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Brittany and Yazan: Cry Me a River Jordan
MrsBug replied to Christina's topic in The Couples (Spoilers)
Brittany is just a vile and obnoxious person. She's not even really pretty and those huge fake eyelashes and that weave just complete the comical look. Her personality is terrible. Her voice is so annoying. She is extremely stupid for not realizing the danger she puts herself in and the trouble she causes to others. She doesnt give a crap about Yazan and what she is doing to his life., she just wants the publicity and attention. -
I dont usually watch this show as I find Whitney to be very annoying. I always thought the Chase storyline was utter bs. There is absolutely no chemistry between them. Whitney is demanding and obnoxious. And LOL at Chase being so jealous or controlling about Whitney and Buddy , meanwhile he is off impregnating someone else.
LMAO, that REALLY does make a difference, now doesn't it? They are most assuredly 18 inch dolls that we are sewing for. Made of hard plastic and cloth stuffed bodies, I started noticing I had an awful lot of new friend australia who were always posting when I was. I was puzzled why that was. Then my silly self finally figured out that was because I was online all night which was daytime for them,lol. The girl who married the American guy and I became friends and I even sent her a surprise package lot of american sewing goodies that she had talked about wanting.. She responded by sending me a care package of austrailia goodies. I got Milo and candy and TWO packs of Tim-Tams ( chocolate covered cookies with caramel or other things) . It was a really amazing international gift exchange. And now I am craving Tim-Yams! To an aussies here,,, Your Tim-Tams are amazing and i am always happy to see them,... But man, you spiders that are the size of volkswagen beetle scare the bejebus out of me!! Anyways, just adding such off topic stuff to show that there are some great stories of international friendship with no scam involved. Other group members also did the same. Its a really friendly supportive group. But ain't nobody in my sweet group gonna give up an egg for angela to tote!
LOL, so you think we should have "brazen hussies"as one of our tags? I kinda like it. I guess the fact that we were posting pics of dolls and cats in dolls clothing must have give us away. Interestingly, one of the girls i became good friends with thru the group is an Australian girl. She was in a serious long term relationship with an American guy. They would see each other a few times a year. Neither could move though, as they had young teen children with an ex spouse and would not disrupt the kids lives like that, The children come first. So they do this for years and finally marry but still have to live in different countries till the kids are old enough to go off to college. They have been married for years and still going strong. Totally normal people who are normal and happy and very compatible. They have been happily married for years. Its nice to know there are normal people out there who live happily ever after ( and would never agree to be on TV).
I have an online group for sewing clothing for 18' dolls. Those expensive dolls that cost hundreds of dollars for them and their assessories. We are just a bunch of moms and grams who like sewing and the group members creations are stunning indeed. We allow strangers to join the group. Its a very low drama group Well all of a sudden we noticed a huge surge of men wanting to join the group- foreign men, some who did not even speak English. WTF? Why would they want to join us, we could not figure it out. Well then it dawned on me. One of the group tags is "American Girl" which is the name of the expensive dolls. These guys were searching for American girls to woo and thought that was what our group was about Our group members found this very amusing to have been mistaken for a bunch of hot and lovelorn temptresses.
Agreed. We are in the midst of a world crisis and they want to push darcy and the family chantal on us??? What a blow we have been dealt!!! Havent we suffered enough?? My poor hubby has to be subjected to this show when i watch it ( i suffer equally thru his memphis outlaws street racing show). He cant keep any of the names and people straight but he definitely can identify Darcy. Lol, you should have seen his face when he saw that Darcy was a twin with an equally plasticized sister. I also cannot abide the Family Chantal. They are just gross and trashy. Pedros family is downright scary with his evil sister and mom. My overall favorite of any season is Jihoon. He is hilarious and good hearted.
Ooh if you are into reading about real life "munchies" there is a subreddit called "illness fakers" that exposes them and documents their bs. Even better is the forum on kiwifarms. KF kinda has a bad rep but they are spot on calling out the munchies. Just lurk and read and hold off on commenting till you know the place. They have a whole thread about the girl (jaquie b). They also have a huge thread on Jani Schofield the supposed "youngest schizophrenic child ever diagnosed". Turns out her mother was drugging the heck out of her with huge doses of the strongest adult drugs available. That thread documents the entire nightmare and exposed the truth and finally the state took the kids and are never giving them back to that crazy woman.I Sorry about bein so OT. Back to our topic now.... I was watching reruns last night while laying in bed with hubs so he was subjected to it. His beloved pup was right by his side. Hubs has slowly gotten in to it. Last night he said words i never thought id here him say. Our pup was on the bed and hubs said "move dog! Im trying to watch the show!" . Haha, he is secretly hooked. He finds darcy to be fascinating in a repulsive train wreck kinda way. He cant remember their names so he has dubbed them with nicknames. Darcy is the overblown blowup doll, ed is noneck, etc. Its been fun to watch him as he gets into it and hear his male point of view on it. Darcy alone was horrifying to his so imagine his shock when they showed her with stacy. He was so confused. He was like " wait, there are 2 of them and they both think this is a good look?? " It was quite funny. He was shook!!
