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Rachel RSL

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Everything posted by Rachel RSL

  1. I could be wrong, maybe someone with a DVR can check, but I think Mickey said he worked in the oil fields/owned a wake boarding company (camp?) and I think Pete said he was a rafting guide.
  2. I disagree about not letting athletes run the Race. Everyone has some sort of skill set that, at some point, is going to give them an advantage. Mickey & Pete basically won the Race after jumping into 1st place at the rafting task. And Pete just happens to be a rafting guide. Hardly seems fair to the other teams but that's just how the Race works.
  3. My closed captioning said that it was Dave who got bleeped. (Who is Dave? Is he the guy who injured his shoulder?) Anyway, it said that Dave said "Fockers". I think it's safe to assume he said "Fuckers", maybe he said it to himself but the mics picked it up. Whoever did Audrey's eyebrows needs to be fired. They didn't do her any favours.
  4. I don't think they were pressured by anyone. As much as I disagree with what they consider to be "running a clean race", I was impressed with the fact that at least they're not hypocrites and practice what they preach. Personally, there's no way in Hell I'd have given them the clue. I really feel like Mickey & Pete are being given the winner's edit. They've mentioned the "so close to being in 1st" so many times, it definitely seems like they're setting them up to win when it counts. I definitely would have done the land Detour. GPS is so easy, I GPS myself everywhere.
  5. I know a few people mentioned in the episode thread that M & N come off as entitled but I'm just not seeing it. In fact, after their first non-1st place finish, they said something to Jon like: "We didn't expect to be in 1st for the entire Race so it's ok." (I'm paraphrasing but it was words to that effect.) That just doesn't reek of entitlement to me.
  6. Was that the season Chip & Kim won? (I don't really understand the question, to be honest. Heh.) are the seasons similar or something?
  7. Totally agree. I never have ill will towards any team that tries to win the Race by using every means within the rules. If they mean "clean Race" in the sense that they didn't use any of the advantages provided, then sure....go ahead and run that race. But I certainly don't think of it as "dirty" when a team does take advantage of them. Lord knows I would. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'd be a Jinder, pointing people in the wrong direction.
  8. *waves* Welcome! I was also impressed by Sukhi's badass memory skillz. She definitely dispels the notion that all pageant contestants are dumb. I actually don't dislike her & Jinder at all. They seem like nice people and they've been entertaining to watch. I just happen to like other teams better. I also give Rob (Ryan? I don't know.) credit for having the self-awareness to admit that he'd be annoyed too if a team was saved from elimination twice. Heh. In all fairness, I'm fairly confident he asked her about it because production knows what's happening during the Race and fills him in on what he should ask about. Also, I kind of think Mikk has one of those monotone voices and one of those faces that is just naturally kind of dour looking. I don't mean that as an insult, she's very pretty, I just mean, you know how some people's "neutral" face is more mad/sad than happy? Ugh! You know what I'm trying to say.
  9. But if I had been asked about it for an interview during TAR, I almost definitely would have given the same response.
  10. Wow. I underwent radiation treatment for a brain tumour a few months ago and, while I'm still battling it, the radiation treatment has helped stem the growth. The radiation treatment was also a fucking nightmare. And, since then, whenever I'm facing something difficult, I very often think: "If I could get through that, I can get through anything!" I certainly don't think that means I deserve to have my tumour start growing again. Guess I didn't learn the right lesson either?
  11. I always feel bad when there's a Detour option that nobody chooses. Those people were probably so excited to be part of TAR and then nobody showed up. Even though I'm firmly in the Nutmeg cheering section, I don't have a problem with what Sukhi & Jinder did, nor did I have a problem with it when the Frenchies did it. And I didn't get a sense there was any prolonged whining at the mat, they were just answering Jon's question. Plus, it's clear that these girls are SUPER competitive so of course they're going to be momentarily annoyed when they miss out on 1st place, even if it's not the final leg. I'm so sad to see Alain & Audrey go. They're so adorable! I loved Alain making fun of their bickering. "I love you. I hate you! I love you. I hate you!" Hee!
  12. My response to this is the same one I have whenever other shows complain about TAR always winning the Emmy: If you want to win, get better! There is absolutely nothing preventing other countries from investing more money in their teams, doing more training, scouting better players, etc. A country/team/tv show should never have to worry about being too good simply because others aren't.
