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Biggie B

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Everything posted by Biggie B

  1. That attorney spoke so quickly that I could barely understand her. But I liked how extraordinarily controlled she was with her client and how she'd clearly figured out how to deal with an extremely disturbed person in an effective, authoritative way that was not condescending. Since we weren't shown or told if Kristen was getting any sort of counseling (seemed doubtful), her attorney seemed to be her only advocate in every sense of the word. That said, I didn't like Kristen very much, which I suppose was sort of the point. Beyond redemption, perhaps? I hope we don't see her again, though. That was enough.
  2. First episode of the series so far that I truly did not enjoy. I felt as if it was something I just had to plow through, out of loyalty or duty. So, so, so boring. The one saving grace was that I mistakenly thought the show started at 10:00 p.m., realized my error about 9:10, decided to DVR it, and then began watching it about 9:45. Thus, although I missed a bit at the beginning, I was able to fast forward through much of it. I completely skipped over the golf stuff, so I have no idea what was said. As soon as Rebecca realized it was Jack's birthday and was panicking that she didn't have ingredients on hand for a cake, I also FF'd - had no interest at all in seeing her trudge laboriously (pun intended) in her duct-taped flip flops, and happily missed all of that. I did see her soliloquy to the babies and was completely unmoved. Did not care. Later, when the family watched the home movie on Father's Day, I felt very bad for all of them having to see pregnant Rebecca, knowing that one of those babies died. And how excluded Randall might have felt - he is not part of that video and Rebecca's words to the babies were not said to him. I found that really sad and a bit depressing, even though I completely understand the emotional significance of the home movie. Didn't care at all about the firefighter who found Randall. I'm glad he and his wife were able to reconnect and make the effort to revive their marriage, but...what does that have to do with anything? Dr. K's story - it was OK. I thought he did a decent job of portraying his grief - the conversations to his wife were poignant. As hokey and sentimental as he is, I'm glad he pulled himself together and made a conscious decision to move forward, spurred on perhaps by Kevin's decision to take Randall. Overall, though, I was quite bored and am glad that we'll be returning to present-day in the upcoming episode. I've until now very much enjoyed the flashbacks, but sometimes too much of a good thing is exactly that - too much.
  3. On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 10:59 AM, maraleia said: OP was talking about the script writers using online resources to accurately create Beth's dialogue.
  4. Not if he bought it in his name only. Rebecca can be made a co-owner at a later date, if they wish - but in the interest of speed, I am going with the assumption that Jack bought the house himself and that for now, his is the only name on the mortgage.
  5. She asked for the dressing on the side. But yes, she is a wretched person. Someone in a prior post expressed the hope that Rebecca's parents will grow in time. Yeah, no. We saw that in the Christmas episode flashbacks - the horrible conversation Kate had with her mother when the car broke down, and also the comment her mother made about a picture with "just" the "twins" - completely shunning Randall. So much for personal growth. Have we even seen much of Rebecca's father, or any interaction between him and Rebecca? Who is he? I HATE TOBY!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, I can't stand him. The second he sees Kate, all he can do is talk about having immediate sex, regardless of where they are - a closet, a hospital bed, ANYWHERE. Jesus - she is nothing more than a hole and a heartbeat to him, isn't she. He is the singularly most vulgar, idiotic jerk of a character I can think of. And you know what? Don't tell the nurses and doctors how much you hate nurses and doctors. These people saved your f-ing life and are now taking care of you. You could AT LEAST show them an ounce of respect. Kate may not be perfect, but she is a million times more bearable than that schmuck. At this point, I am actively rooting for him to die. That would give Kate the reason she needs to stay on the East coast with her siblings and not return to California. If this season ends with a Kate and Toby wedding, I may be out. As it is, I am just about ready to either mute his scenes, if I'm watching live, or fast forward through them. His character is spoiling the show for me. The scene with Randall and William at the end was excellent. It was moving and heartfelt. Randall was truly showing respect for William's wishes - no more chemo (as an aside: why does William have a full head of hair? I know not all types of chemo cause hair loss, but - whatever), and now a concerted effort to make whatever time William has left as decent as possible. Facing death with dignity, it's about time we get to see this approach. Olivia - hello and goodbye. But Kevin...you really should have NOT said that out loud, about Sloane being right but not necessarily first choice. Ugh.
