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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. I'm back!


    So, saw "Left Behind" last night and enjoyed it for the most part.  Looking back to the "Bionic Week" from a while back, I just don't think they incorporated the new cast well with the old cast, with the exception of maybe Sebastian, but for the moment, he's gone.


    Spin and Bob play off each other well, but it feels like I'm watching two different shows...one with the old cast...then one with Spin and Bob.  My opinion at least.  I did like seeing Bob and Spin taking out the robbers.


    Adam's cry face was the best moment for me.  

  2. I'm back!  I have two permanent issues (one spine injury related, one illness related) which get a little draining, these last couple weeks were a little rough, but thanks to everyone!



    Get Well and come back soon! Sending you lots of laughter to help you heal faster!

    Thanks WW, you always make me laugh!


    Please check in from time to time and let us know how you're doing. Well wishes!

    Thank you Rhetorica!  Well wishes received!


    Hope you're back soon CyberJawa1986.
    Take good care of yourself, sending good vibes your way. Please check in when possible.


    Thank you imjagain, I'll be saving the good vibes in case I ever need to send them back.

    Get well soon CyberJawa1986!


    Thanks LV!

    Wishing you well, CyberJawa1986.


    Thanks Walnut, wishes slowly fulfilled!.

    Take care CyberJawa. Hope things get normal quickly for you.

    Thanks stewed!


    Prettybird, Persnickety1, and CyberJawa1986 - sending you all positive vibes and prayers.

    Persnickety1 - I'm so glad you were stealth in getting care and listened to your body. I know all to well from my mom having multiple strokes and it being discovered too late how getting urgent care is beneficial to a speedy and well recovery. Thank you for sharing and thanks for all your awesome snark. I've been a long time fangirl of your posts wayyyy back from TWOP pages (I lurked lol). :)

    Thanks Llama!


    CyberJawa, you are sorely missed! Whatever you are going through I wish you a speedy recovery and send you good thoughts/prayers.❤️

    thank you msblossom!  


    I'm trying to get through the list of notifications, I'd like to make sure I thank everyone.

    CyberJ!!  You'll be back in time for NYC, right?  Right?  Because Manhattan wouldn't be the same without you.  Be well.

    Does Aviva have one leg?  :)  Thanks Rye!


    Spring flowers always perk me up so I'm sending you some Cherry Blossoms. Get well soon.



    Let me get my kimono and we're set!  Thanks Humble!


    I hope I got everyone, I apologize if I didn't!

    • Love 11
  3. I'm sick of them giving Chase so much crap, too.  He probably latched onto and trusted Sebastian so quickly because he has never had a close friend before.  Which is incredibly sad.  Also, it's not like he knew he was a bad guy- they all trusted him and the other students.  And he didn't give Sebastian the password, IIRC.  He left the computer open and Sebastian took it.  Which, yeah, not smart, but it's not like he invited him to poke around Davenport's files or anything.

    ...I knew I was forgetting something!  I felt the same way, and I'm hoping they don't replace the Chase "bullying/bashing" with the "Rats" and others feeling justified by things somehow being Chase's fault.  I felt that's the direction the season took somewhat towards the end of last season in some scenarios.


     The writers must have an infinite list of possibilities to torture the poor kid.  


    I've been catching the Season and most of last season on iTunes so I don't catch previews and such, but I'm assuming the students, Bob, Spin, etc. will all get a go at Chase going by the show history...


    Also, I need more Douglas!  Where'd he go all of a sudden!  It looked like they set him up as a member of the team with Rise of the Secret Soldiers...and boom, gone once we head to the academy.  


    Either I get Tasha or Douglas, but I'm not losing both!

  4. Finally caught Bionic Rebellion.


    Loved the new opening, though, a season or two too late.


    Keeping it short since I do agree quite a bit with 88, and don't want to regurgitate 88's response.  Although, we disagree on Spin.  :)


    I know the overacting probably was thought to be a good idea at the time for a villainous character, but I found Sebastian cringe-inducing and laughable at times.  I did like the two "evil" additions, and I was especially humored by Adam and Tank grunting to communicate during their fight.  The power displays and selections of abilities were pretty good.  Is Sebastian and the rebellion one and done?  Will Seb be redeemed?  I honestly thought the rebellion could be a season long arc, but wow, one episode.  But, we're still in the beginning, we'll see how things shape up.


    Bob didn't quite grate as usual.  He's still dumb, but I think pairing him with Spin is a better contrast of personalities than pairing Bob with Adam, dumb and dumber.  


    Still like Spin.


    I take the formula will be The Rats and Davenport/Perry in the main plot, while Leo gets saddled with Bob and Spin, and the Academy in the secondary plot. 


    Honestly, overall I enjoyed it, but I'd rather have one or two "students" (like just Spin or Bob and/or Sebastian) over the "Academy" aspect.


    I agree with 88, why does Leo all of a sudden have an outsider or "student" role after everything his he's been through, how his characters been developed.  We see clips in uniform, obviously he goes on missions, but he's still a "student".  


    Also, I take Tasha's been dropped and now a mention here and there.


    Much like Season Three, (stone me as I type), Perry hasn't grated on me since Season Two.