  13. The heavy eyeliner could simply be because of Natalie's young age. She's only in her early 20s and I notice that a lot of young women around college age tend to go overboard on eyeliner. That being said, it doesn't bother me one iota.
  14. I'm so annoyed the bumbling, boring guys were saved by a NEL again! They seem like pleasant fellows and good for the one who kicked cancer's ass, but they really add nothing of interest to the show. Nude modeling with your sibling is just so icky. Agreed Sukhi, we're all glad you didn't choose one of the entwined poses!
  15. Yep! I've heard them use those names many times on the show. And I agree, if the girls can't win it all, I'd love to see it go to Alain & Audrey. I can't believe he carried that ring around for the whole race. I would have been terrified of losing it.
  16. Those aren't really insider nicknames, those are what they call each other on the ice and off most of the time. My boss still gets calls from his old teammates from 40 years ago and they all still call each other by their "hockey names". I noticed the wedding party taking pics too. Now they have a Jinder photobomb to complete their special day.
  17. Awwwwww Alain & Audrey <3 "Engaged" Hee! Yay hockey girls! I know some people are bored of them always coming in first but I love it! They're so badass! I'd be totally fine with them winning every leg including the final one. I cracked up when they asked if they could take some candy with them. That would totally be me. Why Mentos though? Are they big in France or something? I was a bit confused about the timing of the episode. How did Mickey and Pete finish in 3rd when they drove 2 hours out of their way? Or were they exaggerating when they said 2 hours? Did they not say that the food items had to be recited perfectly? Because I'm fairly certain Sukhi said "cafe" and not "cafe creme". I'm glad the U-Turn didn't cause Ryan & Rob to get eliminated because of that. Even though they're totally boring and I'll miss the Frenchies. I'm not excited about the nude modelling next week. I would hate that more than any other challenge.
  18. I really wanted to hear Rex give some explanation about his comments that they didn't quit and the show screwed them over but I guess maybe it was all bull to begin with or someone from the show gave him a smackdown. I like how James Duthie pointed out that all the teams were only bitter about the Express Pass because it wasn't given to them. It was cute how excited Cormac got over the jersey.
  19. I mentioned that a few weeks ago too. But I noticed that one of the previous greeters didn't do it so I thought: "Well, there goes that theory." Unless they just didn't show it. The Olympians are DEFINITELY good at hockey. Standing still and shooting at a target is definitely not the same as playing hockey. (That's the reason I hate when international tournament games are decided by a shoot out.) I wonder if Rex knew the greeter or if she was just a random dancer. I was thinking: "I bet that girl loses her shit when Rex walks in." That must have been a huge thrill for her!
  20. See, it's funny how people interpret things differently. I honestly didn't think their comments were neither "sneering" nor serious. It sounded more, to me, like something people say, joking around "They better give us the EP or else!". The twins haven't shown themselves to be malicious or mean-spirited, but they are former competitive athletes who want to win....I can't see them using the U-Turn purely out of spite.
  21. According to their bio on the CTV site: "Before becoming dedicated to their current roles, both brothers competed in high-level freestyle skiing. Michel gave up his dream of being a competitive skier so that Pierre could compete full time, as their family could not afford for both boys to be heavily involved in the sport. Pierre went on to become a member of the Canadian Freestyle Ski Association team and won the International Ski Federation (FIS) Moguls World Cup title in 1994." Wow! Young Rex looked a lot like young Elvis!
  22. I've actually never had the impression that they're villains. I've definitely never had the impression that they're a-holes. In fact, they seem like likable guys to me. *shrug* I still think Rex is kind of a douche because of his behaviour on Twitter but they sure do make me laugh while watching the show. And I absolutely LOVED how they quickly and unapologetically said no whenever Sukhi asked for help. (Ditto Audrey.) I very much appreciate the fact that this group of Racers seems to understand: RAAAAAAAACE!
  23. I think she was talking about the hockey girls using the Express Pass.
  24. Oh, they did well for sure. I just meant I hope it wasn't a mistake to use it now when there may come a time later when they really are struggling with a task. It's interesting to learn that an entire double u-turn was edited out. Usually we'd get a bunch of "Caution: U-Turn ahead!" drama when teams opened their clues but I guess they didn't bother since none of it mattered anyway.
  25. That was definitely a mistake. I stepped out of the room for a few minutes so I actually had hoped I'd missed the part where they decided NOT to use it. Hopefully it won't come back to bite them in the ass.
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