  6. Why did Maggie not just scream out "SHOOTER" while holding out her badge for all to see? If she'd yelled that out even BEFORE seeing the window open where the sniper was, the secret service guys would've slammed POTUS to the ground, covering him in safety. For her to take it upon herself to try to shoot the sniper was absurd beyond belief, and now of course, she looks like SHE'S a sniper! Good grief! Now she'll end up in a cell right next to Atwood. I assume FLOTUS was the one shot. I'm indifferent as to whether she survives or not. I'd feel bad for the President, but...not that much. As it was, at least the kids weren't in this episode. I cheered when Kirkman advised his wife to take the kids and go into hiding. Now, if she dies, the kids can be shipped off elsewhere, under someone else's care (relatives, or whoever). So that's helpful! I hate that reporter! I don't care how many times she apologizes for the Leo story, she's got her own agenda. Seth should steer clear...no good will come from getting involved with her, I feel. Poor Emily. She ditched her fiancé for someone who now might be a conspirator! Although it seems too easy to assume he's part of it. I'm not sure. So Mrs. MacLeish wasn't the one tipping off Maggie but wow, she's bad to the bone, eh? That scene in their bedroom before the ceremony was creepy. She looked really matronly and almost seemed like a stern parent reprimanding an errant child. Yuck. The weather is back to being cold and wintery, whereas just recently, the President was gazing out on a vernal view and people were going about outside dressed in summery clothing. Pick a seasonal timeline and stick to it, please! Can't believe this won't be back until March. I wonder if it'll be cancelled between now and then? Is it performing poorly?
  7. I am really liking William's beau a lot! I am drawn to very verbal people with a sharp wit, and that's how Jesse came across to me. I also appreciate that he told William flat out how angry/scared/upset/hurt he was but almost in the same breath was able to express his love and his desire to spend whatever time William has left with him. No beating around the bush, just lay the cards on the table. I really appreciated that, rather than some drawn-out situation where there's no communication between characters and both jump to the wrong conclusions (see: Grey's Anatomy, specifically, Jo and Alex). So, welcome Jesse! I hope he and William can make the very best of the rest of their lives, and of course, we viewers definitely need some history on their relationship. At least we know Clooney is safe and sound! Toby...I still don't like him, but I will give him credit this time. He was so much less obnoxious and seemed to truly enjoy the festivities. It looked as if he was fitting in pretty seamlessly with the family. What he said to Kate - that he's back on the diet and wants to lose the weight for him and for her - I appreciated that as well but am still reserving the right to be skeptical. He's still not someone I'd like to spend time with but if he truly loves Kate and their relationship works for BOTH of them, then who am I to judge? I don't know if Toby lives or dies...I don't feel that we were given a clear answer one way or the other...but if he does live, would that mean Kate goes back to the west coast? I like her being with her family. Perhaps if Toby does die, that will be enough of a shock for Kate to decide to relocate back east. As for Kate's possible surgery, I would think that unless the actress herself is going to have it done, Kate the character won't go through with it. What more can even be said about Randall's scene with his suicidal co-worker? Jeez. I truly thought the fellow was going to jump...but that would have been just way too intense and wouldn't have permitted the final scenes at Randall's house to play out. Rather, it allowed we viewers to hear Randall's thoughts about children forgiving their parents. I do hope for his sake that he is working through everything he's been through...finding his bio dad and learning of Rebecca's secret...and that he can find a way to forgive Rebecca (and William, for different reasons) and learn to understand what happened. I think he'll get there. He may be a different person for it, but that's part of life - the things we go through shape us and have an impact and can make us even "more" of the person we already are, or can unlock a whole new part of us we never knew. I thought the whole thing with Dr. Folksy Charm was a bit cheesy, but...he's a nice guy and certainly did play a huge role in the family's lives, so...glad he survived. I don't like the fact that Olivia has "disappeared" for a month without word to anyone. Is that setting us up for her to reappear when we least expect it? Hope not, but I feel like she's going to return and make life miserable for Kevin and Sloane and the play. Sloane's family - her sister was quite the bitch, I thought, but at least Sloane stood up to her and gave as good as she got. I did chuckle when the dad said he took a pass on investing in "Wicked," and the mother said with resignation, "And here we are." I'd almost want to re-watch that whole scene, as there was so much fast dialogue that I'm sure I missed something. Circling back to Toby for a minute, on a personal note, I had a heart attack the day AFTER Christmas, in 2006. With the 10th anniversary of that craziness approaching, Toby's scene really struck a nerve with me. And at the risk of divulging too much...my dad attempted suicide a number of years ago, unsuccessfully, due largely in part to financial issues (he wasn't having an affair, though!), so I also paid close attention to what Randall was saying about the forgiveness children bestow on their parents. The writing on this show continues to be on point. It will indeed be a long wait until the show returns. EDITED to add: it just struck me that Kate is consulting with a surgeon here on the east coast - so does that mean she's staying? Even if Toby lives?
