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Posts posted by AKA...CJ86

  1. I like Demetria for the most part and if the switch in roles is true...Demetria was originally the new HW and Claudia the friend, and their statuses were shuffled after filming, I bet we lost a lot of footage to let us get to know more of Demetria outside of RogerBobb.  


    A shame as I typically don't like the friend of's, the role to me is so unnecessary usually, since friend's (except Brandi) and a lot of HW's too, are typically a one and done lately across the franchise.

    • Love 1
  2. How I feel about Phaedra Parks Nida this season


    She is having real issues that are real serious and how she is handling it boggles the mind.  Her whole world is crumbling and right now she is trying to make it easy on her kids.

    viable storyline - husband going to jail, mental and threatened physical abuse, fear for her family


    I enjoy reading your perspective, and these mini analysis you posted Aging Goth.

  3. I wish we just got a bit of backstory for Spin and Bob.  We go from seeing the teen/adult army in Rise of the Secret Soldiers and Bionic Houseparty to being introduced to bionic kids (Spin, Bob) with no explanation.  Unless I missed it, all I need is a quick throwaway line to where they came from...or why they weren't with their "brothers/sisters" as part of Krane's army...

  4. Finally watched "First Day of Bionic Academy", "Adam Steps Up" and "Unauthorized Mission".


    Enjoyed the episodes a lot more than I thought I would.

    New Character wise, I like S-3/Sebastian and shocked, but not too shocked he's the baddie.  I like Spin, he's a good foil to Leo.  It's Bob I can't stand.  The Bree first few Breezy comments were cute, but turning the kid into Adam 2.0 in the intelligence department was turn off for me.

     ETA: Interesting Bree didn't get a sidekick or rival.  Adam has Bob, Chase has S-3/Sebastian and Leo has Spin.


    Overall I enjoyed the transition to the Academy after kind of complaining I wouldn't since the news broke way back when.



    Didn't mind Perry but they can drop Janelle.  I think the writing...they just damaged the character/relationship beyond repair.  And like 88 mentioned, the dynamic just doesn't make sense.

  5. Brandi Buck would be kind of a catchy name for an individual serving size of wine, actually - say, in a small, hip flask shaped bottle or a wasp-waisted, old-fashioned soda bottle, something funky like that. The marketing could play it up as party girl on the go, wherever she goes, there's a party.

    Don't mind me, I'm just thinking out loud. I'm intrigued by the question of how someone would go about distinguishing themselves from the ocean of competitors in this market.

    ...For a decoration?  Maybe a lone tampon string adorning the bottle for that little extra classy Glanville touch...

    • Love 8
  6. Kelli's posted some BTS pics to her social media accounts of the Mighty Med crossover, she labels the show Lab Rats: Bionic Island.




    New Season March 18th, trailer's been released.  


    Looks like Perry's back.  If I was a betting man, I'd be a rich man with that one...lol.

  7. And that there will be a crossover with Disney XD series Mighty Med.


    Get's a new show title for its fourth season, called Lab Rats: Bionic Island

    ...I've been wanting a Mighty Med crossover since the end of TWOP...


    Everything else is a bit meh to me, and sounds like they're heading into Pair of Kings territory, but I'll see it to the end.

  8. I'm still only at "Bionic Houseparty" but now I'm dreading the rest 88.  


    I still feel the Academy thing is spin-off time/territory if any of the regulars want an out, they have some new faces to replace...which I don't  want...I want strictly the Davenport's as well...

  9. Watched "Bionic Houseparty" and enjoyed it.  Enjoyed the Adam is their leader jokes and bits.  I take it S-3 will be the new "little brother" type character for the main group...


    ...So glad Tasha was included in the aftermath of the previous episode.  

  10. Well, color me surprised.  It looks like we will be getting four new episodes next week.  I'm OK with the bionic academy idea, as long as it doesn't take over all of season 4.  I guess they do have to do something with all of Krane's proteges. I still think some of the synopises are fake, though.  We shall see.


    I really liked "Rise of the Secret Soliders."  The plot was great, the fighting among the siblings was pretty intense and kind of realistic, and the action was good.  Except for the kid fighting Chase with his giant red tuning fork of death- he would have been scarier if his voice had changed. 

