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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. Ugh, who am I kiddin'? I'd be completely & totally skeeved out if I met Brooksie & wanna vomit on the spot. But dat's me, not everyone has to agree. I still think Vicks could do way better. And I still don't understand why, if she's gonna buy a man, she picked him. Why not someone young & pretty? Does she think being with slimy Brooksie makes her look good? Oy.

    ...I still find Slade more repulsive on all levels.  At least Brooks isn't trying to make that hobo-chic...or whatever you want to call that look...happen...  

    • Love 4
  2. Oh good I'm glad there was the eye roll at the top 3 comment.  I thought I was alone.  I liked the reasons you gave ( bad waitress-->terrible actress-->stellar rep)

    I didn't mind the top 3 comment I guess since, IIRC, wasn't Penny using her best assets to score business in a previous ep?

  3. Uh, are you referring to Apollo or Kenya with this?  Because Kenya repeatedly told everyone that she had never offered Apollo oral sex or seen him outside Atlanta, and yet he was the one running around telling lies.  This is fact.  Seems to me like Apollo is the one who enjoyed torturing Phaedra (and Kenya).

    I think I'll back up JacqaloonLaurita (love the name btw) on this...that's my recollection also.  But it's interesting seeing everyone's perspective on these situations.

    • Love 2
  4. December 1st "Merry Glitchmas"...


    Missed the last few, but I've checked around this time...hopefully this ones the right date...


    ETA: Still haven't seen "Face-Off"...don't mind any spoilers at this point...

  5. I was surprised Taylor had a company that she was starting up, that she hated Russell ocking by calling it her little company. I would have liked to have seen at least one scene or two of her working. We had Camille working in one scene..heck even Kim had a scene of her doing a promotional event/interview for Disney.

    ...I know in Season 2 she won some type of award?  Wasn't it business related?  Or was it domestic abuse/charity work related?  I always thought it was some type of "Women in Business" type of award, but I remember recently in one of the threads I thought somebody mentioned it was for her charity related work...IIRC?  All this Taylor business talk is conjuring memories of a HW I don't usually like to think about...

  6. I'm watching the past seasons starting with S1 on Hulu. Some observations:

    I'd forgotten how charismatic Lisa and Ken were. They were these hilarious mod party kids done good. I love that they'd have brunch in their gorgeous English garden complete with Wedgewood China and drop hints about their swinging London youth.

    Also forgotten how nuts Camille was at first. Speaking of which: what does everyone think of the whole "but you said no one would be interested in me with out Kelsey" throw down between her and Kyle? At first I thought Camille made the whole thing up because it was such a crazy thing for anyone to say and made very little sense in the conversation. Then 1 or 2 episodes later I started to think Kyle said something she was embarrassed about, but not exactly what Camille accused her of. Now 5 years later, I just don't know. It's such a nutso thing to say and makes no sense as a part of conversation and Canille was projecting all over the place about the death of her marriage. On the other hand, I feel like this has happened to Kyle every damn season. There's always something she swears she never said and love her or hate her, Kyle is not exactly famous for owning up to her part of drama. My best guess is she's one of those people who isn't actually funny, but thinks she is so she makes jokes that come across as mean to other people, but she forgets about it because to her it was just funny banter.


    I haven't seen Season One probably since it was originally one...but what was Taylor's role in the issue?  Her beef with Kim was her being accused of stirring the pot with Camille, which Lisa also suspected something happened between Taylor and Camille?  


    Taylor was never my favorite...but I'll love her a tad for "I'll take you out back and go Oklahoma on your ass..."

  7. Why doesn't she post under her own name?

    I think it's supposed to be a show/family page covering everyone/anything going on in the fam/show although June is the "voice" of the page...


    ...I hope that made sense...I have a headache and just reread the above a few times...and I'm like...WTF did I just type...

  8. Now  I just need a shot of Ramonja snarking over Mario's profile over a glass of pinot...


    ...I don't ask much for Christmas...

    • Love 1
  9. I think you're mixing the two. Charles appeared on S4 when Marlo was introduced.

    ...IIRC, when Marlo was introduced wasn't rumored she was going to take Nene down over this guy?  I remember "insider's"...gotta love em'...but wasn't the fact they supposedly dated the due the reason Marlo was supposedly going to take down Nene?...Before they were bests of course...

  10. The season and reunion didn't work.  I think the cast retool didn't help...I think the first big HW overhaul was Season Five of NY...while it started slow, it found it's footing and built up to Aviva losing her shit and taking names...the new NJ cast came out of the gate swinging, but it was meaningless...no attachment, why do I care so early about these yahoo's going at it...


    SIDENOTE: I don't know which twin is which...but the twin in the white will forever be the fun bags twin...because that's all I saw...the fun bags...

    • Love 2
  11. "Face Off" Nov. 24th...I've had a couple misses, let's see if this ones correct.

    ...drats, wrong again.  I need to verify my source before posting.  Haven't watched the episode yet, but as always, don't mind spoilers.

  12. As much as I love the litigants for the snark...you can't help but get a little sympathetic with some of them.


    I particularly felt bad for the guy being sued by his Jabba The Hutt mother...the guy seemed decent, had some issues and worked through them--I think the mom helped pay for medical bills...with the kicker being the slug of a mom had some type of settlement or maybe money left to her and blew through it...


    I think the second one...if somebody could find it I'd appreciate it, I remember it back on TWOP, but I think it was a roommate case and the guy being sued was obviously having issues...I think the guy had drug issues, which were noticeable...but you know when JJ's going soft on someone, shit just got real.

    • Love 2

    I'm feeling like something is lacking from this current season - like the writers are going for "wacky" above all else, and the wit just isn't as sharp.

    I felt the new episodes feel a little..."off"...


    The Klaus story was fun...seems like he usually gets the shaft...


    ...The Steve/Snot story wasn't interesting until Roger showed up...IMO...I did enjoy Steve thinking his "training" was really something though...got a good giggle...

  14. Getting towards the end of Season Two...watched "Adam Up" and "Llama Drama"...I enjoyed "Adam Up" and as far as a bionic hijinks type episode, I enjoyed it.  "Llama Drama", well, I do like any Adam/Chase "team-up" plots, so I did enjoy it for that, for me that's the only thing the episode had going for it...and Chase almost saying Adam's a genius. 


    *Sidenote...Would anyone be up for a Season 1 and Season 2 thread(s)?...Then after Season 3 we can have a Season 3 thread...just keep this one with "current" eps?  Just don't want to feel like I'm derailing the thread with past episodes/seasons.

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