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Everything posted by deepfriedcake

  1. What to make Friday night even better? Then thank Eledgy for posting a new chapter! Variations in the Key of Luke - "Here, In My Arms" So, so good!
  2. Psst. Wanna read something really good? The Past in the Present, Chapter 5 by CoffeeDrinker Someone was obviously really busy over the long weekend, and we all get to reap the goodness!
  3. I'm in! I'm all in... Seriously, great idea! When's the posting deadline?
  4. I'm excited! One of my current favorite stories has been updated! The Ballad of Digger Stiles - Chapter 6 by Musical Redhead If you're not reading this one you're missing a really great story!
  5. Ready for some more good reading? Well, you're in luck! CoffeeDrinker has Chapter 4 up in her The Past in the Present story! Wonderful stuff!
  6. Virtual Gilmore Girls Wow, just seeing the names involved with this tremendous effort made me all teary. So many good memories! You saved me, ladies. I remember so distinctly reading the first episode. I was still so broken over the disaster of Season 6 and 7 and reading this virtual season made me whole again. I remember the excitement of Tuesday nights, coming home to read the next episode, and actually being able to visualize the action! Thank you a million times to all who were involved. Once Season 8 was over, I took the plunge into fanfiction reading and never looked back. If you haven't already read this, I can't recommend it highly enough!
  7. Here's a chance of a lifetime! You can tag along with Luke and Lorelai on their First Date!!! Make sure you let Eledgy know how much you loved it after you read it!
  8. By now you surely know that I have a weakness for stories that highlight secondary characters in the Gilmore world. This one is definitely worth a look -- it's about a young Sookie and her summer experience with Bung and Feldman! Radio Up, Windows Down by Bexish Since it doesn't feature Rory's twin and Tristan, it's sadly lacking reviews, even though it's tons better than a lot of the stuff I've glanced at recently. So if you feel so inclined, please go give her some love!
  9. I'd say I'm sorry for posting here so much recently -- but I'm not sorry at all! Because every time I post, it means some wonderful story has popped to the top of the list at FF! Today's marvelous title: From the Frying Pan Into the Fire -- And Out Again? Yes!!!! Fish Bag updated/completed her gorgeous, emotional story. Go read, and please let her know you loved it. She's a little nervous yet about posting, so we need to do all we can to encourage her.
  10. CoffeeDrinker is on fire! She's posted yet another treat for us today! So Bad I think this one will warm you up better than a cup of coffee any day...
  11. This news should make many people very happy. (Lulu, I'm looking at you!) Through some nail-biting trials and tribulations, CoffeeDrinker has updated her classic "It's Right There" to include the M-Rated content once available in the BWR version. So if you want to experience this fantastic story in all of its glory, please go check it out and let her know how much you appreciate the effort she put into restoring it. It's Right There Also, Musical Redhead has posted Chapter 3 of The Ballad of Digger Stiles. And Junienmomo, did you post a story too? Congratulations! It makes me so happy to welcome new writers into the fold! Knee Deep
  12. This is turning into quite a week! CoffeeDrinker has updated her story! Go read it -- there's plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy it before Nashville comes on! Remember to leave her a review, too! The Past in the Present -- Chapter 3
  13. Remember those Sunday nights of long ago, when Mags would treat us to a new chapter in one of her long-running sagas? Those were good days, weren't they? Well guess what.... She's back!!!!! Slip of the Tongue -- Partners Thank you, Mags! Welcome back!
  14. Aww, thanks, Gooey! I wondered what was going on yesterday afternoon, because I suddenly got notifications that 3 more people were following 'Year.' I'm going to chalk that up to you playing town crier for me! (And I'm pretty sure there are going to be 2 chapters in November, so your patience will be rewarded.)
  15. Musical Redhead has the second chapter up of The Ballad of Digger Stiles.
  16. One of the strongest moments for me takes place backstage during the Fiddler on the Roof performance. Both Luke and Lorelai are so affected by listening to "Do You Love Me?" Without any words, they're able to show how much they feel for each other and how devastated they are by the break-up. I'm always in a puddle on the floor by the time it's over. Another one occurs during Love, War and Snow, when Luke looks away from giving the reenactors their hot drinks and sees Lorelai walking with Max. My heart breaks for him every time.
  17. Goodness, you guys, go read this one! The Ballard of Digger Stiles by Musical Redhead I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable and definitely unique!
  18. Do you remember when Sunday night almost always meant there would be a couple of wonderful stories posted at BWR? Sigh. Those were the days, huh? But wait -- all is not lost! CoffeeDrinker has posted Chapter 2 of The Past in the Present for our reading pleasure. Also, Bigbagofweird is up to Chapter 5 in her story, Are You Still My Luke Danes?
  19. Dean? Dean had parents? Don't forget, Rory didn't even know his little sister until after they broke up the first time. HA!!! I can't stop laughing at this!
  20. I don't understand why they didn't just call this "Groundhog Day" and be done with it. This is a very pale imitation. Broadchurch was so mesmerizing because of the overpowering atmosphere evident in every shot. Gracepoint is merely a stand-in. I was curious to see it once, just to compare, but I see no reason to come back. It's already been done much better and I've already seen it.
  21. If anyone wants to feel nostalgic, go read CoffeeDrinker's new story, The Past in the Present. It will remind you of the glory days of BWR, when we were treated to stories of this caliber all the time. Please leave her a review and let her know how much you appreciate her crafting a story this good!
  22. Hey, I'm not tech-savvy enough to play, but I wanted to agree that the back of Max's head annoys me too. LOL!!! Thanks for the laugh!
  23. Going up a bit to the karaoke picture. As much as I detest all of Season 7, that one scene is pure gold. In fact, it rates as one of my favorite scenes from the entire series. Thanks for sharing it!
  24. Cute little story by I Know This Road, about Lane and Hep Alien, set a few years post-finale: Have You Heard About Hep Alien? Thanks for the pimp, Java!
  25. I always feel like I need to apologize when someone says my story made them cry, but thanks, Lulu! I'm glad you could feel what I wanted the story to convey. Thanks for being such a faithful reader!
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