  8. He's been in several episodes so far, but I can't recall his character's name. He works with/for Hannah. I have been calling him Chloe, as in Chloe from '24.'
  9. This was an interesting episode, not the usual OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED sort of episode. I liked it a lot - we really got a huge insight into Cookie. I guess her kids never knew about her past, that she was thrown out of the house and that her dad died just days after that. I really felt for her; her life went in a direction she'd likely never considered, not the path she would have chosen if she'd had a crystal ball. Yes, she has rebounded very well, but still, everything with her father was so sad. Loved Phyilicia Rashad, she was great in that role and I hope we see more of her! She's so elegant. I did not care for Cookie's look for the dinner party. The dress was oddly unattractive and unstylish and looked as if it was going to slip down off her chest, and that flower was garish. Also, I didn't like her hair. She is soooo gorgeous, but that whole outfit/look did not showcase her well at all. I was hoping she'd go for something a bit more conservative but chic...like Mama Rashad but not quite as matronly. Baby Bella is insanely cute. When Lucious left her in Hakeem's care for the evening, the look on Bella's face was like, "I'm going to break you." And she did! I sure hope Hakeem had a car seat and didn't just hold her during the drive from Lucious' home to Cookie's apartment. Happy to see Frieda again, I like her and don't want anything bad to happen to her. Becky looked so unhappy in that meeting.
  10. Ron Cephas Jones' name was shown in the opening credits (or whatever you call it when they flash the actors' names on the screen as the show begins).
  11. I think Randall will work through his searing anger. I think that he knows, on some level, that he can't sustain such severe emotions indefinitely. This turn of events has completely shattered him and has brought every insecurity and fear he's ever had right to the surface. It's so raw right now that it's going to take him a bit of time to put things back together, and even then, things aren't going to be quite the same. I would like to think that he understands that, but working through these intense emotions is going to be a brutal process for which there's no timetable and no template to follow. He'll get there - I hope! - but not before struggling badly, and definitely not before hurting Rebecca along the way, unfortunately.
  12. Jamie Gertz is the actress who plays Kate's new boss back in California. The young lady who played Sloane is the actress who's in the AT&T commercials. Powerful episode with A LOT going on. Add me to the long list of Olivia detesters. She is a vile person, just wretched. I've hated her from the get-go. I think I had one moment of sympathy for her, when she ranted about how horrible her family is, but it wouldn't surprise me if they're great people and she's the assh*le of the family. How the hell are she and Kevin going to be able to perform this play together, though? Ugh. Good for Toby for ending the phone call. I can't stand him either (hey, maybe he should meet Olivia), but he was completely correct - he can't be Kate's "person" if they're broken up - it's all or nothing for them, no platonic friendship is going to work for Toby, as it shouldn't, that's not what he's looking for. But so many of us have been where Kate is...when something huge happens, you immediately want to talk to the person who'll "get it." But she forfeited that privilege. I don't find Jack attractive at all - perhaps it's the greasy hair and yucky mustache, but he does nothing for me at all. Sure, he's in great shape, but nothing extraordinary. That said, he's doing a great job with the character. I am invested in him, and am dreading his death, as we know it's obviously untimely and will devastate/has devastated those left behind. When Randall and Hallucination Jack were outside the cabin looking in at Rebecca as she frantically ran through the rooms, locking doors, etc., what is it that she was running from and fearing? Was this what she did in the immediate wake of Jack's death? I hope we are given an explanation. It was very striking to have Randall call out to her at that moment. Overall, a moving and intense episode. Each of these characters has flaws and weaknesses, along with strong personalities. They are engrossing...I really do want to see what happens next, as well as seeing what has happened.