I think he definitely is self conscious about it so for myranda to slam him for it was just plain cruel and ignorant looking. She knew she was completely in the wrong and had victimized gemini for years and then she attacks him verbally when they finally meet. Unlike her obesity, acne is something that people do not cause to themselves. Also even if myranda lost that weight and miraculously became beautiful and slim, she would still be butt ugly because of her personality. She actively hates other people and wishes misery on them. She seems severely mentally ill in a psychopath/sociopath kinda way. I bet anything that she has borderline personality disorder. She is what i refer to as a malignant person. To me a malignant person is one who enjoys hurting others and actively hates everyone. They will never change because the are completely lacking empathy, compassion and a conscience. ( looks like myranda probably killed and at her own conscience) I had just posted the following in the 90dayfiance thread so i will copy and paste rather than write it all out again... "Im the kind of person who is attracted to the personality. The most handsome man is ugly to me if his he is a chronic Ahole. I went to high school with a guy who was the most unfortunate looking dude at boarding school. He had bad bone structure, severe acne scars, etc. But due to his stellar personality and making us girls laugh non stop, he never lacked for a date. He had his choice of the ladies and this was at a school where the boys outnumbered the girl by about 10:1.That dude had it going on! Sharp as a tack and wicked sense of humor that he used to keep our school well stocked in fun times. All these years later, we still swoon over our beloved Hawkeye ( his nickname). " We girls also voted Hawkeye as the guy we would most want to be stuck on a deserted island with. He married well and still keeps us laughing. He has grown into his looks and is looking real good these days. i wish gemini all the best. He seems like a genuinely nice dude and i am positive he will find the right girl who will adore him. As for myranda, she is much like a giant turd in the toilet that keeps going around and around and wont flush. She just remains there stinking up the place and being disgusting and foul.
There is some thing to the old myth about your mate smelling just right to you and pheremones. Obviously good hygiene is a must. But even thru time of being a funky monkey ( after working hard and sweating, or like when we have a hurricane and water is limited) your mate should still smell mostly acceptable to you.
Ooh ,i found e clip. Enjoy! I hope I remember it correctly. i dont know how to link stuff here so here is the full link to see it. We all need a giggle right about now with the world going crazy like it is. https://www.tvseasonspoilers.com/reality-tv/90-day-fiance-the-other-way-jihoon-gets-naughty-while-teaching-deavan-korean-19063/
He is still hawkeye only now he has internet to amuse and torment us with. He still keeps us laughing. He has been married to the same girl for decades. He looks quite different now as he is decades past being a teen. He can be rather distinguished looking and handsome when the event calls for it. He will always have that mischievous streak in him, thank goodness!! I see some of the same spirit in Jihoon. He is probably my fave man on 90df of all time. Even as Jihoon struggles with the language, his humor shines thru. It looks like he has that same mischievous spirit like hawkeye. For instance, this incident still has me giggling. It was a bonus clip i saw online. Ill have to try to find it again. It was so funny to me. Jihoon and deavan were going to the fish market for an outing as a couple. While driving there they were talking. Deavan expressed interest in learning more Korean phrases and responses for interacting with people in public. Jihoon dutifully helped her with some phrases for common situation such as thanking someone, acknowledging somone, saying excuse me. But the one he taught her as a response if someone stared at her or bumped into her was not "excuse me" as she thought it was. Rather, he had just taught deavan to say " what the f@$& are you looking at? ". Hes just so playful and fun. I wish they were on more often. Deavan can annoy me a bit sometimes but i see them as a genuine couple who will do well in life but for now are just young and dumb as we all once were. I think he will be an good father that his kids will enjoy being with. Dracilla needs that. His playful nature will draw her closer to him and they will bond hopefully. But he will also make her behave as well. I hope jihoon and deavan can make it together because he does seem to be a good guy at heart. He has a lot of good.qualities. Plus his "whole family anal is so clean"!!
