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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Do you really think so? Seriously, I think she seems to have a big following. Does anyone know the stats? Maybe people like her craziness, the way she dresses and her attitude like she doesn’t give a shit about the way she eats, talks, and doesn’t care who likes her or not. Either they like her outspoken ways or not. I can’t figure it out. She doesn’t seem worried and looks confident to me. Last year she had the breakdown over Kelvin and the baby. What’s the reason now? About the cats. Don’t even tell me those cats are locked up in another room. That’s cruel. I want to see them while she is eating on t.v. Show us. She’s in the corner. She must hate that apartment I have a feeling. Having to take an elevator, no privacy with the paps on the street. She must miss Jersey. In Jersey, you can just hop in your car. You can’t in the City. You have to take a cab or someone has to pick you up. There’s paps all around, and you have to look good when you go out. No privacy.
  2. Tuesday. She’s on for 30 minutes today. Why does she have to eat her breakfast while talking? What does that mean, and why? Call me stupid, but I still don’t know these people she’s talking with or talking about. I’m not up to date on rap or anything pertaining to today’s music, or anything she’s sayin. Why doesn’t she just talk about things Housewives these days are interested in? She was interesting in the beginning with guests we knew and topics we knew about. Plus, I don’t get the clothes her audience wears. Like from another planet. Crazy.
  3. Here in N.Y., it was on all night with all of them from the beginning. At least MOST of them. Angela wasn’t there. Every week I say I’m not gonna watch because of all the commercials and not enough shown, but here I am again. Desperate. P.s. Anyone notice they’re not getting any more robo calls lately? I was getting on average four calls a day, but no more. Maybe the government put a stop?
  4. O.k. Then, they might be getting hefty support. The money has to be coming from somewhere. Plus, some poster said they live in Darcy’s fathers house.
  5. Get Yolanda off the screen. She’s annoying and wasting our time. Same shit, different day. We don’t believe her already.
  6. Thank you. He’s just one of so many who put their lives on the line every day, but this is just too much already, for everyone. It’s so unreal. ❤️
  7. I watched today for the first time in awhile. No eyelashes, crummy makeup and looks like she has a moustache. Something about her upper lip looked weird. I guess no makeup person is allowed. Then she said Nene called. Who cares. Nene is looking to drag Wendy into the Housewives for publicity? Wendy won’t have it. She’s been on the radio .. she’s not a housewife. That’s insulting. Poor Boof. He’s there probably all the time. Her fire alarm device was chirping for about a month. Can’t someone get on a chair and put a new battery in it? She had food on her plate again. She’s a foody for sure. There goes her weight. Norman is probably happy he’s not there with her. That’s why he is laughing. Guess Little Kev got out of school and went to theGrandmothers house in Florida.looks like she was on for about 15 minutes. Oh, and Wendy does not have the usual guests on for a long time like all the other talk show hosts have. I don’t know any one of them. She probably made enemies with all of them.
  8. Hmmm .. I never thought about that. I thought the dad thing was weird.
  9. Yep. BTW, where is Darcy getting all her money? It’s very expensive in Connecticut. Is her wardrobe all designer or fake? Between her shoes, makeup and doodads, it’s lot of money. It can’t be from her show only. Maybe her ex is still paying for the two girls? I can’t remember how old they are. Does anyone think she’s finished with this show? I think she may have had it already. It’s too exhausting to keep thin and pile on all that makeup all the time. She doesn’t even have the gift of gab either. She’s all facial expressions and appears dumb. All about looks and boobs. Tom was a shithead anyway.
  10. My son in law is a N.Y.C. Fireman. Besides going to fires, he is doing first responding also. CPR on virus victims. He comes home and sleeps in the basement with the dog like many of his co workers who either sleep in their cars or their basements. They all have wives and children they haven’t been near for weeks now. Doctors, nurses, Firemen, Cops. They all deserve a bonus from somewhere.
  11. Good bye Tom. Don’t let the door hit you in ass. Actor wannabe. I’m not crazy for Darcy, but that was a low blow from a supposidely “ gentleman”?
  12. I don’t see why she was recommended as I don’t see much of a personality with Leah so far. Time will tell I guess. With Bethenny, we sort of seen her life from nothing to somebody. From giving away cupcakes, she became a success. We saw all her highs and lows. Plus, I really think Dorinda is worse than people think Bethenny is. At least Bethenny was funny. Dorinda is not. She’s left before, she might come back. She’s hyper and can do ten things at once. You never know. Stranger things have happened.
  13. I don’t blame Rose for wanting to give her boy a better life. Where she lives is in shambles. God, we are so lucky.
  14. This has been going on since the beginning. Waste of time and just a filler. Darcy looks terrible. Gained weight, face bloated, lips overdone. She brought her suitcase for overnight hoping. Connecticut is only one hour away.
  15. Yeah, Usman really loves Lisa. Okaaaay, hahahaha.
  16. If the show just started here on the east coast, why is this thread on page 3 already? Did I miss something?Its Sunday nite at 8:15 pm. here.
  17. Geeze .. couldn’t baby luv Lisa at least dye her hair before going to Nigeria?
  18. Yes, Leah reminds me of a groopy, you’re right. She wants to act cool. Hate Bethenny or Love her, she was sharp as a tack and funny with her comebacks and thinking heads. I have a feeling she will be back maybe next year with a reality show of her own. I don’t believe she’s finished with reality t.v. forever. Ps. I meant groupy up there. Don’t know how to change it.
  19. Yep, and I want to see Red Scarf Guy, Rocco, Tom and all the guys they all have slept with at the Regency Bar. I also want to see LuAnn on the stage singing her three songs at the Cabaret in her Jovani gowns. Plus her house upstate. That’s all.
  20. Besides AA, there are a lot of things that shouldn’t been said or talked freely about. For instance, and I hate to say it, but “blow jobs”. I was mortified to hear that said on t.v., but that’s Bravo. I’m married a long time and never talked like that even with my close girlfriends. Unless I’m wrong .. I don’t know.
  21. I cannot STAND Denise Richards. All she talks about is sex, sex, sex. Where, how, how often (five times a day). See me in a few years Denise.
  22. Hmmm, let’s see. 1. OC Tamra and Vikie SCREAM more. 2. Sick of Vikie sayin “Whoop it up”, she’s too old to be on the bar screaming in Mexico every season. 3. Tamra’s whole family is boring. Tamra shows her boobs more than Sonja and Bethenny. 4. Vikie always rushes to the hospital for something. 5. I just can’t look at Vikie or Tamra anymore. 6. Don’t like “Brownstone”. I do like Shannon and Kelly. Just MY opinion, of course. I just feel N.Y. are real.
  23. Ramona has Lyme disease now. Hope it doesn’t get bad like Yolanda. She said she got a good prognosis.
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