  13. Agreed, Blackcanary - Penguin was shattered by Ed's reaction.
  14. I thought this was a fast-paced, somewhat frenetic but good episode. I don't take this show seriously in any way, shape, or form - it's just an hour of mind candy, so all in-depth analysis of characters is not important to me at all. That said, I do think Jim is the most useless character on the show, other than Lee, and is the weakest link. Everything he touches turns to crap! He gets beat up regularly, he can't control himself in any way (although sometimes that's good for a laugh, like when he shot Falcone's two goons in their knees - alrighty then!), and he's often too late with too little. Falcone's going to go out of his mind when he finds out his son has been killed despite Jim's promise not to do so. True - Mario was about to kill Lee, but too bad Jim couldn't have shot him in the leg or something, enough to save Lee but not necessarily kill Mario. And of course the knife falls into the water and is washed away...never to be found...making Jim look like the wacko, obsessed ex-boyfriend. Jim sort of deserves the shit storm he's now created. Heck, if Falcone doesn't kill him, Lee might! How hot did Alfred look in his all-black ninja stealth outfit?? Nice! Good thing Cat's mom showed up to save the trio, and yes, she sure could be a love interest for Alfred, why not? He deserves some TLC. How awkward was that Penguin/Ed scene in which Penguin professed his love? Oy vey!! I just hope that Ed's anger is completely driven by the fact that Penguin killed Isabella and NOT because Penguin is in love with him. Murdering Isabella is indeed very wrong...one man in love with another is not. Teche's hat he was wearing in Arkham was hilarious. I liked the Joker character and the actor who plays him, so bring him on, I say! As long as he doesn't overwhelm the show, I look forward to seeing him return.
  15. Who's to say they wouldn't or couldn't have? Randall wasn't give a choice about seeing if a relationship could develop or not; Rebecca made the choice for him. He may hold that against her for a long, long time.
  16. In the discussion of last week's episode, I'd stated that Rebecca and William had stayed in touch through the years. It was pointed out that that was not likely correct and, not having anything but what I thought was my mistaken impression, I acquiesced. I'm happy to see that I was right (even if only by accident!) and that Rebecca and William had indeed maintained some sort of contact through the years, even if only sporadically, making the "secret" even more weighty. Wow, I cannot stand Olivia. What an asshole. Even if she meant the "You're the adopted one" remark as a dry, deadpan joke, it FAILED. I get that she had/has major issues with her family, which may be completely legitimate - but for one day, you can compartmentalize them and be a gracious guest. Or, don't go, if it's going to trigger such horrible feelings. Again, I don't begrudge Olivia for being bitter about her family and its impact on her, but clearly, she doesn't have any coping mechanisms to control or deal with those feelings and it negatively affects her ability to interact with others, to the point where she is unable to maintain any sort of decorum or social grace. She really shouldn't have gone. However, since she did decide to go, she owed it to Kevin and his family to at least FAKE being polite, even if she was seething and roiling on the inside. Her talk with William was ridiculous - asking a complete and total stranger about his impending death. William shouldn't have even acknowledged her! But he is a special unicorn, gracious to the nth degree, so when he chastised her, I cheered. Her hissy fit was completely inappropriate for a so-called adult. Even if she was freaking out, she could have politely thanked Beth and Randall, feigned illness, and quietly gone home. She might as well have flung herself down on the floor and had a full-blown toddler-esque temper tantrum. I loathe her - she can join Toby off screen, please. Who in their right mind would dress their kids up in uncomfortable dress clothing and then expect them to sit in the car like angels for a 6 hour drive!???? The logistics of that seemed insane: driving 6 hours on Thanksgiving day to dinner - and then what, driving home that same night? Perhaps they were going to stay overnight and we, the viewers, didn't see their luggage, as it was left behind in their disabled car? Still, wouldn't it have been more logical to drive to Rebecca's parents the night before? Of course, this all needed to happen as it did so as to set up the entire episode - the origins of their Thanksgiving traditions. I found it odd that Rebecca quoted Jack verbatim ("There's no one I'd rather be hot or cold with," etc). Miguel must, by now, know the origin of each of the traditions, so what must it make him feel to hear his wife quoting her former husband? I thought that was uncomfortable. On the other hand, Miguel definitely seemed out of line asking to wear the hat. These traditions are virtually holy to this family, and while some of the rituals might shift a little through the years, or adapt, it's not his call to make. It ended up well, but was still very, very awkward at first. I am always a guest at my sister's for Thanksgiving, and I don't cook, but isn't it more helpful to prepare much of the feast (not the turkey, of course) in advance, or at least, prep the night before? Most people I know who are cooking for the big day bake their desserts a day or so before, and get many of the other dishes ready and refrigerated so that on Turkey Day itself, they are just putting on the finishing touches and then putting them in the oven. No? Randall being Randall, the perfectionist he is, he managed to get every single thing done that morning, but is that usual? Kate - glad she is with her brothers, although we didn't get any interaction amongst them all, but hopefully that will follow. I do wonder if the actress herself is actually going to have that surgery? Perhaps Kate will go for a consult and be told she's not a good candidate, and that's how they could sidestep it? We'll see. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we are done with Toby. All of my nitpicking aside (where was Clooney the cat??? Is he gone?), I enjoyed this episode very much. It was painful to watch Randall - when he said, "I can't even LOOK at you!" to Rebecca - wow - brutal - you could see and hear his heart ripping in half. They had sex - or at least, went at each other like crazed weasels - at the wake they attended together, so even though they just recently met, they've been pretty intimate already, even if fleetingly.