    I actually thought the humor balance was better in this episode than in some of the other ones.  The jokes didn't take me out of the action as much as they usually do.  In the past, it has felt like the writers were afraid of getting too serious, but that didn't seem to be the case here.


    I was bothered by the lack of Tasha.  This was an important episode, and she deserved to be in it.  :(


    Just watched Rise of the Secret Soldier...wow...blew my mind away...again, I loved Bionic Showdown...but this easily took the spot of favorite episode.  I didn't find an issue with humor like some of our fellow PTV posters...but again that was just me.


    I take S-1 and the Trident kid (I'm assuming he's the S-3 credited in the credits)...they'll be the somewhat regulars...I'm sure some of these Bionic kids will be recurring/minor/guest type characters...since those two were the only two that spoke...that's fine with me...as long as we don't get a bionic kid of the week scenario...I'll be fine...S-1, if they remember, established she liked Chase, keep it going writers...and S-3, he can be a rival to the rats, especially Chase...


    I agree about the lack of Tasha...especially since they shoehorned Perry in during the first half...I'm still saying...just waiting to see that she's the "headmistress" of the Bionic Academy...ETA: I could see them writing Perry blackmailing the Davenports or whomever...her modus operandi so far...or Perry working some type of angle, to keep her in the series...

  11. February 2nd : "Bionic Houseparty"

    February 3rd : "First Day of Bionic Academy"

    February 4th : "Adam Steps Up"

    February 5th : "Unauthorized Mission"

    ...I've seen this schedule posted around a couple other sites and the wikipedia list was updated, but we'll wait and see..


    ETA: ...Sorry 88, not sure what happened here.  All apologies.


    first off the shallow obvious: finally we get a shirtless, flexing Adam!!  I just wish they would've found an excuse for Chase to be as well, but then they'd have to explain how he got to be that buff. Oh well at least we won't have to wait too see if that happens since we have a block of new episodes starting next week.


    That was probably the best episode yet. There was some really great moments tonight, like Leo finally become a full member of the team with his own uniform. They set up the new season brilliantly with Crane's former army now joining the rats at the Bionic Academy (and since he just got blasted away I think it's safe to say he'll be back sometime soon). I'm hoping that kid with the laser trident(?) comes back next season as a foil for Chase.


    I'm really hoping that tonight means we've seen the last of Perry. There's no way she'll be in charge of the Academy (but if Disney wanted to have a nice in joke they could have Lindsey Wagner and Lee Majors be the couple Donald puts in charge of the place.)



    ...I'll be viewing for shirtless Adam alone.  But I prefer adorkable Chase.


    The episode sounds awesome, but you just made sure I'll check it out.


     And I kept wondering how the Bionic Academy would have students when renewal and season four announcements were made...and the minute I read the synopsis for this episode...well, there it is, instant click.


    Rather like with You Posted What!? the humor in this episode was a little sledgehammery, but the core story was so good that it wasn't really a factor.  This was Aaron Stone-serious (and in keeping with the gentle escalation of stakes, we finally got to see Krane with an actual world-threatening plot), and action-packed, and it was glorious.


    Though I couldn't help thinking "Of course Leo's mission suit is a hoodie."


    ...Aaron Stone comparisons always a good sign, can't wait to check it out...and still miss Aaron Stone...




    Rewatched "Spike Fright" and finally watched "Face Off" and "Merry Glitchmas"...won't be able to see the new episode until tomorrow but at least I'm finally caught up on Season Three.


    Face Off had some good moments...and many at Chase's expense...they always find new ways to embarrass the poor kid and Adam was a little...too much of a jerk this episode, he had so much glee at Bree and Chase's expense and embarrassment.  Too much Perry Proper and Faux Bree Perry...pretty weak compared to some of the filler this season.  I think Leo's b plot saved the episode from Perry Overload.  


    Merry Glitchmas was fun...loved it.  ETA: Favorite line "Toy Chase can fly...".  I think last years mission themed holiday episode was better...hey, I like my missions, especially when the the rats, Leo or Davenport don't start the mess, but this episode was pretty fun.