  5. I wanted to slap that smirk right off that fake redhead's face in the teacup Yorkie case.  Even when she was being yelled at, she had that s*hit-eatin grin.  

    ...Her grin when she was asked if she was sorry during the hallterview and then offered her apologies, worst litigant to me in a long time...

    • Love 1
  6. Speaking of the editing, why it was so wonky this year? All of a sudden there were these flashes filmed in sepia tones to conversations and incidents that occurred weeks earlier but never made it into the main chronology. It kind of gave some insight of just how much stuff is left on the cutting room floor.

    I think it's a recent thing that's been slowly slipping into all the shows across the franchise.  I'm not a fan of it myself.

    • Love 3
  7. I'm loving Gamble (minus the voice that can reach octaves only dogs can hear)!  Especially after hearing how close she is with her partner's family, especially his kids.  I hope the rumors don't ruin their situation, I really enjoyed all the scenes with Gamble and her partner, and I usually hate date nights.


    Again, I had Petitfleur pegged wrong.  I thought Gamble was going to be the Peti, Peti the Gamble.  Done with Peti.

    • Love 1
  8. Notes on the returning ladies: I already dislike on the returning ladies.


    Notes on Janet's cake: If there's one thing I'll believe, its that the cake was last minute.  What the hell was THAT!  Minus the adorbs candy Janet, it looked like crap was thrown on it and whatever stuck...well, were the decorations.  If this was Food Network Challenge, Miss Kerry Vincent would have read that cake.  Miss Kerry WOULD NOT approve.


    Nots on the newbies:


    Boy, I had Gamble and Pettifleur pegged wrong.  I think I'll be team Gamble (loved her compliment to Chyka's ample bosom) for now. 

  9. I was hoping Adrienne would be around for Kim.  I realize Adrienne would not be the 2 am let's chat type BFF, but over the years Adrienne dispensed some pretty good advice.  She was able to balance both Kim and Kyle.  I think it would have been a different season.  Having said that I don't think Brandi would have let Adrienne anywhere near Kim.

    I did enjoy and appreciated that Ad seemed to have a legit concern for Kim and tried to bond with her.  Even Paul's frustration seemed legit.


    Ad's dynamic during the season would have been interesting to see overall.

  10. I always felt Adrienne, and even Camille, were just an occasional guest appearance here and there.  Not even full on "Friends of HW".  Myself, fine by me, minus Brandi, BH had a bad track record with the "Friends of"...


    At least for Ad, I feel like the "reconciliation" was the point for bringing her back. 


    I was more surprised lumping Taylor with Ad and Camille with promotional materials and she was just at the White Party and that was it, IIRC.  Zilch, afterwards.


    You never know, maybe more stuff was filmed and we won't see it until the Lost Footage/Secret's Revealed episode we'll know doubt be saddled with...


    Speaking of Marisa, I felt they should have given her another shake.  I liked her.


    ETA: Typing with a migraine, bad idea, I'll correct my errors as I catch them.

    • Love 1
  11. I want to say Miami had the most. That cast was huge at one point and Marta was basically a friend for all intents and purposes. 


    I'm looking forward to this season. NY is my second favorite of the franchises so I'm hoping for a turnaround when it comes to the ratings. 


    Sonja certainly hasn't changed, has she?

    I agree, I think Season Two of Miami had the most with:

    Seven wives (eight if you count Alexia as a friend, which didn't make sense at all!),

    and Marta, Mama Elsa and Elaine Lancaster (still lol at Lea trying to tell Elsa Elaine's really a dude) were all recurring roles.

  12. The mattress lady from yesterday, still stuck in my head.  I bet someone's scamming someone there not too sure if it's the mattress lady, or her nigerian "intern".


    The mattress lady was crazy enough I was picturing Sonja (Real Housewives NY) and her interns.

    • Love 1
  13. I love how JJ knocks the boastfulness right ought of people....I'm a single mom/I'm going to school for a dual degree... I DON'T CARE!  Pointless first case based on an ex-girlfriend who can't hang up and wastes energy on being angry at her scrawny neck-tatted ex-boyfriend.  JJ had no time for that stupidity.  GoodBYE!


    The second case was between a father who looked like he could have been a creepy cubicle-dweller in Office Space and a rough-faced mom who only had a lower set of teeth. Again with the palpable anger between the exes. The dad tried to do a switcheroo by paying college tuition instead of child support. Mother Underbite was pissed about everything, and the couple admitted that they never communicated about any of these financial dealings.  JJ got bored (as did I), and there were no winners in this case. 


    The third case had a jailbird woman and her parents wanting repayment of an attorney's retainer because he'd been administratively suspended.  JJ nabbed the attorney on legal procedures that he didn't follow, and she ordered him to repay the jailbird, who unconvincingly promised to "stay out of trouble and mind her P's and Q's" in the hallterview.

    ...Thanks for the recap, of course when the station goes out it's always during the one show I watch!  Missed the end of the first case, entire second case and the beginning to the third.

    • Love 1
  14. They may as well drop Tasha too. Her character is useless.


    I'm surprised they haven't dropped Tasha.  She seems like such an afterthought sometimes.  I'm waiting for her to be Mrs. Landers'ed (from Aaron Stone, she had a few appearances then was dropped but they still made references to her).

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