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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Oh no. Another OC .. Another Tamra. A dildo in the kitchen? Lovely. What’s next .. Maxie pads? .. condoms? I just can’t. I liked Leah, but if she’s going to go in that direction, I won’t anymore as things will get real trashy. This show is unique. Keep it that way.
  2. One never knows with her. She might just clean herself thinking someone might rob something. She has so many treasures, you know. Like that Cheeze it box, haha. To each his own. Bet Big Kev used to clean. How ya doin Boof?
  3. I agree. I think she had too many irons in the fire and was all over the place. Then, the divorce, courts, changing apartments and decorating every ten minutes, filming, etc. Too much at once. Burning the candle at both ends. I still miss her one liners tho.
  4. I feel the same way. One minute I feel sorry, the next, when she comes at someone, I don’t. I think she has feelings and a good heart, but then she switches into a rude, know it all nasty person. For someone on t.v., she is very rude to her audience. I would be petrified to go on her show. She can be very rough.
  5. Cancelled ???? The 411 is she’s having a Special of her Life on Lifetime t.v. What the hell. Wonder if this is a new beginning or her demise. I don’t get it. Lol. Maybe retirement? I don’t know the stats. She has a following, but how much? Anyone here know?
  6. Dorinda is the anchor for everyone’s boat. Aren’t we all ? Most of us have children to put through college, houses to take care of, elderly parents to keep an eye on, do their bills, hospitalizations, have jobs, blah, blah, blah. Plus, what about single mothers who have to work to pay the bills, or just single women in general who have bills? Cry me a River.
  7. I miss her thinking heads also. “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! When Jill Zarin surprised them in Mexico with Bobby. Beth said she sounded like a horn. Nobody can beat her with the one liners. Sharp as a tack, you have to admit. Dorinda’s thinking heads are boring. They need a comedian desperately. I love the reruns.
  8. Oh, I didn’t know that. I wouldn’t sell it either. Nostalgic. The upkeep must be high. The Gardner and pool alone. The grounds are beautiful. I’d like to take a ride and see it, if the hubs is for it, now that there’s no golf, haha. He’s depressed. No sports, nothing.
  9. I’ll admit I curse .. I’ve cursed on here, but the last couple of years on these housewives shows, they are going to a new level talking about bj’s, vibrators, vaginas, happy endings (Denise Richards) and what not. Bethenny was the Queen of the bj word, even asking one man if he wanted one. That, I never talk about. It’s going too far already, but I think Andy loves when they talk like that. Especially on WWHL and the show. When my husband watches with me, he looks embarrassed. Sonja is the worst. Maybe I’m wrong .. I don’t know.
  10. Wow .. I can’t imagine pictures of all the rooms with the crazy colorings, the fish room and all her stuff she collects.
  11. Bethenny grew up on Long Island. Her real Father was a big shot Trainer of horses at the race track in Queens N.Y. not far from where she lived.
  12. O.k. Thanks. So, she’s probably in Chicago now. Good. I like her this season. She found her voice and is more verbal, especially with Dorinda. I loved how she stuck up for herself still remaining classy. Dorinda is not classy.
  13. I so New York Snobs. Can’t stand them, and I’m a New Yorker. Ramona bought that house years ago. It’s lovely, but I would rather have LuAnns house. Smaller, but cozy, and on the pond. The kids are all grown. What single woman needs all those rooms? Status .. Ramoaner is South of the Highway, and that’s very important to her. LuAnn is North of the highway in Sag Harbor I believe, which is lovely too. It’s a horror to get out there. You either have to get up 3 in the morning to beat the traffic or take a helicopter as some elites do from the city.
  14. Thanks. It seems like another Tamra running around naked. That will be upsetting if they go to that level. Not cool.
  15. Question: what’s with Tinsley? Does she still see Scott? Who is this other guy she’s talking about in Chicago with the kids? I’m confused.
  16. She lives in two places. Most people can only afford one. I don’t know if she rents or owns the apt in the city. Owns or rents. It’s very expensive. She’ll have to cut down somewhere. She could also live with John, but I doubt that.
  17. Stupid question, but, I’m wondering if she’s like that in real life or is it for the camera? I really don’t know how these shows work.
  18. I just love them. They are not afraid to look stupid, and that’s endearing to me anyhow. They still have confidence after looking like fools. No other franchise would subject themselves to looking like shit. They just don’t care. They are real.
  19. Oh yes. What amazes me is that all of these women live in the City where there are thousands of men floating around. Not one of them can meet a decent guy? Nobody wants a drunken floozy, and their clocks are ticking. They are petrified of winding up alone.
  20. I think they meant a fundraiser awhile back. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
  21. Right on. Her Halloween stuff needs a house of its own. Plus Christmas decorations, etc. Some people just need their comfort stuff around them. HerCity apartment is too small.
  22. A swing you hang on a tree? Outside? Maybe for kids when they come over. Or, a sex prop, lol.
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