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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. She didn’t have to be. If I didn’t say “ put it on” , I would have had 50 kids.
  2. He’s a sadist. He knew all along. Don’t tell me he’s going to rush to the airport and stop her from getting on the plane. She would be a fool. I never cared for her, but to send her off to Europe who knows where, then back to Ukraine is heartless. Either way, he’s a real DICK HEAD. We are in a Pandemic. Did he forget?
  3. Changing topic for a sec .. anyone know title of last nights episode of 90 day fiance?
  4. Hahahaha .. 2 or 3 weeks in and already there’s trouble. If they survive 2 or 3 years, then they will see what trouble means. You don’t know what or how a person is until you live with them. Could be great or bad or tolerable. At the rate they are going, it doesn’t look good. Marriage is hard when there’s love. I can’t imagine them.
  5. Right. So why don’t they just do that? It’s the sensible thing to do.
  6. They probably would, but production won’t allow it. They want the drama. We are all disagreeing, and that makes good t.v.
  7. Three weeks? That’s a vacation. He’s worried he won’t measure up. Poor guy. This show is just laughable. Here we all are arguing, and they are all laughing on the way to the bank. We are the fools. I think they all will get divorced either now or later.
  8. Yes .. He just might be. Also, she said she’s been around the block which makes him nervous he wouldn’t be enough for her?
  9. My favorite place to go .. Orlando. Can’t because of Covid. I’m very upset. 😞
  10. I was engaged to another before my husband, and to this day, he still brings it up and wants details. In fact, he used to spy on me walking to the train in the morning thinking maybe I was walking with the ex as we lived close to each other. That was his problem in his mind, not mine. I was a good girl, hahaha.
  11. Well, I wear a Micky Mouse shirt, so ...... I’m guilty too.
  12. Haley’s fiancé got someone else pregnant while engaged to her. Guess he didn’t love her that much.
  13. She sleeps with him, has sex, then throws him under the bus. What the hell? Makes him look inadequate. No wonder he’s disgusted. Then buys him clothes. Make up your mind Sister and stop pulling his chain. She’s the one that needs therapy. You can’t go around treating people this way. It is mean.
  14. Oh, so it was her. He got someone else pregnant while going with Haley? WOW. So maybe she doesn’t trust men and is taking it out on Jake? Interesting. So she could have a hang up too and maybe needs therapy. Still waters run deep.
  15. Ryan wore the same message shirt four times. Nobody said anything about him.
  16. Dare I ask if it was Haley who’s fiancé got another girl pregnant while they were engaged, or was it some other girl? There was something like that mentioned in the beginning, but I’m not sure if it was Haily. If it wasn’t, I apologize.
  17. I’ll bet many husbands would do the same if their wives kept disappearing without them. On a honeymoon no less. I’d like to see what she would say dare someone do that to her.
  18. They all knew it was rude that one husband wasn’t there, so they ran away from embarrasment.
  19. True. What some people don’t understand is that Jake has feelings too. Everything is about Haley. That’s 3 times Haily left Jake alone. When she went downstairs without him,on the plane she sat in a different seat for 5 hours, and when she went to see Paige. Three strikes you’re out. Any other guy would have blasted her too. They made fun of his clothes, his house, his neon lights, his choice of music, etc. Nobody has made fun of the other guys, except Chris. Their haircuts, their t- shirts, their drinking, etc.
  20. Yes. He saw it was all ridiculous. Jake could have went off on Haily when she gave him the shirts. You could see on his face that it was the wrong thing to do, but he went along with it to keep the peace. Haily thinks she’s more sophisticated than him, but he’s got it all over her. He let her have it after the plane situation straight out, and she was furious. Maybe no one ever put her in her place before? They should just come to an understanding to ride it out nicely for the remainder of the experiment. Btw, where are the “experts” during this time? Embarrassed?
  21. Well, there you go. I didn’t know that. Sure, that’s it. You know how guys think. Who talks about that in the first place? That’s a no no. Maybe he thinks she will blab to everyone when, how and where they finally did it.
  22. I don’t think he overreacted. He spoke his mind honestly. All she does is smirk with that fake smile and goes about her business. Furthermore, buying him clothes was a chop on him. It wasn’t a nice gesture on her part. He took that pretty well and even tried them on even when he knew what she meant. Did she do it out of the goodness of her heart? Hell, NO. That was a bad move on her part. She doesn’t like him, wants to get away from him, then buys him clothes. Doesn’t make sense.
  23. This show is not for the faint of heart. It’s cruel at times, if you want to get beaten up. It’s like a blind date, only there’s a marriage certificate.
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