  17. This was the first episode since the show went on the air in which I really and truly liked Barbara. Finally! She was a woman with a mission and got all the information she needed quickly and efficiently and found Butch and Tabitha just in time (well, hopefully in time enough for poor Tabitha's hand!). Well done. I'd never liked her portrayal and was sorely disappointed last season that she wasn't killed off. So this was a pleasant surprise. I hope this version of her continues. Always glad to see Selena and Bruce in action. I like their back-and-forth about their relationship. "Why can't we just be us?" asked Cat. Would that it were so easy! I'm glad Ivy didn't do anything to harm Alfred. He's been beaten up enough! What is it with show and eyeballs? We've already seen Fish Mooney scoop out her own eye - and now we see Mario plunge a sharp piece of jewelry into someone's eye! Yikes!! And ewww! Speaking of Mario, I definitely thought he was infected with Alice's blood but am completely open to the possibility that there's a different cause. Maybe the Owls did something to him?
  18. Yes, it is confounding as to why they are treating Alex's story as a big cliff hanger. The actor is not leaving the show, as far as we know at this point. So I guess the only thing to resolve is how it happens that he ends up back at the hospital, back to being a surgeon, as if nothing happened. Oh, and whether Jo's abusive husband shows up, and/or Jo leaving (albeit temporarily, since that would merely be a device to cover the actress' maternity leave). Same with Richard - unless the actor is leaving the show, I can't imagine that the character will be written out or greatly diminished. The Minnick character is clearly there to be Arizona's next love interest, so the fact that she was hired to actually replace Richard seems flimsy. So not much of a cliff hanger there, either. Also not a cliff hanger that Amelia has up and left - we know the actress is going out on maternity leave. So the only thing left up in the air is whether she and Owen remain married when she does finally return. Owen's sister Megan: seems likely she'll show up, so sort of a cliff hanger? Maybe a little, since she's presumed dead? Maggie/Meredith/Nathan triangle: no real cliff hanger there, since this story angle has sort of faded away.
  19. If "Jo" didn't legally change her name, how did she ever take the MCATs? I don't know if the protocols are the same, but when I took the LSATs a million years ago, to get into law school, I had to be fingerprinted the day of the exam, and of course, had to show ID. And of course, her 'new' name wouldn't then match her Social Security information. So who knows...I guess we just have to pretend that she somehow changed her name in such a way that enabled her to evade her abusive husband but still function within society (e.g., opening a bank account, obtaining employment, getting paid, etc.). I now strenuously dislike Minnick. Ugh. By all means, Arizona deserves a love life and a new romantic partner, but...I'm dismayed that Minnick is it. Her personality is horrible. If she stays, I hope no one warms up to her. I hate, hate, hate her cockiness - I found it extremely patronizing (matronizing?). As if Arizona has no choice but to be spellbound by this magical creature! Um, no - Arizona can make up her own mind about who she's attracted to and who she finds interesting, sexy, compelling, charming, etc. Telling someone, "You WILL be attracted to me!" is the quickest way to make them resist - no one likes to be told how to feel. Definitely a major relief to NOT have any love triangle nonsense. I wonder if that storyline is on ice, especially if they are going to resurrect Megan. But wait...then we might have a Nathan/Megan/Merdith/Maggie quadrangle!! Oy vey! I did enjoy the scenes between Hunt and Nathan, I though they were well done. It was nice to see/hear two characters actually talk rationally to each other, in complete sentences, and without raised voices and interruptions and misinterpretations! Much like Jo and Alex in the elevator - hallelujah - Jo was able to fully explain everything to Alex and he actually heard and understood all that she said. No crossed wires, no leaping to (incorrect) conclusions. What a shocking concept!! /sarcasm/ Bye for now, Amelia. Good device to take the actress' maternity leave into account. Bailey f*cked up. I don't feel bad for her - she deserves whatever backlash she gets.