  12. "Bionic House Party" has been listed for a long time.  I was guessing they would push it back to season 4, but iMDB is saying that it will aired on February 2nd.  We will see.  Seems it would be strange to follow up the hour-long episode with something like that.  Maybe it will end up being the season 4 premiere?


    The others sound, well, not real to me.  The iMDB synopsis for "Unathorized Mission" is definitely not real.  Someone is messing with them. 


    I've searched Showfax a couple of times.  There is an episode called "Left Behind" that is listed as 401.  There is also one called "Bionic Action Heroes" that is listed as two parts.  There were several other titles listed at one time but I forgot what they were. 

    ...Elsewhere I've seen Bionic House Party as well, so at least that one will be part of Season Three as well, I noticed it was added to the wikipedia list of episodes.  I think we can disregard the other ones I posted.


    Haven't posted about the show outside of episode dates, so to give a few comments...while having a bad headache, I apologize for any errors below:


    Took me the last couple weekends but I'll finish Season Three tonight.  


    I still have the last couple episodes to go, but so far Brother Battle is my favorite episode of the Season, with Alien Gladiators a close second, and Principal From Another Planet and Taken tied for third.  


    Honestly, I liked Taken more than You Posted What!?!.  


    Outside of a strong premiere episode the season started weak, but quickly found it's groove (around the time of Principal From Another Planet and Taken).  While Season Two filler was overkill and too zany, I thought filler was handled better this Season.


     You Posted What!?! was good to move the story along and add to the universe with Krane and S-1, but Bionic Showdown was still stronger in that regard with a familial revelation IMO, but I will say Season Three overall was a vast improvement over Season Two...so far I'm Season One > Season Three > Season Two.



    Character wise, I loved goofy Adam season one, Chase season two, and season three, while Chase is still my favorite, Bree and Leo have grown on me, they've been given a bit to do this season between Bree's Tech Town Saga and wanting to be normal, while Leo's an inventor in his own right and now part of the team.

  13. Twerking Basketball Roomies - Some mother signs off on a lease for a merry band of basketball playing team mates the moment they turn 18, and as shocking as the sun not rising one morning,  trouble ensues!  Do you guys get the deleted scenes from JJ like I do?  Here is what you missed:


    JJ: Byrd, what is twerking?

    Byrd: Hem, haw, it's some kind of dance that's popular with girls.

    JJ: Just girls?

    Byrd: Well, the boys are supposed to watch.

    JJ: Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but it sounds like a lap dance.

    Byrd: Not as tame.

    JJ: Can you bust holes through walls doing it?

    Byrd: Mmmm, it is very high impact.  It's the whole point.


    Elderly Co-Dependent Roomies - How much damage could these two have done to each other in an altercation before one would need to reach out for the inhaler, the extra-strength Tylenol, and the Ben-Gay?  Barely a hair-pull or a scratch, I'll say.  I felt sorry for the plaintiff who needs to eke out a living mooching off room mates in exchange for services, and working part-time as a personal aide to the elderly.  It was a like a combination of destitution and slavery.  Sorry JJ, that's America these days, it's not the Shangri La of justice that you like to envision.

    BTW, I get JJ's deleted scenes directly broadcast into my brain.

    ...My DVR says this episode was new, but swear I've seen it before...I knew the two cases...the first one in particular down to the girls being on the basketball team...I even check and was like...that's weird seeing it was new...

  14. Wikipedia lists Rise of the Secret Soldiers on January 26 as the next new episode. I don't know how reliable that information is.



    I think it is.  I know they have been advertising a new episode on Monday on Disney XD

    ...I've been seeing the adds the last couple weeks, it's correct.

  15. When watching Kim.and.Brandi together... they remind me of patsy and Edina from AdFab...or at least that's what they are going for...

    Now all I need is Kim saying..."Is it...is it a bee?" about something totally random...or while discussing turtles, "But is it art..."...

    • Love 3

    Penny Drosssos S7 Speculation


    Can someone please refresh my memory about Penny?   Is she the "friend" who said Melissa was cheating on Joe?  And then blamed Teresa for saying it?

    Was she the Maloof look-alike  realtor that called out the Gorga's fake counters or what not or the one with the bad fake pony tail?  I couldn't keep track of all the side characters that season...


    ETA: Clicked on the link, which I didn't notice...but...bad hair it is...

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