that hijacked segments back in 2009(?)...always wondered if anyone lost a job over that...

  5. I am and not well liked.  They have a very strong pro-Teresa community and anti-Caroline and Jacqueline group.  The site itself posts a lot of clips.  I noticed they did not post the story about Teresa assaulting Wendy Feldman.  That would have been way too controversial.


    I think they have provided decent Reunion coverage.  So I post links to their site.

    I've noticed your reputation amongst the crowd there......I've been a lurker the last few years, afraid to post, I'm sure I'll be attacked even If I'm merely stating an opinion and nothing purposely awful...and tend to agree with a lot of your posts...you're pretty fair with your assessments...

    • Love 3
  6. Melissa and Teresa's acrimony came from Teresa  not wanting to share the spotlight with her sister in law.  I don't recall Dina having much nice to say about Melissa this season-she back stabbed her to Amber and then went so far as to snark about Melissa bouncing around in her bikini.  To me Joe Gorga has just enough heart and goofy in him to make for good TV.  I don't really care for angry Joey but he did have some good lines with Bobby and some perfect comments to the asshole Jim.


    My opinion of Dina watching her clips is she is not all that bright-maybe that is why she limits her time on these shows.  I think I also heard her say she has know Teresa now 25 years-on WWHL Sunday it was when she was pregnant with 18 year old Lexi.  So in addition to not being bright I question her truthfulness.  Dina also seems to step in it when she talks about her nephew Nicholas http://www.allabouttrh.com/jacqueline-laurita-responds-dina-manzos-comments-son-nicholas/#comment-2230884  I just think sometimes Dina is a little flip and fake.  And then there was this http://www.allabouttrh.com/dina-manzo-takes-twitter-defend-comments-jacqueline-lauritas-son/

    ...I mentioned a certain site in one of the other threads...that worship at the altar of Teresa and Dina and this is actually the site.  I've never seen an online community try to control the site and expunge those who don't agree with them.  I think I've seen them "call out" those who run the site and post articles when they feel they say something against Teresa or Dina.


    zoeysmom...I assume you're the same zoeysmom on the site?

    • Love 1
  7. Whichever kid it was, when facing prison time for fraud and you owe restitution, not to mention all the creditors coming after you, this conspicuous spending of money is beyond stupid.    It is so beyond stupid that it needs a brand new word for it, stupidest doesn't begin to cover it.   Where did the money come from?   I doubt there is much Bravo money left over.   Sponsors are dropping her right and left.   If she borrowed it that is a violation of the terms of her bail.   

    ...I agree, I frequent another site but dare not speak there so I lurk...they're pro Teresa, I'd be torn to shreds to just throw some basic logic  their way.  And they're all proud of Gia and Teresa with this...I'm shocked...reading the comments...beyond shocked...


    ...I feel it's one thing to be a fan...but it's an entirely different level to approach these situations with blind devotion...

    • Love 2
  8. I can't believe this!  There's a BIG article about Teresa on the front pages of AOL.  It seems that she just blew $10,000 on a video for Melania and her singing group!!!  The commentary going along with a video of the Giudices is very negative about Teresa.  She and Joe owe creditors something like $14 million, yet Teresa spends all this money on a sexy video of Melania.  Melania is 13 years old, for Pete's sake!!!  I don't know whether Teresa is thumbing her nose at the government or whether she's a verified mental case.

    ...I think you mean Gia...Lura...

    • Love 1
  9. I'd love for Nancy Grace to get ahold of her ass on TV.

    If there is one thing I'll give Nancy...she doesn't hold back and will go there with her guests...if only Andy was same on those damn Housewives Reunions......wait...why not just get Nancy to host the reunions...


    ...sidenote, I apologize for derailing the convo...but Nancy, love her or hate her...she usually does say what most are thinking.

    • Love 2
  10. AllAboutTRH is reporting the new season of RHoBH will premiere on Tuesday, November 25 in Canada.  I am guessing that wires got crossed and the Canadians made the announcement before the Bravo did and that the the show will premiere in the US on Monday, November 24 since BH has aired on Mondays for the past few seasons.

    ...I'm not sure how they air seasons but maybe it's the previous Season (4).  Seems a little soon.  Or is it really Season 5.

  11. Finally saw "Spike Fright".  Pretty fun episode.  I enjoyed both a and b stories.  Perry being a killer...because of course, loved the flashbacks.  Best moment:  Chase giving Adam the business.


    Please...please...revisit Chase's romantic interest.  Bree's had a couple boyfriends, Leo has his love interest who he unintentionally harms...I've been waiting for Adam and/or Chase to have one that wasn't Bree's creepy friend.


    Quick question...I'm blanking...going back to the previous episode...with Bree and TechTown...did Chase quit?  I'm still slugging through Season Two and a few other films and shows to get through before restarting Season 3...but I remember they had the staff competition...and Bree was annoyed with Chase working as well...it sounds plausible...and familiar Chase quit...but watching Brother Battle, I kept thinking...wasn't Chase working too?

  12. Wow, the crazy guy in the Who's Who case gets his money back?  Why?  The publishers gave him what he wanted.  I didn't understand MM's reasoning.


    And using a phony title of nobility in the UK will get you arrested.


    I'm sure his crazitude is why his daughter wants nothing to do with him.  Maybe her wanted her to bow down to him.

    ...I think he was one of the craziest I've seen in a while...I've missed a few episodes, so maybe I'm wrong though.  What a whack-a-do though.  I missed part of the title thing...so he did have some sort of title, I was doing work and was like...come again?




    I had never heard of Who's Who except for the like of the HS related editions.  I didn't realize there were profession based...or whatever the plaintiff was doing.  Maybe that says more about me though.

    • Love 1
  13. Finally saw Brother Battle...I always love seeing episodes with the parallel between Adam and Chase...and Douglas and Donald.  I'd rather the "Rats" discover their abilities on their own...but this was probably a device to bring something new, so I'll overlook it.


    Still slugging through Season Two.


    As far as characters...Season One, Adam was my favorite...Season Two, obviously Chase if anyone remember my ranting on the Chase bashing...and surprisingly I've really liked Adam in Season Three he has the favorite Character crown for me this Season...



    I still feel Season One is the pinnacle of the series and thoroughly enjoy Season Two, I feel each season has slowly devolved, saying that I still enjoy the show.  I feel like the show doesn't know the type of show it wants to be.  

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