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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Andrei’s family seems very nice. Too bad he’s not like the rest of them. He’s too bossy, arrogant and too sure of himself. It should be interesting when the two families meet. Fireworks !
  2. Am I on the right site? Why isn’t anyone talking about Angela? Hope I’m not spoiling anything, but Angela was more concerned about the possibility of not having children instead of having a cancer diagnose. Are the episodes different in parts of the country? I am in N.Y. I saw everything said on this thread except Angela. ??????? O.K. .. I just saw there was a premiere on June 29th. Why do they do that?
  3. Really? I don’t watch WWHL as he liquors them up so they spill the beans. At the Halloween party, Dorinda was acting up again, this time at Sonja and mostly Ramona. She never learns to keep her trap shut. She’s miserable that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and very jealous of all of them in one way or another. She told Tinsley she didn’t have to “ lie on her back” to get expensive shoes, but I’m sure she laid on her back for free dry cleaning and gowns from John and other things. Many women don’t have husbands or boyfriends to help with their bills, so why is she complaining? Many women don’t have Brownstone Manor either.
  4. “ you’re whacked out of your mind .. you look and sound ridiculous”. Thats Dorinda talking Tom Sonja. Plus, why did they. All circle around Ramona and tell her everything that is wrong with her? Why didn’t they all circle around Dorinda and tell her she was wrong when she was terrorizing Tinsley? Are they afraid of Dorinda? This all was said at the Halloween party, and only caught it the second time I watched. No one calls Dorinda out. She gets away with murder, and will do it again to her next victim. Ramona I think, maybe at her birthday party.
  5. Kids are normally embarrassed of their parents until they become parents themselves. Then they get it.
  6. No big deal .. no worries. I love everyone on this thread and respect everyone’s opinion. 😻🇺🇸
  7. Even tho Lisa is a slob, she’s colorful for t.v. and cracks me up. I’m also interested in Geoffrey and Varna. What’s she going to do on that farm? She wants the city lights and action. He’s in heaven .. two women want him, lol.
  8. Ha. They probably buy lots of wine and booze with their money as they are always drunk. They probably get their clothes for free. Speaking of .. La Contessa sure has a lot of sequin jackets and stuff. I have to put my sunglasses on when she comes on.
  9. OMG .. did everyone forget how vicious Dorinda was to Tinsley all season? And others in the past? You can’t go around saying those bad things to people and expect to be forgiven every time. Her tears don’t move me at all. I’ve never heard a woman cut up people like Dorinda does. Hanna was planted there to save Dorinda’s reputation. People must have written Bravo to get her off the show and rightly so.
  10. That wasn’t my post .. I answered to it with a joke. Anyhow, I never liked when any housewife talked about private parts either. Many of them are gross. They think it’s cool.
  11. That has to be the case. Hanna came out of nowhere specifically to have that scripted conversation.
  12. That would be good. I heard somewhere that Tamra from Orange County wanted to be a N.Y. Housewife. If that’s the case, Tommy Manzo would have to do two hits. That’s all we need, Dorinda and Tamra.
  13. So happy to hear you mention “men’s occasional mood swings”. Been there, heard that.
  14. From what I’ve seen, the only good looking guy on that show was Mario. And some young guy they all are falling over now. I forgot his name. He’s cute, but too young for them. Maybe the Countess will grab him. Lol.
  15. Ramona is making more of herself because she has a house in Southampton. She puts herself in the “socialite” category. Meanwhile, there are thousands of average homes in the Hamptons. Ramona is a T.V. Star who bought the house when it was affordable years ago just like all the other Housewives. She makes herself something she’s not.
  16. My daughter and I disagree on Leah. She’s on Twitter, Sm and all that stuff and said everyone loves Leah on the show. Maybe Leah’s generation. I don’t get it.
  17. That’s the irony of the whole thing. Dorinda still thinks she does nothing wrong, ever. She got more air time than anyone else, and more of her stupid sayings. I just knew she wouldn’t come back ashamed and apologetic. Is everyone afraid of her or what? I really think John gave her the boot because of her bad behavior.
  18. I watched for the second time this morning to hear everything. Dorinda with her speech setting her record straight about her bad behavior claiming she was right about everything and she’s a good person. What a laugh. She’s delusional and needs to go away to rehab. Ditsy Ramona, the only one who acted like a lady at the table and kept her cool and left. Sonja. Drunker by the minute and getting worse with her slurring and touching everyone inappropriately innocently. She looked ten years older last night. Countess LuAnn, isn’t a troublemaker, but will screw anything in pants, short or tall, but that’s her prerogative. At least she isn’t vicious. I miss Tinsley and Bethenny. At least we had laughs and a voice of reason. Last nights episode was a disaster. Leah, although beautiful, is a big mess. IMO. Everyone has an opinion, and I respect that. This was my favorite show on t.v., but no more and I’m so disappointed and embarrassed for my City. I know it’s only a show, but still.
  19. Don’t feel bad. Your kid is the norm. My grandkids 12 and 15 fall asleep with the phones still in their ears. My daughter is going nuts and taking all phones away at night. I’m wondering what the heck they are talking about.
  20. The woman must be poor. She drinks and stuffs everything down her throat to oblivion because it’s free. Probably stuffs her pocketbook for tomorrow too. What a slob.
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