Just like some of the amsr that are out there. One lady made a video that got hundreds of thousans of views. She was eating a jar of crunchy pickles. That all. Crunch, crunch crunch, thats it. It wasnt even like she ate the pickles in a suggestive way. Nope, it was all about the crunch. The kim k thing is even weirder once i looked it. Some people say it was kim peeing on ray j because she pees on herself a lot when wearing spanks.Kim herself stated that about the spanks. RayJ and reggie bush both suggested that kims private areas were not pleasant to smell. Umm eww, i didnt want to know that. Serves me right for looking stuff up, dangit. I am sure the truly attention seeking people from this show will find their weird niche on social media and make a killing doing the stupidest things ever. There is a dang fetish and audience for the most unlikely things. Like farts. Some dudes really enjoy that. I have no idea how or why and you cant make me go find out while i am still traumatized from the stuff with kim. So it will be interesting to see how everyone deals with social media to launch themselves from this moment of brief fame on the show. I expect great things!! (Great things = drama, bs product sponsership, and such.)
There are 2 versions. It had been leaked and contained that scene of her being peed on. Kim was furious and threatened legal action and wanted the entire video to disappear. The company offered kim big money if she would agree to let them continue to sell the video. Well pimpmom kris, as kims manager, saw the $$$$ signs because she gets a cut of what kim makes. So she convinced kim to sign the papers. Part of agreement was that the peeing scene was removed from the video from any future copies of the movie so it was removed.
Many people would be shocked by the content that is monetized. A few people have channels that feature mentally ill morbidly obese ( 400 to 600+ lbs) people filming themselves gorging on huge meals called "mukbangs". I cannot understand how such a gross and abusive thing is allowed ( after all, would YouTube allow a drug addict to film himself shooting up drugs or allow someone cutting themselves online? Nope!). But for some reason, there are people who have a fetish about someone stuffing themselves with food and intentionally becoming morbidly obese and they are very devoted ( but also very perverted). That is beyond crazy to me. Especially since they have branded their youtube channel as a " weight loss journey" even though they have gained hundreds of pounds on their "journey". 2 of these female mukbangers (that i know of) have already developed prediabetes, huge mobility issues and other health problems but they wont stop gorging because they are food addicts and wont stop filming themselves doing it because they want the attention and money ( and are obviously mentally ill). Its crazy how people get famous and rich these days for no reason ( see kim Kardashian as example #1, getting famous off of a porn movie in which he was peed on). So many young people see social media like the gold rushers did back when gold was struck in California in the 1800s. Its their ticket to easy riches. They dont even need talent. All they need is drama and a whole lotta faking. But the competition is fierce to get that $$ and fame so having something to make them stand out among the crowd. One good tweet, IG pic or viral video is all it takes. A few people have died doing stupid, dangerous and ultimate deadly things while trying to get a good selfie or video to post online. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.... This is why i am so suspicious of anyone who signs up for these shows with a background of acting, singing, a product or business to promote trying to be an influencer ( hate that word!!!). Caesar had an agent and everything plus his boring story was " recreated", not filmed as it happened.. Tania and syngin are also a good example. They want someone to give them a free fancy camper to take off traveling ,post it on social media, get rich and never work again. To me, if they already have a social media career or are seeking a career of fame then they shouldnt be on the show because they have an agenda that overrides their alleged love of their significant other. Tom is a good example of that with his modeling. But i guess those types are great to cast in the show because they are primed and ready to get famous or go viral. They dont care if it is bad publicity or they look insane as long as people pay attention to them. They live for this stuff. Some have no talent at all except to broadcast their drama and dysfunction. Perfect example is that mess called " the family chantal" with pedro and chantel. What a freakin embarrassment of family dysfunction. But they will ride that flaming dumpster of dysfunction and drama down the highway of life like they are a person of importance riding a float in macys thanksgiving parade. So yeah, as you can see, that kind of stuff irks my soul.
Oh gosh no. YouTube and IG are full of people who make a competition ( and a living plus fame)out of being the sickest princess ever. Its crazy. They will turn one manageable illness into a lifetime of drama and keep adding new illnesses, complete with a billion hashtags. They will shamelessly hashtag stuff like #onychocryptosis #unguis incarnatus and act like it is a scary deal ( umm thats just the med terms for an ingrown toenail, lol. Sure sounds superscary and rare though, doesnt it.) I know whatever her name is does have a serious illness with the aplastic anemia but an attention seeker like her should never capitalize on using the illness for fame. The internet has created a whole new breed of people with "muchausen by internet". If you are already familiar with that term then you know what a train wreck that type of person is. Recently one one of these girls went so far that she ended up dying from her own stupidity. She kept insisting on keeping a gastric tube that she did NOT need. Refused to have it removed. Well she kept twisting it because she loved the attention from getting infections and complications. The tube herniated her intestines and by the time they discovered it, there was nothing to do but end of life care. She was completely septic and her intestines had died. She died a few hours later and was in her young 20s and had just bought a house with her husband. Heartbreakingly tragic and 100% preventable. Sorry for the offtopic rant but im still traumatized from having to do research on these girls for an article. The internet has been the devil for some people and they sell their soul just to get as many "likes" as possible, plus now they get money too from videos and patreon.