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Everything posted by BunnyAndIvy

  1. I loved Bennett talking about how he’s not really sure if he knows how to flirt... he thinks flirting can be joking around. I totally cracked up at his comment, something along the lines of, “I don’t know, maybe I’ve been flirting with my guy friends too!” 😂 I adore him!
  2. Another Miles fan here! He just seems like such a good guy. Has anyone mentioned his father’s advice yet? Never heard that analogy before and absolutely loved it- marriage being like a bank account. Deposit more than you withdraw. Hoping Karen warms up to him and they are a success story!
  3. Has anyone mentioned the crockpot yet? I was cracking up that Austin ended up lugging that thing all around that (huge) house tour 😂
  4. I felt the show did a great job conveying a sense of dread throughout the entire episode. I was anxiously and nervously anticipating what was coming next almost the entire time. I’m wondering if the rift between Randall and Kevin has anything to do with next week’s previews. Randall was telling his therapist the family would have fallen apart if it wasn’t for him, and he didn’t seem to react well when she challenged him on that. I’m wondering if all of Randall’s resentment and repressed feelings (namely being the one to step up and help Rebecca after Jack’s death) really comes out in therapy. Maybe Randall references that in a conversation with Kevin and it goes south fast? We know Randall can say ugly things that he soon regrets saying (ex. the voicemail for Beth) Add me to the list of people who think there’s no way Mark is out of the picture. I’m wondering if that situation leads to a restraining order?
  5. I was kind of surprised when Keith said “I don’t think I’m ready to have a wife, and I don’t think you’re ready to be a wife.” I 100% agree that Iris is not ready, but I wonder why Keith feels that way about himself. I really adored him this season... even though he wasn’t always the best communicator or always open with his feelings, he just seems like a really good, kind person at the core and would make a great husband to the right woman. These 2 are so gorgeous and I initially was hoping they would have success. I felt Iris was so strikingly beautiful at the beginning of the show, but as time wore on and we saw more of her personality, her attractiveness really diminished for me. Also... did anyone see Iris’ new Instagram post... 🙄
  6. Was anyone else cracking up at the rest of the casts’ reactions while they were showing the footage of Beth flipping the coffee table?
  7. I’ve read through most posts so far and I don’t think anyone has commented yet on how quickly and almost gleefully Matt took those pictures off the fridge and tossed them in the trash?! He has been an ass the whole time, but there was something about that that was just so incredibly cold and sociopathic. I get maybe tossing pictures after an ended relationship in private, but to do so without a shred of care in front of Amber who he knew had feelings for him was like twisting the knife in the wound.
  8. Long time lurker, new poster here. I just have to say it dawned on me recently that with this new format with all couples living in the same apartment building, there seem to be minimal get togethers, at least shown on camera. And I’m a little surprised- I assumed everyone would very much be in each other’s business. I would love to see the girls’ reactions when Amber tells them Matt is never home or the men’s reactions to Jamie explaining that his wife is a materialistic c*** 😜 Side note: I live in Philly and saw AJ from last season in Dunkin Donuts on Friday! He was getting 2 cups of coffee. I also thought he was much better looking in person than on TV.
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