  20. The remote controlled Hawking doll was nothing short of brilliant, and I would buy one in a heartbeat. No question. And his appearances on the show are really fabulous. This was definitely one of the funniest episodes in a long time - it wasn't heavy at all, just flat out comedy. It felt great to simply laugh and laugh. I didn't prefer Penny's short hair cut. Now, the actress is an extremely good looking woman, so it made little difference overall, but she does have gorgeous hair and having it long gives her so many stylistic options.
  21. Isn't the queen the most powerful chess piece? I took his comment to mean - Someone who has delusions of grandeur and power is someone who will act the most recklessly and do the most damage...but the damage may be to himself. I guess you could interpret it in different ways: either the President was talking about himself/the U.S. ("We'll come at you with full force, might as well!") or he meant it as a warning to the Ambassador ("You think you're so powerful? You may screw yourself if you don't watch it."). It sounded cryptic enough to perhaps be moderately threatening.
  22. Ok, thank you! That does dilute my earlier posts - somehow I fanwanked that Rebecca and William had kept in touch sporadically through the years. Well, the truth will come out, regardless - it could indeed be a very memorable Thanksgiving!
  23. Totally agree that Rebecca and/or William will have to explain everything to Randall - but Beth is in a very awkward position, now knowing this information. I would hate Randall to lash out at her, thinking she was somehow complicit in keeping it from him through the years. I may well be mistaken that Rebecca and William had sustained contact, so if someone can confirm that they only met that one time, that would be helpful! I had the impression they had kept in touch through the years, but could be totally wrong about that!
  24. I don't think Beth is at all concerned that William left baby Randall at the fire house; rather, she is upset that Rebecca made contact with William and maintained that contact for a period of time, and no one knew about that contact (so far as we know at this point). I think everyone would agree that William couldn't have kept a newborn and made what turned out to possibly a life-saving decision. Beth's shock and anger is that Randall's adoptive mom knew and was in contact with Randall's bio dad. That is indeed very intense for Rebecca to have done - and to have seemingly kept it a secret for 36 years. As for whether it's appropriate for Beth to confront Rebecca...how is Beth supposed to sit on that bombshell? How could she ever look her husband in the face, knowing what she now knows? If it were me, I'd feel like was lying to my husband. I'd hate to be the unwilling recipient of such loaded and incendiary information - and I'd likely be furious at Rebecca for having kept such critical information from my beloved husband. I myself would very, very likely say something to Rebecca. Imagine Randall learning that he (Randall) could've had access to William and had some sort of relationship, and that that was kept from him...I could not in good conscience keep that information from my husband, even if I only learned of it by complete and total accident. It is like having a burning piece of metal dropped into your bare hands - you can't just shove it in your pocket as if it never happened. Even knowing the shitstorm that's going to ensue, I'd definitely be confronting Rebecca - I would NOT be able to fake it in front of my husband - wouldn't be able to look him in the eye.
  25. I believe it's been established that the actress herself is actually the weight that Kate is - it's real, not padding. So if the actress does not want to or cannot undergo surgery in "real life", the best the show could do would be to have a quick scene with Kate and a doctor explaining why surgery isn't appropriate for her. Logistically, if the actual actress underwent such a procedure, I would think it would be rather difficult to incorporate it into the show (if the actress even permitted such). I only know three people who've undergone weight-loss surgery, and sadly, one passed away from complications a few days later. Another one had to have hers reversed after two or so years...again, internal complications. I truly wonder if the show would make such a personal and possibly risky part of the actress' real life a part of the show (which yes, her weight already is, but...surgery seems so much more intimate and personal).
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