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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Aw thanks! Yes Ian told a story how the kids at gym class would throw rocks at him. Dani asked Ian what he did to deserve that.
  2. This is the clip Ian just told Nicole if he is evicted tomorrow he wishes he was never on the show...jeez you won 500k
  3. There is a clip floating that had him saying Davis is and he starts saying the n-word but stops after the first two letters. I haven't listened to it.
  4. I just rewatched BB14 and I thought they gave him an amazing edit. David has been mad about the whole Bay situation. Day seems to know about Dani's power must have been when feeds were down that Dani told her.
  5. Hmm.... Are they fake fighting? I feel like that's something both of them would do.
  6. Ian thinks Kevin/David are the reason he is going home and are flipping the house against him (yes I'm serious) while Dani nominated him as pawn.
  7. Memphis isnt a production favorite while Ian is so I would be surprised if Julie doesn't ask Memphis.
  8. Me either. Since Ian has said he doesn't want to be known for his autism!
  9. The coverage over the disgusting comments have made me uncomfortable because Ian said he doesn't want to be known as the autistic guy and I don't blame him. So all of those twitter people can shut it 🙂
  10. Ian thinks he is being evicted by accident Yeah I remember telling people he wasn't autistic because that's what he said BB14 post show and then night 2 he was telling people he was. Ian is going to be very bitter partly because he has no idea what is going on and he keeps blaming the wrong people.
  11. Ian just told Dani he's being ganged up on by shitty players. He really wants his white power card. I think he got diagnosed between 14 and this season. I remember post Big Brother 14 he told everyone he wasn't autistic.
  12. Xmas is finally telling Ian that she's leaning towards keeping Tyler. He thinks it is because Kevin and David are telling her too. Ian is so clueless....
  13. LOL Ian is bad mouthing Kevin for getting his information from a wall yeller.
  14. Knowing Xmas issues with race it's really unsettling to see Ian agreeing with all of her hate towards David. She already said she was going to tell him! GRR
  15. I would hope you would act a lot better than Ian is right now lol. Ian cares to much about Big Brother and his legacy to do that. At least in Jen's case she didn't give a fuck about the show and never watched it before she went on. Hell remember she was friends with Boogie and did a make out scene with Drew?
  16. Apparently they were given alcohol which Ian tried to blame it on and Kevin goes but Ian didn't drink last night. Honestly I think production wants to protect Ian because of the controversy that happened when people were saying shitty things about his autism.
  17. Apparently he put his fingers in Dani's face. I didn't believe it at first since the love triangle exaggerates, but with the way Ian has been acting all day I believe it now!
  18. It's really hard to watch. He was in the HOH not that long ago going over the votes with Dani saying how Cody and Coco are the base of his vote while Dani is just lying to him. It's also hard to watch because Nicole wants his friendship after the game. At this point she is humiliating him.
  19. Thanks. That makes sense. You could see his jaw clenching and the more he talked the angrier he was. We've been on stars for a bit now the last thing Ian said was this is why I was having a panic attack last week. So either Nicole after lying again is telling him the truth now or something else is going on.
  20. I agree. I think you really see people's true character in Big Brother when they are blindsided. Jesse was twistfucked more than anyone I couldn't stand him, but I gained a lot of respect for how he handled it. I really hope he leaves at this point. The tone that he using while talking about Kevin is scary. Also, Ian annoyed me back on BB14 when he self diagnosed himself with ADHD it's one of my biggest pet peeves when people self diagnose themselves with mental health disorders. As someone with ADHD it bothers me because people wouldn't do it with physical issues unless your Raven. For the record it bothered me when Kaysar did it this season with autism.
  21. It really says something when Memphis out of the white power alliance has been the nicest to Ian so far. Kevin has been nice too but Ian keeps talking super aggressive about Kevin and I HATE KEVIN.
  22. Also Cody and Nicole are super pissed at Dani for telling Day not to use the veto until the last minute.
  23. Memphis just told Ian that he will be voting him out. Nicole wants to tell Ian he is leaving because Kevin told Ian that the people closest to you are responsible for putting you up. Ian of course ran back to Nicole who denied it and now feels bad. Also Kevin is #1 enemy in the house. Ian now thinks his game over. He goes and tells Nicole and Cody who lie to him. This is getting really hard to watch. This is worse than Nicole Anthony with the way Ian is acting it wouldn't surprise me if he breaks something in the house.
  24. Ian thinks he has Cody and "coco's vote" and is bashing Kevin calling him a crazy person and stupid. Sadly Ian doesn't realize he is the one who is coming off as crazy and stupid. I'm over Ian's personal bashing of people. He did it to Kaysar and I feel like if someone had a disability he would personally bash them too.
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