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  1. I assumed it was because Lady GaGa is Italian but I didn't get the joke.
  2. BC4ME

    S01.E10: 4:00 P.M.

    I saw this before and, like you, found it very intriguing. It goes to show that although it's basically scripted, the emotions are left to the actors to play out where the scene takes them. That adds an element of realism that you don't see with lessor actors and directors. Personally, when Santos asked Mel if she noticed anything different about Langton and she said he sweated a lot, I knew Santos was probably right.
  3. BC4ME

    S01.E10: 4:00 P.M.

    On another storyline, it occurred to me that it's well past school time now. A school shooting won't be happening during this shift unless it's some after school activity.
  4. Awesome work! Thank you. I feel like going back to see what the images were when the names from the previous two seasons were displayed. We already pretty much know the fate of the characters from those two seasons except for Belinda and Greg so far.
  5. Odd that Greg (Gary), of all people, has been the only one to appear in all three seasons so far. I wonder if that means anything.
  6. A few complaints about medical stuff, but wow this show gets it right on so many levels. Really fast paced but then slow when it needs to be. Like at the end with organ donor kid. I felt it.
  7. After all this discussion of Carrie's "horrible" hair, sure not feeling too good about my own hair today, that's for sure.
  8. It won't show up yet but they need baseline labs to show she didn't already have those things they're testing for that the patient might've given her. They'll test the patient then if the patient is clean they'll test again later to make sure they don''t have them but it's too early to detect. Then they'll probably test Garcia in two plus weeks again too just to be sure. (From the ex-wife of an infection disease doc in charge of such things who had to give out this advice frequently in the middle of the night. And also an old lab tech myself.) They may give preventative meds but they probably still need those baseline labs depending on the current protocol in that hospital.
  9. I think she is a narcissist. Some of them will go to unbelievable lengths to avoid being wrong. I have personal experience with this.
  10. Where are people seeing previews for next week? There's nothing on my Max through HULU but the episodes.
  11. I've had two hospital admissions in the last two months including a heart surgery last week and this show is making me cry so much it's so realistic and emotionally hard hitting. Plus, I used to work in the medical field and I understand what's happening. Unbelievable show. Really, Really good.
  12. Now there you go making me feel worse again lol. But you're right, actually. Those were some extreme close ups.
  13. Good luck to you!
  14. The funniest part is Matty Matheson (Neil Faks), actually is a chef and restaurant owner IRL. But I agree, I did not enjoy their parts this season. Especially the stupid, rapid-fire back and forths.
  15. Hey, that made me feel so much better about my own face seeing that!
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